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Kudos Thread

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  • People are probably going to become annoyed with all the Posts I have place within this thread...

    But I have to Truly Thank Machiavelli.

    Machiavelli has been really understanding and has given much needed advice to me. He was willing to help out Cirion on several occasions and I fully understand why he was promoted to Senior DM, a while back. I actually can't thank this man enough, for all he has done to make Sundren a more enjoyable place for me and everyone else on Sundren.

    I thank All the Sundren Staff too, just Mach has really helped me out recently and I had to let everyone know how I thank him.


    • Kudos goes out to the following.....

      Cirion and Kathryn....For the lesson in defeat and test of faith from Talos.Plus being good sports with the madman Vader

      Pyras and Lauan....Getting him, before he got you....good job!!

      Omnigalas aka BANE MAN!!!! ....Omnigalas and Vader had a very good working relationship...Sometimes their short tempers would get in the way,but they never let it blind them to their ambitions

      Snow Hawk....Your understanding of the Talassan is very close,but still incomplete...Before his demise he greatly respected Snow Hawk..Enough to call him...friend

      Uktar and Larando....Much props to them for being completely dependable and awesome comrades altogether

      And all the DM's for being like"Damn this dude is a maniac!!" And always their patience with me as a character and player..Maybe this isnt the end of the Stormlord!!!
      "Feel the fervor growing,but the hate is stronger.My heart was whole with you,but the pain was mine."


      • Kudos to xeneize for the absolutely amazing images in this post: http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8527 Do you make those yourself?


        • Originally posted by Llew Hy View Post
          Kudos to xeneize for the absolutely amazing images in this post: http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8527 Do you make those yourself?
          I was thinking the same thing... Even if he didn't, his RP-style is fun and unique. I really enjoyed reading it.
          "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

          Originally posted by DM Cornuto
          Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


          • Kudos to Tamryn, whose character can make me cry in real life.

            And to LH, who's made the last few months I've had on Sundren the most meaningful in terms of story, character development, and all things good.

            To Sean, for all his hard work making this place unique.

            To Saulus, for having this place to begin with.

            And to all the people who talk to me. You know who you are.


            • Peridan: For the excellent entry on Erevan Ilesere (my personal fave deity) in the Wiki.
              I got one leg missin'
              How do I get around?

              One Leg Missin'
              Meet the Feebles


              • I thought I better give everyone a big high five for all the events and great RP I've encountered here at Sundren. This is my First server for NWN2 and I don't think I'll go anywhere! Unless you all force me to!
                Thanks Sundren!


                • My compliments to Kaldaris Kelenvale for a very, very interesting character that I just want to be around, if only to figure out the enigma. And on a related note, I would also like to compliment Logan for his discussion with Kaldaris, when he described his family lineage of were-turnips, which made me laugh pretty hard.

                  To Mold a Mind:

                  "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."


                  • I would like to give kudos to a few people, for making my playing time more enjoyable.

                    Pyras Demathos- Without Pyras, Lauan would never have been able to pursue the Thayan Knight. Playing with him has been nothing but enjoyable and rewarding. The brutality in his training sessions are what to be expected out of a red wizard. The methods of punishment and stive for total control over her mind are very creative and actualy made me laugh a couple times. All and all, Ithink you play an awesome red wizard.

                    Osclow wittenholm-I think Osclow is a very interesting character, to say the least. His efforts to Console Lauan as she pursues this path have had an effect on actions taken. It has also been very fun Role playing with you, in all of the funny, weird situations a Thayan Knight and a Bard could get in.

                    Vader-For being a good sport about getting ganked in the necropolis.

                    Carmella Brendt-For making me laugh my head off, along with Sariel and Saracen at the entrance to Aquor.

                    DM LH-For being a helpful DM when things got rough, or glitched up. I'm very thankful for the friendly help.

                    Sean-Also for helping me out, and trying to get to the bottom of the probelms that I seem to have.

                    DM Phantom Lamb- For an interesting quest we never got to finish due to us being stupid fighters, and getting killed by all the Cartel.

                    Kathyrn Blake-Katie is one of those characters who make me paranoid as to which side she really is on. I also enjoy the ferocity she has in business, rather than combat. I truly enjoy playing with this character.

                    Sehron- Sehron has made me laugh, and cry... because I was laughing too hard. I enjoy the Role playing we have together, as breif as it may be. The clever remarks and witty come backs makes me just want to follow him in stealth mode to see what he says.

                    There's lots of others, but I do not have the time to think it all out. So... yeah.
                    Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

                    Adeodatus Exitium -
                    "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


                    • Originally posted by darcane View Post
                      Uktar and Larando....Much props to them for being completely dependable and awesome comrades altogether
                      YES!!! I finally made it on the A list! Now if I can just shake Uktar, I'll be good! Sorry, bro

                      Kudos to all the good guys who watch me try and fail at my evil master plans, and the bad guys like Vader and Uktar who suffer the fall!

                      And double Kudos to people like Cirion, Kathryn, and Tamryn who suffer through my timely escapes...though I suppose nobody has really turned the heat on me because I have yet to pull off one of my evil plots! Not sure if that's or !

                      (By the way: the truly sad part is that I don't actually plan to fail when I start the plans...I just have the worst timing in the history of evil masterminds!)
                      Larando de'Kaun: Larando's history.
                      Originally posted by Gabryal
                      is it just me or is Larando kind of the Monty Python of villains? It seems that everything he tries doesn't just go wrong, but horribly so
                      Cazador: The marauding beast's heart.
                      "The Hunt must be clean. If disease or affliction is visited on hunters by a beast, clergy of Malar must do all they can to root out and exterminate the taint, that bloodlines and beasts in the wild remain always strong." -The gospel of Saernclaws


                      • Hano: I dunno. You're cool, and stuff. Was glad to have Karthus finally RP with you again, as short-lived as that
                        may have been.

                        Snow Hawk: I liked that whole "honor is for those with honor" bit, and the harsh tone that you set, which was very fitting considering Karthus' crimes.
                        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                        • I would like to thank the Players on this one. Both Kangleton and Gamling encouraged me to post more awhile back. I've started to take joy and pride in my post, and I would like to thank them both.

                          Thank you guys.

                          Oh, one other thing about your Veganism.

                          What one puts into his mouth isn't as important as what comes out, so enjoy your lettuce proudly.
                          Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                          Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                          If you're searching the lines for a point
                          Well, you've probably missed it
                          There was never anything there
                          In the first place

                          Wax Fang - Majestic


                          • Lauan: Gram grams and drank! I really enjoy your enigmatic character. Even though she is dumb as a soggy piece of bread you never really know what she'll do next...

                            Pyras: You do a Red Wizard so well! Anyone else will have a hard time stepping up...

                            Logan: Just about everything your character does makes me laugh. His accent, his actions---everything about Logan is just damn entertaining.

                            Braghuru: I really like your character concept and RP. She really creeps me out... and I like seeking her wise counsel to make you feel all powerful and stuff!

                            Osclow: You're witty and fun but don't get a lot of attention, but you do a lot of work and I appreciate more than I should. Sol wubs you.

                            Cirion: I make fun of you. A lot. But your character has a solid personality and is a womanizer. What's not to love?

                            Sehron: Something about you makes me hate you, but you do it so well it must be right... so keep on doing what you do!

                            Kathryn: You seemingly came out of nowhere and just started surprising me with your RP all over the place... just wow.

                            [DM] Taffy: Your RPs are always so intense and amazing. I lay awake at night dreaming of their awesomeness... reminding me of my old BG2 days. /swoon

                            [DEV] Sean: For being so kickass, and also for being patient with me.

                            [DM] Mach: You always leave opportunities for me to just wreak total havok. It is greatly appreciated and I enjoy humoring you whenever possible.

                            [DM] Saulus: For ignoring the shit out of me and shrugging off my irritable ways, not banning my whiny ass, hoho.

                            [DM] Entropy: We had some good RPs and you really surprised me a few times. I'm really, really looking forward to seeing more of your RPs.

                            [ Doesn't mention Hano or Tamryn since everyone is already kissing their rectums. Sol wubs you. ]
                            Sol Sunderkin - (Character Biography)


                            • Again I have to say I'm humbled by the number of people who appreciate my RP. I love you all
                              Lately the only thing that keeps me from wishing for a worldwide disaster... is that it would probably interrupt my network connection

                              Kathryn Blake - In the time between times anything is possible. Kathryn's Theme Song
                              Sasha Mursadus - Does that hurt? No?... let me try a little harder then... Sasha's Theme Song

                              Who is the person who will defend the defenseless?


                              • Sol Sunderkin: Your RP in regards to golems is fascinating. Even though I don't really know what the hell you're talking about, it's clear that you do, and you make it compelling. I'm actually stunned by your brilliant conceptualizing in regards to what makes golems work and what you can use as substitutions, and what not. I thuroughly enjoy hearing you lecture Pyras. You have a good wizardly presence.

                                Osclow Wiltenholm: I really appreciate you as being a hinderance in Pyras' vision for Lauan. It makes things a lot more interesting, and although Pyras might like to see you fall off a cliff and die, I'm hoping the conflict goes on a bit longer, just to keep things fresh and entertaining.

                                Hano Fetten: For always making me laugh.

                                The Team: Cirion, Kathryn, Lauan, Calowyn, and Osclow. I was really impressed and happy with how it turned out last night, making a player-run event with absolutely no DM assistance required. We fought our way up the mountain with organized, controlled tactics and commands, set up and performed a ritual, and worked towards an objective set forth only by players. Great stuff.

                                To Mold a Mind:

                                "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."

