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Kudos Thread

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  • I'll second and third the above comments. Fantastic work guys.


    • yup yes and yessir...not maam!


      • I must join the celebration of the awesomeness of our staff! Skills were fixed too and I could make my character properly!
        I prepared Explosive Runes this morning.


        • Saulus for the drunk priest of Helm
          It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." - I Cor. 1:19


          • Kudos for Syne, Cybil and Ariel !

            Syne - For having acted acording to her PC and for enduring a hard task that goes against her will as a player I guess. I know how much its hard to suffer things we usualy wouldnt want for our PCs but she did it greatly tonight when she was arrested ! All in all I think it was a good event and you did very well ! congratzz

            Cybil - for always rocking my pants in RP and making Herger feel more crazy and frustrated lol

            Ariel - for the awesome rp also ! YOU are the one deserving that rper of the month =p

            no kudos for Lane this time cuase he abandoned me lol

            Hei Black Moon/Lee Senshun - Vigilantee/Retired Legion Alchemist
            Mira Armstrong - Aspiring Red Blade


            • Kudos to Herger for ranting on like a true fanatic! You just kept on and on. Even when Cybal asked you to calm down. I sure wanted to be in the City Watch when you were giving you account of things.

              Kudos to Syne for not running when she was given the chance (exploding tent)!
              Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


              • heh, I'd like to give her a Kudos for that too
                "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                • Kudos to Alcazar, Malclypse & Espada for intriguing new events.

                  Kudos to Plutarch for an extremely well-played character. =)


                  • Originally posted by wangxiuming View Post
                    new events.

                    Kudos to Plutarch for an extremely well-played character. =)
                    High Praise indeed coming from you Sir !! Kudo's right back at you for being a consistent thorn in almost every faction's side and a great character.

                    Kudo's to Machi for being Machi, good to see you around as a PC. Great Roleplayer's roll with what someone gives them and you do that so very well. Not to mention another consistent thorn.

                    CmOrge...thank god you're back !! I'm not a solo act anymore. Your story writing is amazing and I missed it.

                    Peridan for forging maybe the most unlikely alliance on the server, I love the long diatribes about life and the universe Plu puts you through and the fact that you just roll with it and occasionally work the little bastard back towards good.

                    A big thanks to Perin Perrigson and Baragonn d'locke for playing along with an ornery Nature's Warrior in cat form. The rain makes us all do crazy things !

                    Dm -Tome -I really dug that little event the other day for 2 reasons. 1) Sometimes the bad guys get the bad luck on the draw and 4 15+ level badass's stomp into an event. The bad guys didn't suddenly "acquire" a 18 lvl necromancer leader and his 3 lich allies and I really dug that. Combat obviously wasn't the main focus but its nice when not everything scales out of believability. 2) I did something with no benefit to myself and got caught and shifted towards good. Kudo's to you sir !!

                    Spread the love people, I know more cool stuff is going down on the server. Let's hear it or PL will Rickroll you again...


                    • Kudos to Peridan for being the biggest pain in the ass an evil character could ever hope for, and for dealing with every situation in a mature and level headed sort of way. I look forward to the day you're Mai'eth's arch nemesis

                      Also Kudos to Minoxen for helping me create the most awesomely fun evil duo I've played to date. You play evil so well you're inspiring.

                      Next Kudos to Equus for yet another well played nasty man. You fight against the tide of overwhelming good with uncanny determination!

                      Lastly, kudos to all characters who dare to play evil on the server. You're so necessary to keep the server alive!
                      Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                      "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                      • Kudos to the build team for the combat options!

                        I haven't had a chance to properly try them, but it's good to see grapple in-game. In PnP warriors have options they just do not have in standard NWN2.


                        • Kudos to DM Qinn, for providing Vigo a little humor as he waited to leave Sundren
                          " I found my inner child once, then Child Protective Services came and took him away"


                          • Kudos seconded for our new DM. So far I've seen him punting a pig, dropping a hammer over the rail of a ship and scratching himself likely due to a case of crabs!

                            The difference between a rogue and a hero often comes down to who tells the tale. – Danilo Thann describing Elaith Craulnober, in Dream Spheres

                            Avatar comes from a rather amusing web comic.


                            • Kudos to Saulus! You should wear an "S" on your chest.
                              Ru'umel Amakiir - Ranger of the Corps de Grace
                              Will Smither - Imbuer of some, Master of None...
                              Zelom Silverstar - Evangelistic singing elf
                              Originally posted by Machiavelli
                              "What in hells are you doin' with my chicken?"


                              • Kudos to Plutarch Fullgrin and his names for people. It is always fun trying to figure out just who you are talking about.

                                Kudos to Malcalypse for translating some of what Fullgrin was saying. It was an interesting and enlightening conversation.
                                Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows

