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Kudos Thread

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  • Dang! Those Areas Are Beautiful!

    I just found the druid area for the first time tonight.

    The inner druid sanctuary is a beautifully done area, and the ranger outpost tree-forts are stunning.

    Well done!
    This is the best signature I could think of.


    • So here I was, back on Sundren after a leave. Running around on my own, all the old Whitepaw Members gone...not really fitting in with any of the other groups because of the Brak's IC attitudes and not really reconizing anyone. About the only thing unchanged was Logan ( thankfully).

      So growing a bit disheartened both IC and OOC, I log on deciding to give it one more go tonight.

      Seeing an old member of Whitepaw I send a desperate tell, a plea for help...for RP...for fun. Little expecting him to come up with something inspired on the spot.

      Thanks Chiangtao for coming up with a great plan to take Brak's IC displeasure with all the changes and twist it.

      And kudo's to all my new friends ( you know who you are) for giving Brak a purpose and some Brilliantly Evil Roleplay. Everyone was outstanding. I was too caught up to get all the names but you rocked and I thank you for the fun. You hooked me.

      And Saulus...thank you for not making me play in the armour of Shame. I was getting tells of " Bananna " every 5 seconds. It was enough to break an orc.


      • Orc!

        If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
        Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


        • Always had a blast RPing with Brak, I'm glad you found a spot for him and don't worry... Logan might be out of action for a bit, but I'll be around with your new friends.
          ~~~ || Characters: Pythios Wyrmborn || ~~~


          • Kudos to Mr. Supreme (DM) for his great amount of patience with the events involving my character (Gribbon Shorn)! He is an outstanding DM, and above all fun to play with. His DMing skills are wonderful as he adds a certain amount of intensity to the events that we did. My asshole was eating chunks out of my chair from the sheer intensity he incorporates to the events that I did with him.
            Gribbon Shorn - The Silver-Tongued Halfling.


            • Skull cleavers!!!

              kudos to all those involved in this character run faction. what an outstanding job incorporating newer players and making them feel important. not only that but the proficiency and timeliness of post and roster info and all round organization...great stuff. sundren is a much more "stout" place because of your efforts. you extra time is appreciated.

              kin forever!


              • Kudos to Hano, for his unfliching, unwavering, willful refusal to give in to any of Alyrian's requests. That is without a doubt what a real paladin would do.


                • Kudos to "Tits Ablaze" they are by far the best rockers to perform in Sundren.
                  Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                  • That wasn't genuine was it? I was rather disappointed to see DMs going with it as it was very immersion breaking for me. Especially since I have brought 3 friends over here and they became immediately skeptical from that event, I assured them that this isn't the usual case here.
                    Gribbon Shorn - The Silver-Tongued Halfling.


                    • I wasn't there when the 'show' took place, but had seen the characters before then and it wasn't all too serious. Just a few bored people opting for some comic relief and not something that happens on a regular basis, quite sure


                      • All people who like immersion are RP'ers.
                        All people who are RP'ers are nerds.
                        Therefore, all people who like immersion are nerds.

                        Eat logical syllogism, nerd!

                        I joke. People who break immersion should be castrated or something.
                        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                        • Stay ON TOPIC everyone. This is a KUDOS thread ONLY.
                          "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                          -Bill Maher


                          • Kudos to all Skullcleavers, I really like this clan and how they stand together to deal their things.

                            Remainds me of my group of friends in real life :P
                            "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                            • Kudos to [DM] Cornuto for being ever helpful for my events. Seriously. This guy is always around to support an event if I ever get a headache, and even has time to run his own events.

                              Kudos to those who were patient with me during my DMing lull.

                              Kudos to Alyrian for being one chaotic son of a bastard.

                              Kudos to Osclow Wiltenholm for manning up and joining a faction, despite the circumstances that lead to it.

                              Kudos to Tredonael for his Master of Many Forms RP.

                              Kudos to Mithrilia for overall good RP and a unique character concept. Also kudos to her for being an almost pure fighter build.
                              <Khassaki> HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!
                              <Judge-Mental> try pressing the the Caps Lock key
                              <Khassaki> O THANKS!!! ITS SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE NOW!!!!!!!
                              <Judge-Mental> f**k me


                              • why does this topic always make me hungry.

                                I need to create a gaming junk food called kudos.

                                hmm who to kudo....Dram for being intresting and making me laugh.

                                Logan for adding a twist to ashinets life and creating a new reason to live in fear.

                                Cybil for befreinding and crupting a crupt hafling.

                                Cirion for being a target to barbs and an unknown target for pain after leaving ashinet to a fate worse then death.

                                Alcander for being a nutty monk.

                                Dms for being intresting in plots, useful in help, and making skill points matter.
                                blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
                                Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
                                I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

                                Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong

