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Kudos Thread

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  • You know what? I think the DM's here are awesome, and put in tons of hard work that goes unappreciated. And I just want to shoot a kudos to them, and especially Tome.

    Seriously, he logs on for hours at a time running multiple events for people, and works his ass off every time he does. He really helps bring this server to life, and I want to say thank you.

    Not to say the other DM's are left out! I'm always amazed by their imagination and sight with the server events. But lately Tome has put in some hardcore hours, and I just wanted to give a shout out to him and the rest of the staff.
    Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
    Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

    [DM] Poltergeist :
    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


    • I'm going to have to mirror Peridan's words, here. Every time I've seen Tome on. Every single time, he is constantly doing something. He just doesn't stop. I see him stay on practically whole days, trying as best as one person can to get to everyone's needs.

      I found it especially amusing the day he did the number ticket system, "Calling number four... number four... number four?"

      Seriously, Tome, you work your ass off. And not just that, you do a great job with it too. Major kudos.


      • I'll say that most of the DMs on this server are the Best i have seen since EoE went down......and that was years ago.......they are helpful, they don't act like Dicks, and will answer questions if you have them.......so KUDOs to all of you DMs out there, I for one appreciate everything you have done to help my chars and answer all of my questions......even the really annoying ones.
        All is Fair in Love and RP ~ Mixicatia

        Player ID: Mixicatia

        Sari ~ Black Clad Sneak
        Anzhela Novikov ~ Follower of Bahamut
        Silana Flows ~ Pyro Red Wizard
        Mixicatia Underfoot ~ Circus Acrobat/Dancer
        Cytheria ~ Sexy Confused Blood Sucker
        Ashilan'ka ~ Natural Hot Head


        • Let's see... Kudos to;

          Celeste. For being how I imagine a diviner and follower of a God of Truth to be.

          Shea. For being a friendly and flirty halfling. A lot of creepy halflings about (No offense Logan, you know there's plenty of love there for you).

          All of Fezzik's characters. I think I've RPed with about 4 of them, and each was a different experience.

          Aerick. I just like this character and hope him and Falrenn can get some more RP time.

          Baragorn. For guarding the wagon and being there for a conversation.

          Machi. You son of a bitch, you know what you did! Machi and I joined as players about the same time a few years ago. When not much is going on, we have some pretty in depth discussions.

          To all the older Players whom I've played with over the years.
          Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
          Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

          If you're searching the lines for a point
          Well, you've probably missed it
          There was never anything there
          In the first place

          Wax Fang - Majestic


          • Bah, I'm horrible with names right now for some reason but . . .

            Kudos to the group that Nerrie encountered in the Spittlefist Caves last night. That was pretty fun and no one got killed! Yay!

            And to the folks who took Malinda on her first official adventure into those same caves it was fun.


            • Kudos to Rodon The (insert something new each time) for pulling a new rime, tune or saying out of nowhere every time I see him.
              EvanandaPriestess of joy.

              Hold - Follower of the lady, any lady.



              • Kudos to Tome, as people already said, he is always doing something, not to mation the conversation between Clerk Jones, the Watchmaster, Andy, Rastie and Riva. That was very funny.

                Also kudos to Riva for being so bloody annoying, which led us to a great RP!
                Last edited by Lanemeyer; 09-22-2009, 01:51 PM.
                "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                • kudos to dryn, shae, and hal. that was THE most efficient and creative crew that I have ever worked with. really stellar!


                  • Kudos to Hei, Baragorn and Andy for the nice RP night ^^


                    • Also thank DM QA for fascillitating it.


                      • Hey, more Kudos to spread around!!

                        Kudos back to Crimson-Light and his char Octylus

                        Kudos to Almight Red and his char Barg

                        Kudos to TCAT and his char Hei (Lee)

                        and a big fat Kudos to DM QA, now I know he/she doesn't hate me

                        Very nice RP time we had. Well, at least for me, I had much fun
                        "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                        • one word: GUDNAR.... kudos


                          • Mention to Harik Krows for trying to resolve the mysteries of Grukk's eyes
                            Mention to Ariel for being epic in her RP with Grukk ^^ (and to Evananda by the way too)
                            Mention to Arawen for playing her character's repulsive ways on Half-Orcs


                            • Huge Kudos go out to Cornuto for his DM event last night, involving Baragorn, Pericles, and Antilomar.

                              It was entirely surreal, bizarre, and hilarious. Some of the most glorious dialogue I've seen. The rant from the barkeep about his boat was just awesome. "Everyone else will drown when my kegs break, and I'll be floating in my boat upon a sea of alcohol!"

                              And the solar, hahaha. "AWAY!" Perfect, man, just perfect. Such a great time. Thanks again, and best dream ever.

                              Big kudos to Pericles, too. Some of his dialogue had me rolling with laughter. "Can you remember just two? Or one is better." "Two sounds good." "Alright, deal!"


                              • Kudos to.. and in no particular order

                                Arawen ((for spending so much time with Silver))
                                Baragorn ((for making Silver think about his morality))
                                Grukk ((i'll get that helmet off you eventually :P))
                                Cirion ((for somehow making silver think he
                                Yashia ((for helping Silver pick which flowers he should get))
                                Syne ((For being Hariks favorite Hin))

                                And others i cant remember but should you know who you are *grins evily*
                                LINK <-- This song scares me, make sure you have sound...

