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Kudos Thread

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  • #91
    Kudos to Wyld Rose for the nice DM event.

    Kudos to Mad Jack Flynn for being a loveable pansy for one day and being a good sport about it, you were bucketloads of fun!

    Negative kudos for Karthus for taking advantage of the situation and killing him when he was heroically holding our rear and none of us were there to see it any longer, making Yashia feel sorry for Jack and giving Jack an excuse to say being good doesn't pay off! (Ego deflated now? No? Damn...)

    I demand alignment shifts for those two! *shakes fist*


    • #92
      Kudos to Kang for being very helpful OOCly. Thanks.


      • #93
        Kaeldorn is now banned from my thread, and Martigan raises one spot in my undefined ranking system.

        On the note of Jack dying though, Kudos to Draco as a player for handling the situation well. And to both him and Yashia for reversing roles for a day, and making me die of laughter on every line spoken. You two were great.
        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


        • #94
          Yay! I finally gots a kudos! Kudos back to Kaeldorn for Yashia, as she makes Jack even more fun, for she provides and endless source of debate and juxtaposition.

          Kudos to Kangleton for Karthus and clearly demonstrating to Jack what happens to nice people. Getting killed wasn't too bad, it's only fair considering an incident involving a paladin with a kick me sign on his back.

          On a possibly not entirely unrelated note, Kudos to Hano

          Lastly, kudos to whoever/whatever has the balls to take Jack's sword
          "Mad" Jack Flynn - "Godless wanderer"


          • #95
            Wish I was there for that event. Kudos to Karthus for exacting revenge in what I thought to be a funny way.
            Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

            Adeodatus Exitium -
            "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


            • #96
              Kudos to Hano for being kicked, beat, bludgeoned, burned, smacked, cut, blasted, and compromised of his sword at least five times a week, yet still coming back for more.

              You make my time on the server extremely entertaining
              Tis now the very witching time of night,
              When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
              Contagion to this world.


              • #97
                Yes, Hano is Sundrens main punching bag, I think. Kudos, I think Hano.


                • #98
                  Can someone give me a Kudos?

                  I feel so sad this weekend
                  "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                  • #99
                    I believe I gave you Kudos before, though I haven't seen you recently to give you a new one. But Kudos anyways, just for being wicked cool.
                    Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                    Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                    • Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
                      I believe I gave you Kudos before, though I haven't seen you recently to give you a new one. But Kudos anyways, just for being wicked cool.

                      I feel much better!

                      Kudos to you too again
                      "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                      • The 100+1th post will be dedicated to Braghuru the Ice Hag. From level 3 she has been a dedicated evil character. This is REALLY rare even amongst some of the best evil characters. Most people wait until they're level 15 to be hunted down constantly.

                        With that said she's also a very good sport and RPs really well and often both IG and on the forums. It's most definitely been difficult for her, as a low level, to maintain her character when there are constantly groups of level 15+ hunting her down (especially when she's alone).

                        She's also taken the few bits of meta-gaming that she occasionally receives from other PCs in stride and combats them really well by using IC RP. She also managed to integrate herself flawlessly to conflict with Snow Hawk, another really well played character. The list goes on and on. Next month she'll definitely receive my RPotM vote. Kudos, Braghuru, and the awesomeness you bring to Sundren.
                        "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

                        Originally posted by DM Cornuto
                        Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


                        • Kudos to Karthus (again) for the epic character twist and the philosophical and emotional discussion that came forth from it. It takes a lot to stand up to your former friends due to 'ideals', and still stand up for them at the same time. Has to be one of the best RP experiences I've ever had. Three thumbs up!


                          • Three thumbs now? Always one step ahead of me.
                            Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

                            Adeodatus Exitium -
                            "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


                            • I would like to give kudos to Kealdorn, for his RP writing has been quite refreshing to read while I am away.
                              Last edited by Gamling; 05-28-2008, 11:03 PM.
                              Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

                              Adeodatus Exitium -
                              "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


                              • I wanted to thank everyone involved in my first proper NWN2 event! Phantom Lamb for giving me advice on how not to look like a total noob, Hano, Pom, Tanne, Omnigalas and Sehron. Seriously kudos to you guys for putting up with me

