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Kudos Thread

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  • Hano: for always being a good sport when Katie plays tricks on him

    Tamryn: For starting a game of Truth or Dare that let me deprive Hano of all dignity in front of six other players

    Jos'iah: for playing a unique character type and playing it very well

    Maximillian: For always being that little ray of sunshine no matter how dark it gets

    Cirion: For being my partner in one of the great love affairs I've seen on Sundren, ups and downs, fights, loving, and all the rest

    DM LH: For somehow creating an irrational fear response in me

    DM Mach: For the long talks on politics

    Dev Sean: For letting me beta test the pets

    Pyras: For playing a great Thayan

    Lauan: For mixing intimidation with humor

    Dogtooth: For asking a celestial for his registration papers. I almost fell out of my chair laughing
    Lately the only thing that keeps me from wishing for a worldwide disaster... is that it would probably interrupt my network connection

    Kathryn Blake - In the time between times anything is possible. Kathryn's Theme Song
    Sasha Mursadus - Does that hurt? No?... let me try a little harder then... Sasha's Theme Song

    Who is the person who will defend the defenseless?


    • Tamryn: For being an interesting character, when I do see her. Also for saving the romance between Katie and Cirion, that in itself was an amazing accomplishment.

      Kathryn: (Katie) For making Sundren very interesting for Cirion and helping Cirion out on multiple occasions. The everyday challenges Katie goes through are evident by how she acts. Basically she has done a great job creating a person whom seems to live and breath.

      Hano: For being a great character and for putting up with what Cirion says... Isn't that right "Magic Hands" or "Now all the men will be saying how Hano has the healing touch."

      Are'ean: For finally coming back, if only for a short time, and making Cirion come close to killing her, several times. If there was ever a person who had the chance to make Cirion fall, it would have been Are'ean.

      Jos'iah: For being an amazing mage, who was crucial to saving Katie. Plus, for being an amazingly great guy.

      Eira: For being Cirion's strangest friend, and just plain funny at times.

      Omnigalas: For being the Best Blackguard around, who also hisses. The hissing reminds me of a kitty... in full plate... and is highly dangerous.

      Vader: for being the best Fanatic in Sundren. For the kidnapping of Katie. For the Dual, where he tried to beat Cirion with two other men. Also for being an interesting character.

      I really hope I didn't forget anyone else... I'd be angry with myself, if I did.


      • Originally posted by Cirion View Post

        I really hope I didn't forget anyone else... I'd be angry with myself, if I did.
        Lucy Majer - "Squire of ???????"
        義 - 勇 - 仁 - 礼 - 誠 - 名誉「名譽 - 忠義

        "With a heart of steel riding on wings of thunder, we'll raise our sword of resolution high. With fangs of revenge and claws of hatred, we'll return to our golden age."


        • I'll give some Kudos around :P

          Jos'iah - Everytime he gets along with Lud is always fun, even being a long way between our levels

          Katie - She is always very kind to Kristal

          Cirion - This one is really funny with all those women, lol

          Jaina - She is the only person Lud cares about

          Erunno and Edghto - Because they are brazilians and now I don't feel so alone and ashamed of my mistakes

          Caelryth - This is the best char ever :P

          Staff Team - Wonderful work, when I grow up I want to be just like you

          Lauan - Cuz she is giving me the crips lately :P

          Yashia - She was a good friend to Lane

          ... well, I can't remember more than that at this time :P
          "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


          • Cirion - For being so patient with Jaina and his user.
            Elusa Myrn - Also, she is patient with Jaina and her deaths, and she is the queen of the crashes!
            Loric [I don't remember the full name] - For being a good wizard or sorcerer .
            Maximilian Gold - Good Lathander's Priest or Paladin
            Hano Fetten - For not slay Jaina on sight.
            - Same as Hano
            Lanemeyer - All his characters are fun and we help each other
            Phantomb Lamb - Thanks for the Blackguard Event
            Entropy DM - Thanks for the Redemption Event
            Caelryth - He is the same like when I had Ildoith.
            Jos'iah - Reliable ally on the battlefield
            Abbot Orland Proskus:
            He always have the components to resurrect her.
            Leckith - Reliable ally on the battlefield too.
            Uktar - He crashes often but he is good at the battlefield
            Omingalas - Don't block us with that skeleton T_____T
            Vader Kataklysm - It's good to have an evil who doesn't bullies low level chars.
            Chief Mossclaw: For the +1 Full Plate
            Tamdo Brief'Bear (the User) - Hang In there!
            Dogtooth - I like his sword
            Eira - Another who have patience on Jaina's deaths.

            Not Kudos for:
            Cartel Mages - I hate you guys!
            Lucy Majer - "Squire of ???????"
            義 - 勇 - 仁 - 礼 - 誠 - 名誉「名譽 - 忠義

            "With a heart of steel riding on wings of thunder, we'll raise our sword of resolution high. With fangs of revenge and claws of hatred, we'll return to our golden age."


            • I forgot a few

              Eira: For being one of the most complex characters I've ever RP'd with

              Yashia: For showing us all that things happen in RP that you don't expect and being an example of how to deal with them

              Kristal: For being so incredibly believable in an unbelievable way
              Lately the only thing that keeps me from wishing for a worldwide disaster... is that it would probably interrupt my network connection

              Kathryn Blake - In the time between times anything is possible. Kathryn's Theme Song
              Sasha Mursadus - Does that hurt? No?... let me try a little harder then... Sasha's Theme Song

              Who is the person who will defend the defenseless?


              • To those who have moved on. Many players are no longer here that were when I returned to Sundren. I miss you all.

                To the following.

                Logan the Foul: A great character and a perfect nemesis with respect to Sehron.

                Lauan: Sticking to your idea, even facing the consequences of other Players. To the Player of Lauan for being there when I needed to vent.

                Osclow: Brilliant, insightful, and unnoticed... as it should be.

                Qybox: The best played character on the server in my opinion.

                Serena: Up for a good arguement and damn good role play?

                Yashia: For the many hours of role play with Sehron.

                I wanted to say thanks to these people in particular. Some may have noticed that I haven't been on as late. I work outside all day and the heat takes it toll, and I am simply too tired to stay on later. My time will most likely get less and less as it gets hotter and my work load increases.

                See you guys when I see you.
                Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                If you're searching the lines for a point
                Well, you've probably missed it
                There was never anything there
                In the first place

                Wax Fang - Majestic


                • Omnigalas: This dude can take the worst and still stride with it. There aren't many evil PCs that are so open and bold to be evil when low level. He takes a lot of crap from the higher level Good PCs, but even then doesn't give up. He goes beyond the call of duty with his evil acts, even when faced with serious consequences, or not having many people to RP with him. Great all around so keep it up, bro!

                  Snow Hawk: For RPing a Samurai so damn well. It's almost frustrating, but I wouldn't enjoy it if everything was so easy. You're also the man that puts a lot of things into perspective for Hano when he gets lost in confusion with all the tasks at hand. Good job. (( Not going to mention all the awesome shit you give us being a DEV, only your RP for now. ))

                  Eira: For being able to get so close to Hano despite your background and God worshiping. Very interesting character and well developed. Even if Hano thinks that you're trying to stab him in the back, he secretly wants to believe you won't.

                  Tamryn: Oh wow, where to begin? Brains and brawns of the Triumvirate. A walking lore-machine with steel to back it up and then incredible RP to back THAT up. The best of all worlds and you brought something to the table I never considered OOC of attempting. Though, I blame LH mostly for that, you no doubt made it easy and enjoyable to get into.

                  Kathryn & Cirion: Despite the obnoxious relationship and cuddling done, you both have brought a lot to Sundren as far as characters. The care-free and loving couple looking to do good here in Sundren. Hano envies your abilities to be so care free, even if he wants to backhand both of you for not thinking things through before acting.

                  Pyras: Well played Thayan. Probably the best player to fill a Thayan's boots. You've managed to spice up a LOT of RP for a LOT of characters with Pyras and his assholery. Even if you're a jerk, you've given a lot of fun times with Pyras!

                  Lauan: For stomping on the hearts of your friends with good RP and becoming a Thayan Knight. If there was anyone suited for taking on this role, it is definitely you and you've proven that with your excellent RP.

                  Vader: For creating one hell of an awesome RP on your own whim with Katie. Despite Hano being a jerk to you IC and trying to thwart your efforts... OOC I think you're brilliant and should keep up the hard work. Thanks for the fun situation.

                  Dogtooth: Absolutely hilarious reaction to the Solar. I nearly choked to death on my coffee after reading that.

                  Logan the Foul: Definitely my favorite 'annoying' character on Sundren. Pisses of Hano, but OOC I always get good laughs out of your mischievous behavior.

                  DM Saulus: Richtor von Helsway is one of my favorite DM NPCs. Jesus Chris - You do a great job of RPing him! I'm disappointed I don't get to see much of him, but what I've seen, I really love it.

                  DM Machiavelli: For Osclow's business. There hasn't been many situations that REALLY upset Hano IC and OOC. You managed to get me good and I'm actually very impressed with this.

                  DM LH: Mestra and Tifton are awesome characters that I love RPing with, or just seeing them being RPed. You also do a fantastic job making sure that the few that are bold enough to make evil PCs aren't stomped on by over-zealous, over-geared, over-leveled PCs. OOC I was very thankful for the coterie that appeared at Omnigalas' side.

                  DM Taffy: Holy damn you have the most trippy events ever. Brain hurting, but so intense I can't help but beg for more. You seriously bring the Hands and the events you run to life.

                  --- Will be more later, but my brain hurts. ---
                  "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

                  Originally posted by DM Cornuto
                  Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


                  • DM entropy - always responds promptly to DM messages. Not that the others don't necessarily, entropy just happens to be the one who's on most frequently when I have a question
                    Avery Selino - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIP4Q_L5iCM
                    Davey Brinnerstaal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E3c-X86Y6o
                    Fregrin Ross - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPE9uSFFxrI

                    The songs have absolutely nothing to do with the characters. But they are awesome songs.


                    • Wow Lollercide, I'm actually very moved by your words. Thank you
                      Lately the only thing that keeps me from wishing for a worldwide disaster... is that it would probably interrupt my network connection

                      Kathryn Blake - In the time between times anything is possible. Kathryn's Theme Song
                      Sasha Mursadus - Does that hurt? No?... let me try a little harder then... Sasha's Theme Song

                      Who is the person who will defend the defenseless?


                      • Leckith - Reliable ally on the battlefield too.
                        Yay, someone noticed me ^_^ *wiggle dances*

                        On the subject though, kudos to:

                        Loric Derthur: For all the protections which have kept me alive in some sticky situations.

                        Yashia Jadysvarion: For some amazing RP, from ecstacy to heartbreak.

                        DM Machiavelli: For some brilliant mini-adventures and a custom item.

                        Cirion Relius: For some excellent (if slightly misguided) IC advice and reliably awesome RP.

                        DM Slanke: For some brilliant interractions with your awesome DM PCs, involving undead and potatoes

                        Lauan Tissle: For never recognising me from one interraction to the next

                        All the other players I didn't find time to mention: For immersing me in this world and capturing me, stopping me from being able to leave. Sundren has stolen my heart and I can't imagine not having you guys to de-stress and entertain me every day. Kudos
                        Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                        "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                        • I knew I would forget a few, so here they are:

                          Jaina: for being an interesting character that actually seeks redemption

                          Kristal: This character actually makes me smile, in real life, when i see how happy she is.

                          Varnz: Especially for his character change.. and for being highly reliable in a fight.


                          • Seems like it is National Kudos Month, so here's mine. My character interacts with all of your characters in a much different light than most would; many times I am exposed to only one side of the characters I encounter. Here's kudos to the few folks who I've had good experiences with despite that.

                            You've always been an excellent person to bear the role as the antithesis to my character's existence. You probably understand my character better than anyone else and your RP has reflected that. Although we are opposite forces destined to collide forcefully during our brief encounters, you and I have been able to successfully craft a RP structure that allows us to at least exchange some words. This allows character development and for interesting things to come to light. I also appreciate all the advice you've given me when asked.

                            Cirion: You have always stuck out from the other ones on your side of the fence through your personality which never ceases to anger my character! You are also one of the few who will draw swords on me and fight me like the paladin you are without having 10 friends around you (not that I hate those people <oh but I do>, but I think you understand the personal nature of conflict between two divine knights). You're also a good sport.

                            Tanne: You were an excellent sister and helped my character do things in places he wouldn't have otherwise been able to have an influence on. The type of Banenite you played was almost perfect for serving in a subservient role to my character. You provided company as well and I am going to miss you

                            Braghuru: All of the manifestations of your character have always provided great conversation and RP to my own. The witch is a wonderful character that has come into being and is one of the few my character can confide in to some degree.

                            Vader: I would rather prefer not to reveal anything OOC, but I trust you know why you're here. Also, I have always had good RP'ing experiences with you, and I still think it is great you have become a Stormlord and been able to cause some ruckus among the peoples.

                            Pyras: Although my character will most likely slaughter you the next time he sees you, I've always enjoyed your sharp and fast tongue. You are the only person on here that can actually exhaust me by the speed and depth of conversation alone! A very well played Thayan, and also the only person I've encountered who could build a conversation out of some of my character's finer features successfully.

                            DM Leaving Hope: Thanks for giving my character time and a wonderful environment to be a part of. Your assistance and support are much appreciated. And, like the foul one who posted some posts above me, I too greatly enjoy the characters you play, like Mestra and Ditus (Even though he backhanded me!).]

                            DM Saulus: Thanks for taking time to include my lonely character when you can in events that parallel the ones the rest of the folks go to. Appreciation is deep in this regard. I've always greatly enjoyed your RP'ing of Syran; a well played character with attention given to detail.

                            Snowhawk: Kudos for knocking my character down (and developing stuff)! I haven't had the chance of interacting with your character much, but something tells me my health is thankful for that!
                            Omnigalas Singul

                            Proud Owner of a Closed Greeting Thread


                            • This is my first post in this thread, but seeing as how I've been mentioned a few times, I figure I should yell back at all the people that have more than earned it. Forgive me, all of you who are left out though deserve mention. My memory isn't great.

                              Lauan: First and foremost, beyond all others, I have to give a shout out to Lauan, as a player and as a character. She is by no means the typical Thayan Knight, but also by no means unfitting for the job. She treads a fine line in that sense, and pulls it off with flying colors. No matter what anyone says about her being min-maxed, I can promise you that she plays her stats perfectly at all times, and constantly impresses me with how even a feeble mind can be RP'ed in an entertaining, believable, and enjoyable way. The way she is RP'ed, and the way her RP changes in relevance to what happens to her and how her character evolves puts her in my highest regard.

                              Omnigalas: In response to the pat on the back you gave me, I have to return a very similar one. The conversations with you always keep me on my toes, as rare as such conversations are. It pushes me to really think of something witty to say, as I am always put on the spot by the smart and testing remarks that you throw out first. My only complaint is that you could thump me if our conversations ever got beyond words, and my ego won't be appeased until the tables are turned. I look forward to it, lol.

                              Kathryn Blake: I really enjoy this character, as I believe she has a lot of depth. Very interesting, always fun to talk to, and always keeps me guessing as to what her motivations really are. This is another character that keeps Pyras on his toes, though in an entirely different way than Omnigalas. I both look forward to, and fear, Katie's next move in some of the affairs she is caught up with.

                              Hano Fetten: The most interesting Paladin I've ever seen. He knows his codes and oaths, knows where he stands, but also knows just how far he can push his boundaries without being in breach of any kind of Paladin rules. He is crafty, and if he has a decent wisdom score, he sure RP's it perfectly. The plots he seems to be caught up with, and the ones he willfully and strategically disregards, put me in awe at how they have so many pieces fall into place in such shocking ways.

                              Vader: You have balls.

                              Sariel de Terra: I can't really put my finger on it, but this is an enjoyable character. I really, really have no idea why, but I'm always entertained when around him. Even though that isn't really an incredible and mind-shattering thing to say, I hope it isn't taken as being underrated. Very few characters can be consistantly interesting at all times.

                              Loric Durther: Another character that I don't know why I like so much. I just always feel sly during our business transactions, and I always feel powerful when we rampage through stupidly difficult spawn-encounters. Veritas at level 7 FTW.

                              Leaving Hope: A big thanks to you for showing me the ropes of Sundren's Thayan Enclave, and being tolerant of the mistakes that I make every so often. An equal thanks for any and all punishment I recieve too, for said mistakes, as they're surely educational for me. You also do a great job at bringing the NPC's to life, and although I'd much prefer to throw a few blasts of force at Enchan's crotch, it's more fitting to thank you for how interactive he is, and how believable all of the conversations are.

                              Logan the Foul: I normally hate characters with accents because it's annoying to have to squint and understand the typing, but you pull it off just right. Nitpicking aside, Logan is a great character, and scares the hell out of me at times. I don't know why I seem to like that, but I do. So, Kudos.

                              Again, if there are others that I've forgotten, I apologize. I'll be sure to add more as my experience on Sundren continues.

                              To Mold a Mind:

                              "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."


                              • Huge freakin' stupidly large kudos to Chiangtao for THIS.

                                I thought it was perfect. It left me thinking "****, that's perfect."

                                That's how perfect it was. It was perfect. The picture, I mean.
                                Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                                Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.

