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Kudos Thread

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  • Kudos to Mr Brak/Captain Caveman for Fullgrin. I get a massive kick out of RPing with this guy, he's like some sort of ultraviolent pocket oracle. Woe betide all those foolish enough to underestimate or denigrate him!
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles


    • Kudo's to Dm Cornuto ( and Tome I think) for an event that had a very "Tomb of Horrors" feel to it last night. I love stuff like that. You have a nice touch with all things dark, Sir !!

      You obviously put some work into background and it's going to have some serious repercussions as we ( or more likely someone other my little social misfit ) works their way through it to what looks to be a bloody and nasty end.

      Kudo's to whoever designed the Dark Advent's underground lair we were warped into. This was my first time there, seriously scary feel to it.It's Badass, I wanted no part of it. I don't care how high level I am, it's seriously unsettling.


      • Kudos to DM Taff, for successfully setting up a wonderful event revolving around a well thought of story. Focusing on presentation, and with the combat involved serving as a minor supportive element only.

        Kudos also to Cirion, Cybil and Osclow for providing an enjoyable party and a rich atmosphere.


        • kudos to Dm Cornuto and his fellows for what i thought was an well run event at the thayan enclave.

          also kudos to saulus as the red wizard. with out his actions surrounding orlin i would never have gone to the thayan hoohaa.

          and last but not least a kudos and thankyou to brytrsward for the stellar example of what a good roleplayer is.


          • oh yeah and super kudos to kael for putting up with shifters and the never-ending nattering.


            • I have a Kudos for a small even that involved Caelryth, Lauan, and Fullgrin. I think the DM was Tome, and the event was great. It was well played and enjoyable.

              The run in with the Hands later that day was also fun.
              Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
              Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

              If you're searching the lines for a point
              Well, you've probably missed it
              There was never anything there
              In the first place

              Wax Fang - Majestic


              • kudos to DM Tome. you were everywhere at once tonight. thanks for the masterful storytelling.

                and kudos to lagnar thundercrest (kuscotopia) for being the best scout a druid could ask for.


                • Tome owns
                  Kudos for sure
                  "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                  • Kudos to Arawen for being simply adorable in the strange way.
                    Ariel for her work into writing so many songs and helping Evan sing them.
                    Bassman for putting up with everything we do to him.
                    And finally kudos to Cybil for having a higher heal skill than Evan, dame her.
                    EvanandaPriestess of joy.

                    Hold - Follower of the lady, any lady.



                    • I have to give Kudos to the following :
                      DM Tome: For taking a bad situation and working a story out of it.
                      Vanessa/bryter: For being so annoyingly good.
                      Cirion: For finding a way to always be in the middle of something.
                      Yashia: For switching your point of view 7 or 8 times in the middle of convorsations. Sometimes I almost thought you were gonna help, then others I knew I was dead meat.
                      " I found my inner child once, then Child Protective Services came and took him away"


                      • Kewdoes to Kaeldorn for the recent additions!

                        Wag of the Finger to Dan. He knows what he did...
                        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                        -Bill Maher


                        • Yashia: For switching your point of view 7 or 8 times in the middle of convorsations. Sometimes I almost thought you were gonna help, then others I knew I was dead meat.

                          She was most interested in that whatever was done was fair/just. She was ill-informed of what exactly Vigo did and thought it was largely unclear and based on assumption at first, hence she tried to be open-minded about it. But when he proudly admitted to using killing magic against a citizen of Sundren without him/her causing a truly life-threatening situation, then that's enough to fairly convict him of attempted murder. And such behaviour brought enough suspicion on Vigo's motives and ways to consider having him confined for the devil summoning as well - until those accounts are proven false. All subject to a fair trial of course. Either way, it was too dangerous to just let him walk without further investigation. It has already happened numerous times in her experience that the worst of the worst were brought back from the dead for 'rehabilitation' or 'redemption', only to be released and start wreaking havoc once more. Her idea is that if someone wants to redeem himself then he will actively need to make clear that he seeks it before getting a chance to do so. She's come to prefer being thorough and patient about guilt and innocence. What she was doing wasn't changing her opinion, but forming one out loud by stating her mind on various relevant points. That way she can get feedback from others and adjust her own personal judgement if she thinks it's needed

                          Anyhoo.. yeah, was a fun talk.


                          • Kudos to Uri. Because he begged me to.
                            Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

                            Adeodatus Exitium -
                            "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


                            • Pfft. Lies.
                              Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                              "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                              • Wag of the Finger to Dan. He knows what he did...
                                What'd I do now?
                                Originally posted by Saulus
                                Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.

