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Kudos Thread

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  • Kudos to Atmosphere & Philosophy, Dain, Priya, The hin twins and their dwarfy accomplice.

    Random acts of hooliganism turned into a hoot.
    ~~~ || Characters: Pythios Wyrmborn || ~~~


    • Originally posted by Vaelek View Post
      Kudos to DM Atmosphere,

      Both helpful and epic with the brief bit of RP we had back there!
      Agreed 110%. Probably the most engaging and fun RP I have had in a while. Thanks for the fun
      Ursus Ahrahl: Vengeful Desert Warrior (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ursus_Ahrahl)
      Zaphram Babblerocks: Silly Gnome Tinkerer
      Ronon Darkholme: Eye and ear of the Night Watch of Kelemvor's Eternal Order (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...onon_Darkholme)
      Jakomyn Moriarty: Misunderstood Calishite mage (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jakomyn_Moriarty)
      Turin Greyhold: Ex-mercenary paladin of Torm (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...reyhold,_Turin)
      Alexandros Pentacost: 1/2 Orc Cleric of the Red Knight
      "Remember, Private..Friendly Fire is not a nice warm place you and your hippy buddies sit around at night toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya." --Me to one of my troops way back when


      • Kudos to all I have had the pleasure to RP with on Will since his return. Also Kudos to the new DMs doing a great job and running great stuff!


        • Kudos to Kharn Brokenanvil for the little confrontation earlier today!

          Great bit of RP all around, really enjoyed it~
          "Sir, we're surrounded!" "Excellent! Now we can attack in any direction."


          • Originally posted by Vaelek View Post
            Kudos to Kharn Brokenanvil for the little confrontation earlier today!

            Great bit of RP all around, really enjoyed it~
            Little confrontation? *crys*
            Likewise to you really great RP....
            Choose your destiny,test your might,be a dwarf.

            Chuck Norris can believe its not butter.

            "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989


            • Kudos to all those who fought the Ogres, and troll. Was fun.


              • kudos to roguethree and lothoir. that final confrontation outside the temple last night was great what with dain sticking to his guns as a hardass paladin, and jon leaning against the wall, looking uncomfortable.
                Aggribayl Blakfyre - The man known as Bayl, aka Little Red Riding Hood, aka The Shield, aka Mr. Leaving, aka Kyle Rendell
                Cryok, Son of Frigiss - aka Fross-Choppa
                The Kegfists - Dwarven brothers likely to die under eachothers' axes
                Jarvis P. Bloggins III - Gnome with a Long Title
                (And too many more to bother listing)


                • Massive kudos to Illinicker Atra for some excellent fun RP tonight, top notch! Well played good sir, well played
                  Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                  "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                  • Lots of Kudos to Dain Thornbrook. He's proven to consistently offer spectacularly enjoyable RP without fail. Thanks a bunch!

                    Priya Sera. I haven't had a ton of RP with you, yet, but what I have had was excellent. I look forward to more encounters.

                    Kyle Rendel. Your short encounter when Dain and Secalia were speaking was a riot. Your RP was even the catalyst for some comical RP following your departure. I honestly was laughing at my desk. Great stuff.


                    • Just wanted to say thanks and kudos to everyone who took part in uncovering Illinicker's story
                      Aggribayl Blakfyre - The man known as Bayl, aka Little Red Riding Hood, aka The Shield, aka Mr. Leaving, aka Kyle Rendell
                      Cryok, Son of Frigiss - aka Fross-Choppa
                      The Kegfists - Dwarven brothers likely to die under eachothers' axes
                      Jarvis P. Bloggins III - Gnome with a Long Title
                      (And too many more to bother listing)


                      • Kudos to Brunus, DM Philosopher, and Ordin for a fun event that led into the elemental plane of Earth.


                        • Big shout out to Philosopher for running a great event today and all those who participated: Ash, Nati, Melissa and Melody...I got to say some great Rp fun and adventure...Even tho some of you had no idea what was going on you can rest assured i did Thanks heaps guys had a load of fun *bows*
                          Choose your destiny,test your might,be a dwarf.

                          Chuck Norris can believe its not butter.

                          "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989


                          • I meant to do this yester-diddy...

                            Props to the crew that ran the Hills with Lance last night:

                            Murin Stouthammer, for not being that guy, and sharing his dwarven home-brew.

                            Thoria Gemaxe, for not dating guys who's waist she can barely reach, and sticking to the back lines.

                            Arctura Sendala, for being creepy and snide (but mostly creepy).

                            The Hin whose Name I can't Recall, for driving the short bus and reminding us all to wear our safety helmets.


                            Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
                            - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
                            - Back on the Street

                            Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
                            - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


                            • Mad props and kudos to I'Indil. That kind of casual cruelty is sorely lacking in RP's I've experienced.


                              Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
                              - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
                              - Back on the Street

                              Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
                              - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


                              • Sorry, I’m not always good about giving kudo’s where they are due…

                                Kudo’s to the DM that add the voice to the Orc’s Yodglum was purifying. It was fun and unexpected. Love the little things!

                                Kudo’s to Kharn for including Ash on his venture… not sure what is was about but enjoyed the time RPing with you (again).

                                Kudo’s to Evan for a night of stimulating RPing.

                                And Kudo’s for all those I forgot to mention that helps make Sundren such a fun place to waste my life on.
                                Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                                Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                                Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                                Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                                Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same

