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Kudos Thread

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  • Kudos to Cornuto for using his DM powers to become the library of Sundren. Truly, he has many forms...
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles


    • Cornuto can be anywhere...
      Last edited by Cornuto; 10-16-2009, 10:31 AM.
      Originally posted by Saulus
      Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.


      • Kudos to our new DM Usurper

        Mega Kudos to our new DM Usurper who made for a very fun evening in game.
        I was fortunate enough to get to be involved in two of DM Usurper's events. Both gave us hours of fabulous RP and both will last into the days to come.

        Thanks so much, You rocked on your first night!

        Aniel, Kara, and Balin


        • I'd like to give some Kudos to you, the players, for all the fun stuff we've done so far, for not getting all upset when I've tormented you, kidnapped you, murdered you, tried to hang you and for generally being a top-notch community.


          Now, carry on.
          It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
          Sydney Smith.


          • Thanks to QA for doing a rather long, five hour event, and he stuck through the whole thing. He was really nice about even setting it up over again following the reset of the server and being incredibly patient.

            Thanks for the event, QA. Appreciate it, and hope to see more of such.


            • Five hours eh? I checked the clock afterwards and found I started setting up at 11pm... Only after I realized it was about 7hrs. No wonder my brain hurt.
              Dice Rolling Site
              Pathfinder SRD
              D&D SRD
              SKETCH-A-MAP SITE



              • Kudos to Drew Fairweather for being such a good sport. Also Kudos to Orlin Foehammer, Bassman and Mirumoto for keeping me entertained!
                Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                • Originally posted by Qinniqtuq Aggaak View Post
                  Five hours eh? I checked the clock afterwards and found I started setting up at 11pm... Only after I realized it was about 7hrs. No wonder my brain hurt.
                  Speaking of marathon events; I would like to give thanks to Baragorn, Corvus, Cirion, Rastella, Arawen and Aerick for diving headlong into the Abyss to battle all sorts of monstrosities, crashing ships, and putting up with three chatty heads in a bag... and come out of it with their intended goal but with it in a destroyed state.

                  It was worth the 3 hour sleep I got last night.
                  Dice Rolling Site
                  Pathfinder SRD
                  D&D SRD
                  SKETCH-A-MAP SITE



                  • Kudos to Regina Cantrell for the brief but meaningfull RP this afternoon. Its rare that falmari gets to level with anyone, let alone someone who isnt a druid. Good times!
                    Originally posted by roguethree
                    If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


                    • Kudos for Vala and Cormuto for making me laugh about the man hanging in Sestra.... Concern followed by very creative and "harmless" response as to why he is there.
                      Bree - Bookkeeper and diplomat of Exigo.

                      Becky Dragonhin - Sword of the Loyal Fury, Knight of the Triad... the only Good hin in Sundren???
                      Cybil Gelley (Retired)
                      Perry Turnipfodder - aspiring talent, happy chronicler.


                      • Yea, I'll have to give props to Cornuto for that reply.. I didn't even consider the possibility - got a good laugh out of it though. <3

                        That also explain why he has a ladder next to him.. Which I doubt there would be if you were intentionally trying to hang someone (excluding yourself, apparently).
                        "Remember, the community loves you. Probably." - Sundren Tips


                        • Kudos to Cornuto. That was the best laugh I have had in a while. Many people have asked about that man hanging there and that was quite a response.
                          Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                          • Kudos to Cornuto for that awesome event tonight, helping me with Chara join the red blades after, and fixing a broken mining pick.
                            Lasala'ariira-A Woman Scorned.
                            Chara Smith-Bio Here

                            Meram- Yes she's a shifty Hin, but she's still not going to pickpocket, daylight robbery is much more profitable.
                            "The object of war is not to die for your country. It's to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his."
                            -General George S. Patton


                            • Kudos to QA. The Great Smiter!
                              Ru'umel Amakiir - Ranger of the Corps de Grace
                              Will Smither - Imbuer of some, Master of None...
                              Zelom Silverstar - Evangelistic singing elf
                              Originally posted by Machiavelli
                              "What in hells are you doin' with my chicken?"


                              • A long overdue Kudos goes to Aerick, player prismaticcrow.

                                Of all the people Baragorn has gotten to know, Aerick is, by far, the one that allows Baragorn to explore his beliefs most fully, and then attempt to explain them to another. Aerick is really the only person that seems willing and open to listen to what makes the man a Paladin and what drives the man to do the things he does.

                                And what's most amazing is that Aerick's player really plays him as a character that molds and shapes his young character's beliefs on those that are around him.

                                The growth of the character in these couple months he's been around have been fascinating to watch, and even more exciting to be a part of.

                                So, huge Kudos to you, prismaticcrow. Your character is simply top-notch.

