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Kudos Thread

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  • Hey

    Kudos to Godjin for being so loyal to Andy

    Kudos to TCAT for taking care of the Sundren portraits, really nice of you pal.

    Kudos to you all cuz I just love everybody :P
    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


    • Kudos to the developers, I was here sometime ago. The place has grown alot and shows a lot polish, nicely done. Had a good time on here this weekend.
      Last edited by SafetyGuy1979; 05-17-2009, 03:32 PM.
      There is no good, no evil. Only survival and grayness, the inbetween color of the light and the dark. Subtle shades of the grayness are all there are and it encircles us all.


      Elyl Dy'nelin-Servant of the Lone Wolf.


      • while the server was still in Beta
        We are actually still in Beta, but much further along.
        Originally posted by Saulus
        Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.


        • Oops. Still fun though.
          There is no good, no evil. Only survival and grayness, the inbetween color of the light and the dark. Subtle shades of the grayness are all there are and it encircles us all.


          Elyl Dy'nelin-Servant of the Lone Wolf.


          • i meant to do this earlier but late is better than never.

            kudos to espada for running our part of the mirakus fight and the capture there after. it was a very enjoyable time.


            • Valiantly returning to my own thread, I come bearing kudos.

              First to Kaseira for multitasking hilarity with good RP, and for putting so much thought into her character's background (and powerbuild).

              Second to Norman Sane for being an ambitious, hopeful Red Wizard who has so far provided plenty of fun in a master/apprentice scenario, which I look forward to continuing.

              Third to both Neffriel Brom and Josephine Frostwhisper. Why do they share the same kudos, you might be asking? Well, it's because I'm giving them kudos for the same reason. They both play Red Wizards very different from my own, and from each other, and yet despite the diversity in character they're both equally interesting to RP with.

              Fourth to Rodderick Hughes, for trying to be Hano Fetten II. Unfortunately, his player is both inept and bad at Super Smash Brothers, leaving him unable to fit the shoes he's trying to fill. He's also bad at Rock Band, trying to be funny, and arts and crafts.

              Fifth to Machiavelli for helping drive forward RP between players, and running plots based on player decisions, actions, and ambitions, allowing said players to steer the event, rather than being along for the ride. And for making me lol and stuff.

              Sixth goes to both Espada and Phantom Lamb. This, the second kudos to be shared between two people, goes to them both for having managed the climactic lizard plot, which was actually one of the prime reasons I stuck around after what was anticipated to be just a brief visit. Captivating stuff.

              Seventh goes to Mathell for playing a Cleric of Kelemvor (which I for some reason haven't seen before) and for participating in a ridiculously engaging discussion that I actually wished had lasted longer before my character threw a tantrum.
              Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

              Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


              • Kudos to Kaeldorn for the new crafting!

                You should have seen the tunnel collapse today as Juggra slammed the vein of ore! Cave in! So kudos to Juggra.
                Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                • Kudos to the player of poor Norman. It must be a Thayan thing, but Norm is the only character that has managed to rub three of my characters completely the wrong way and in different ways. Way to go! Dedication to being a complete jerk IC is rare and so far I've found no redeeming qualities in Norm.

                  A couple of belated kudos now (and because I'm lazy I'm going with character names):

                  Cirion, Yashia, Cybil, Raven, Andy, Caelryth and Kasiera: I've had a lot of fun with all of you while playing Rastellia. She's injured right now and recuperating, but should be on her feet in a few days.


                  • Kudos to DM Tome for the event with the bandits. and letting Hastan do his little thing afterwards
                    LINK <-- This song scares me, make sure you have sound...


                    • It's been a while since kudos were handed out on this thread, so I wish to add to every growing pages of giving high fives over the internet.

                      Kudos goes this time to Tome, who has played an excellent Legion spymaster on numerous occasions and in short keeps me active on Peridan.

                      Also, of course a kudos goes out to the Dev. team, the DM's who work so hard to keep this server an interesting place, and to Saulus who has kept true to his vision of the server since before I ever heard of the place.

                      Keep up the great work guys, we all appreciate it.
                      Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
                      Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

                      [DM] Poltergeist :
                      If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


                      • Kudos to Peridan for necrothreading.


                        Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
                        - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
                        - Back on the Street

                        Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
                        - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


                        • I'd like to give my congrats to the whole development team for the new spine of the world area, it is beautifully rendered and painstakingly dangerous. The NPC interaction in the Inn and the church give a really good feel of no-stone-left-unturned as far as little details goes.

                          Oh, and I'd like to thank that mysterious ice warrior who had helped guide Tarangil to Aurils Sanctuary just after the update. I had crashed before entering the church and couldn't give my thanks to the guy. He was the reason why any later explorers didn't come across a frozen lump of Elven Quaaq* up on the plateau.

                          *Inuit/Eskimo word for Frozen meat
                          Last edited by black hand; 06-21-2009, 01:10 PM.


                          • Big time kudos to Maevan for the supreme area design in the winter xpack!
                            "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                            -Bill Maher


                            • Kudos to Kael, PL, Saulus and Maevan for the unbelievable amount of behind-the-scenes work they've been putting in for this update. I can't wait to see it!
                              Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                              "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                              • SUPER KUDOS to all on tonight... Kael, biez, belwas, mems-eternal and especially DM delzoun.
                                that was an UNBELIEVABLE rp session. totally out of the blue and a race to down to the second to beat the clock (reset).

                                I seriously don't think i'll be able to sleep tonight.

                                I award you all enough xp to level! wait I can tdo that can I, damn?

