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Kudos Thread

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  • Originally posted by Kaeldorn View Post
    It's probably time for another kudos post to many people, but I want to reserve this one for someone on particular.

    Sean, I'm not sure if you'll read this, but thanks for everything you've done to help make Sundren what it is today. Big kudos to you!

    "Who needs a plan when you've got an Axe!"
    Gael Ironhide

    Link to my GF's articles: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/pnmnp2


    • fifth!!
      Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
      Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
      Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)


      • Sixth
        Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


        • Seventh


          • 9thed it..Ya

            And I cant remember if I sent props out to these peeps or not ,but if I did here it goes again.

            Props to all the peeps that have been here for the last 6-8 months and those that have been here longer!!

            Props also go out to Sean aka Bane....Saulus for sticking with it!!....You Developer dudeskis. Slanke , my favorite Norwegian(sheeeetzrock).You DM Dudes.Where art thou?
            All my late night brosephs!! And all my daytime brosephs!!
            "Feel the fervor growing,but the hate is stronger.My heart was whole with you,but the pain was mine."


            • Zeroeth!

              I wrote him personally to thank him. He will be missed and well remembered for everything he has done.
              Last edited by nickbeat; 09-14-2008, 05:45 PM.
              Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
              Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
              Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


              • Kudos to Kepi, Nerana, and Graelyn. Interesting characters all-round, and a fun goblin raid. And Peri finally levelled up to 5, which is admittedly a boring level with no feats whatsoever - but meh. +13 HP is better than nothing.

                Anywho, thanks for a fun return to Sundren, I had a good time. Thanks also for the patience with my computer woes.
                Pericles Redfoot


                • Kudos to all the people who joined Pyras in the death area, and spent 30 minutes of their lives trying to accomplish something clearly impossible. Made me laugh.

                  To Mold a Mind:

                  "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."


                  • Uri,
                    That turd golem event was quite a change of pace! LOL. Kudos to everyone who was there!

                    And to you EPC's out there. I love you guys. You give me a reason and motivation to be a Legionnairre! *hugs EPCs of Sundren*
                    Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
                    Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
                    Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)


                    • Kudos to Phantom Lamb for managing conflicts between players and setting a great example by teaching us how to be good citizens.
                      Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                      Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                      Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                      • Yes, and KUDOS to Saulus for removing the thorn in our sides and resolving said conflicts.

                        Apologies for the "reminders." Although some of them were warranted, they were largely geared around getting this stupid conflict resolved.
                        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                        -Bill Maher


                        • Kudos to Cirion, Yashia and Cybil (and everybody else) for the wonderfull classic drama in the Triumvirate barracks today! That was exactly what i needed to keep me from deleting my chars


                          • *looks above*

                            I just wanted to say kudos to the staff of the server and the players I"ve meant so far for a few reasons.

                            1. I haven't seen this creative of server in a long while i.e. a good mish mash of feats and abilities; this place has a flavor all of it's own.

                            2. I enjoy playing in FR setting; and this place is blended very well with the lore and unique in it's own right.

                            3. Everyone I've meant so far has been great and the rp better than the last server I was on; everyones seems open to interacting with everyone else; i.e. no clicks and groups just sticking to the same old people, etc. which is one of the reasons I got fed up with the last server i was on.

                            4. The areas are very well done and thought out and the detail is great.

                            I'm hooked and see myself staying to play for a long while and look forward to exploring the world and getting to know everyones toons.
                            Favorite Quote:

                            As Clint stares down three Union men with perplexed looks on their faces as they realize who stands before them....

                            Josey Wales: Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

                            Jaelin Strider- Ranger from the other side o' the Spine.


                            • -DeuExMachina- for making me both laugh and scowl with your barbarian guy, Alfarin.

                              sborris (sp?) who entertained us and added to Naida's story as James Quill.

