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Kudos Thread

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  • I love you to death, but I swear, River is gonna stabadwarf <3
    River Swift

    "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

    "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


    • I'm glad I could play a role AND alienate the few people who would talk to Sandro. Two birds, baby!
      I can't slow down, I can't hold back though you know I wish I could. No there ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good!


      • For Blackbeard, I think no one would fault River for that.


        • Once again, I have to give a shout out to Jai V's Cazen. Because tangled webs are what good RP is made of!
          River Swift

          "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

          "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


          • Dryn Stonewhisperer for being so awesome, joining in on a very difficult scene and helping resolve one of those hard as heck to rp things!! Awesome job!
            Ghal Narish, Battle-Mage
            Faucon De'Ombre
            , Triadic Knight

            Ulriel Gabrieth, Devout of Lathander
            Noril De'nor, Archer ...
            Liem Ashcroft, Miner, Smith, and Weaponsmaster


            • Ks - to the staff for the implementation of PF races. It was quite painless. truly impressed.


              • Kudos right back 'atcha, Aniril.

                There aren't many players I know of that would put their toons through such epic penance! Bravo!


                • Kudos to the ultimate lovers' quarrel.

                  Guy: We should threaten him with death and torture, then make him an offer to work for us.

                  Gal: He's a liability and needs to be eliminated.

                  This was a sincere argument that got very heated. She was on the verge of tears. They say you can't win in D&D. Winning.
                  Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                  Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                  If you're searching the lines for a point
                  Well, you've probably missed it
                  There was never anything there
                  In the first place

                  Wax Fang - Majestic


                  • Thanks to all the players involved in getting the Port Avanthyr Sanctuary off the ground through their RP and in-character contributions. This was a fantastic colaborative effort that, in its small way, changed the world. Its created hours of wonderful RP, relationships and new character dynamics and twists (positive and negative). And a special thanks to the opposition as well because what fun is a PW without conflict and drama? To me that's PW RPing at its best.

                    So huge thanks to Esmond Aurelianus, Evelyn Meriadoc, Byron Von Hellstrom, several staff played NPCs, and a multitude of players Alice, Amon, Michael, silverleaf, Clan Stonewall, Kindra, James, (even Kyle) and many more who made an in game and forum effort to make the event immsersive and fun!


                    • Kudos to Sandro!
                      He's always a great sport and plenty of fun! IC and OOC!

                      The Inn controversy would never had occurred if not for you!


                      • I can't even sit by a fire without causing trouble, and Drake made me so mad I had to go start drinking early. Is that kudos worthy? I vote yes.
                        I can't slow down, I can't hold back though you know I wish I could. No there ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good!


                        • I don't get to play quite as often anymore in the standard timezone, or even my own due to classes. So events like Atmosphere's the other night, where in less than ten minutes I made an appearance, was given the chance for great dialogue and skill rolls - and then was allowed to leave and simply enjoy what I had added is great.

                          Kudos to Atmo and all the PCs around that made that brief scene tense.
                          I hope the follow-up that I wasn't a part of was as much fun.
                          "Sir, we're surrounded!" "Excellent! Now we can attack in any direction."


                          • Originally posted by Laurk View Post
                            So huge thanks to Esmond Aurelianus, Evelyn Meriadoc, Byrun van Hellstrom...
                            The fact that you are able to have these three names accomplish anything together, in and of itself, deserves Kudos.
                            Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                            Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                            If you're searching the lines for a point
                            Well, you've probably missed it
                            There was never anything there
                            In the first place

                            Wax Fang - Majestic


                            • Oh my goodness! I've had such a pleasant day of RP! So many fun people have made it a great and awesome evening!

                              Atmos: Thank you for the event and to whomever may have helped plan it! It was great fun! Please keep up the AWESOME work!

                              Dryn: Thank you for inviting me and I must kudos you as you played your character so well, as usual , and you've great leadership abilities!

                              Andelain: Thank you, thank you thank you thank you! Since I've joined back you've helped Drake to evolve into a better person! You've guided him whenever possible and you've always had his side: Rather to teach him from his faults or to prop him on his successes! Bust most.. MOSTLY! I must thank you for that one in a lifetime bad ass synchronized tele-port to guard those citizens!


                              • Originally posted by Starrizer View Post
                                Oh my goodness! I've had such a pleasant day of RP! So many fun people have made it a great and awesome evening!

                                Atmos: Thank you for the event and to whomever may have helped plan it! It was great fun! Please keep up the AWESOME work!

                                Dryn: Thank you for inviting me and I must kudos you as you played your character so well, as usual , and you've great leadership abilities!

                                Andelain: Thank you, thank you thank you thank you! Since I've joined back you've helped Drake to evolve into a better person! You've guided him whenever possible and you've always had his side: Rather to teach him from his faults or to prop him on his successes! Bust most.. MOSTLY! I must thank you for that one in a lifetime bad ass synchronized tele-port to guard those citizens!
                                Aye definitely one of the BOSS moments the I will never forget.

                                Atmos: Thank you for a most intriguing story and of course without this event such a BOSS moment would not have been possible.

                                Dryn: Thank you for inviting me as well. Always a pleasure to get in quality RP with this Dwarf.

                                Drake: What can I say, that moment of Synchronized Teleporting was just so bad ass I think we mentally high fived at least 100 times over. EPIC. I am also glad to have the many chances to help develop your character. It is something I enjoy doing for anyone, and have done for many, but I must say that Drake has come a very long way from the character I first met and I look forward to being part of his future development.

                                Again thank you all for the wonderful event.
                                "Service to a cause greater than yourself is the utmost honor you can achieve."

