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Kudos Thread

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  • #76
    Kudos to Slanke and Darcane for finding new and interesting ways for Wings to develop herself, to Vu (dunno who she's played by) for saving me, and to Lollercide for being a generally excellent RPer. Arguing with Sir Hano is fun!
    Pericles Redfoot


    • #77
      Kudos to Brak, for being an awesomely confused half-orc.

      Ps. yes, and to Jack and Mella for giving me the pleasure of RPing with them. Didn't know jack was such a good sport.
      Last edited by Gamling; 05-06-2008, 01:32 PM.
      Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

      Adeodatus Exitium -
      "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


      • #78
        Kudos to jgrymm for really studying up on his Rashemi character....I really need to re-vamp my own..seriously
        "Feel the fervor growing,but the hate is stronger.My heart was whole with you,but the pain was mine."


        • #79
          Major Kudos to Night Owl, Shalika, and Snow Hawk on the most amazing roleplay session I have had the honor of taking part in. Amazing job guys.

          I look forward to continuing this wicked web we weave
          Tis now the very witching time of night,
          When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
          Contagion to this world.


          • #80
            I honestly would like to give kudos to everyone involved with this server....without everyone that plays here and the awesome group of people that work hard all the time to make this possible.....it wouldn't be possible....Definitely the best server to play on and ive recommended it to others of similar interest.See everyone on friday in Sundren..
            "Feel the fervor growing,but the hate is stronger.My heart was whole with you,but the pain was mine."


            • #81
              Kudos to DM Wyld Rose for giving us a great first adventure. Good balance of RP, humor and action. Great work!
              • The Lovely Amber Rose
              • Niles Nilton, Professional Gardener
              • Abigail Fenn, Lady Dwarf of Citadel Felbarr


              • #82
                Yes, it was an excellent introduction to the server; I definitely will be playing here now. Thanks DM Wyld Rose (although the boar is sad he didn't get any goblin snacks I hear)!
                Omnigalas Singul

                Proud Owner of a Closed Greeting Thread


                • #83
                  Thanks, glad you enjoyed it
                  "Too much damn wind and not enough whiskey
                  Drives them ol' northern boys flat wild
                  And he many go to Hell or even Vancouver
                  He'll always be Alberta's child"
                  -Ian Tyson


                  • #84
                    Kudos to the Bard (forgot to catch the name) who entertained Logan at 4 Lanterns by playing dirty sea shanty's complete with scandalous lyrics.
                    ~~~ || Characters: Pythios Wyrmborn || ~~~


                    • #85
                      Kudos to DM Slanke (do I have the name right?), very fun and interesting rp'ing. My character loved the ending
                      Omnigalas Singul

                      Proud Owner of a Closed Greeting Thread


                      • #86
                        Big Kudos to Karthus for his awesomely roleplayed crazy high wisdom in philosophical discussions. Thumbs up!


                        • #87
                          Kudos to DM Wyld Rose for da big 'n evil Bridge Troll. Eh if that group was made up differently it would've been enjoyable to have fed you the elf haha.
                          Omnigalas Singul

                          Proud Owner of a Closed Greeting Thread


                          • #88
                            Agreed, another cool adventure from Wyld Rose. Thanks for a great balance of RP and combat.
                            • The Lovely Amber Rose
                            • Niles Nilton, Professional Gardener
                            • Abigail Fenn, Lady Dwarf of Citadel Felbarr


                            • #89
                              Wyld Rose obviously needs to be online when I am...
                              Pericles Redfoot


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Kaeldorn View Post
                                Big Kudos to Karthus for his awesomely roleplayed crazy high wisdom in philosophical discussions. Thumbs up!
                                Baha! My ego is being boosted. Kudos back at you Kaeldorn, especially in regards to your recent IC post. Very well done.

                                In fact, Kudos to pretty much everyone who writes on the forums. I'm normally impressed by all of it. Even those with english as a second language, or with imperfect grammar skills, still manage to pull off amazingly creative posts. It's great.
                                Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                                Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.

