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Kudos Thread

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  • Kudos to Neb for tolerating an interference, allowing me to play my character, and understanding that sometimes, staying true to RP means making bad decisions.


    Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
    - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
    - Back on the Street

    Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
    - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


    • Kudos to Maevan for the awesom work on Sestra!
      "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
      -Bill Maher


      • kudos to those helping orlin through some tough times.

        to maia for talkin' a very frustrated dwarf out of doin' something rash.
        to the cleavers for maintaining positive outlooks.
        to tamurthelame for additional moral support.

        and most especially to DUNE!


        • Major Kudos to Maevan for the map, and playing an awesome character.

          In addition Kudos to everyone who participate in the creation of conflict.
          Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


          • Um, yeah. I don't hand out kudos often, but this deserves it.

            Kudos to DM Cornuto for throwing a 7 hour long event that rocked my pants off. Almost literally. Honestly, I have no idea how you set this stuff up, or even think of it.

            Also kudos go out to Lauan and Os for being the dysfunctional couple I always knew they should have been. And a huge one to Maia, for being the most selfless player I've ever met.

            And to Neb for his Silent Hill-like cave.

            But Cornuto? You're the fuckin' man.
            Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
            Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

            [DM] Poltergeist :
            If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


            • kudos to neb! like i said in chat while the server was in reset... you are doing an amazing job bring new life to old areas.

              also lulus one and three. very creative well done.


              • Originally posted by Peridan View Post

                Also kudos go out to Lauan and Os for being the dysfunctional couple I always knew they should have been
                Wait, WHAT???
                Annaleen Wiltenholm-There's always something to smile about.
                Chani Kalera- Intimidation is the new diplomacy. *looms*
                Eleanor "Bloody Elle" Lark - Why is the rum always gone?
                Yolanda Brown - If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is going to suck.
                Astrid Hammerhand - Och!


                • Kudos to DM Neb for spectacular low-level, late-night action.

                  Also, Kudos to Jonathan Prowler (Dezra), Issachar Serra (Orias), and Cain (Hasher) who were there for the long-haul, and who (along with my new character Senestan a.k.a "Stan"), comprise the boringly-named group of "Cain, Issac, John, and Stan."


                  Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
                  - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
                  - Back on the Street

                  Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
                  - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


                  • Kudos to Johnathan Prowler and Issachar Serra for allowing whoever crossed paths with your RP to allow them to stay in your RP. It is truly a beautiful sight when there are no cliques forming. Kudos to everyone else too who try their best to roam abroad with people not in your usual groups - especially with the sole purpose of keeping cliques at bay <3


                    • Kudos to all the DM's and a BIG one to Kaeldorn!
                      "I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."-Winston Churchill

                      "A warrior is measured in sacrifice beyond death for he who rises not once but twice shall offer all those nearby you pay the price" Banite Hero

                      http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/126/rwee.png <-- New home.

                      Ju'eir- http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6286/sdfsdf.png
                      The power of the hunt.


                      • Kudos to the staff for fixing the Journal Entries and the murderous NPCs.
                        Anorith Imyn A young elven girl with a thirst of blood and power.
                        -Exigo Syndicate: Rank 1
                        -Watchful Sister: Rank 1
                        -Dragon Blood: 100% Completed
                        - Done -


                        • Harik Krows - I had a really great sit down in the rangers rest and chatted for ages completely ICly. Really down to earth stuff, even though it was just pretend, it felt almost real.
                          If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
                          Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


                          • Kudos to:

                            DM Nebulos - for running late night events
                            Amenia - Harik wouldnt be what he is today without her
                            Corvus - for being awsome and providing good RP
                            DM Urithand - for helping Harik and his "problem"
                            Clive - his subtle ways of achieving what he wants
                            Anorith - providing great RP
                            Elusa - for late night RP instead of lining her pockets with gold
                            I'Mocath (sorry for spelling) - awsome talk with Harik at the Rangers nest

                            and to anyone else ive missed out
                            LINK <-- This song scares me, make sure you have sound...


                            • Kudos to the DM's for continued efforts to keep us all entertained despite difficult individuals and painful lag/connection issues that affect them especially.

                              And kudos to the wolf tribe for cultural conflict


                              • Kudos to Vaelek, played out his characters harsh history really really well
                                LINK <-- This song scares me, make sure you have sound...

