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Kudos Thread

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  • Agreed, kudos for the night belong to Fuzzie and Quillpig. It is once in a great rarity that we get to have events like this, that will be remembered for all of our playing days. This definitely qualifies as one. Fuzzie was a great sport in the matter, and I for one am a great fan of RP progression. No matter who I play, or where I play, tabletop or online, this will be a story I am likely to tell many people about as one of the great events.

    Quillpig did awesome, and though I would have liked better turn out from our side, he managed to portray the vision I had for how it would go down.
    [COLOR=Black][COLOR=Blue][I][B]Landristin Ly[/B][/I][/COLOR][I][B][COLOR=Blue]onstongue[/COLOR][/B][/I]: Ancient, Child of Colibrus. Advisor of Colibrus, Emissary of Sestra, Magistrate of Sestra.

    -[I]Not fond of morning walks on the beach.[/I]


    • Kudos to Yevelian, for his RP posts relaying what was happening behind the scenes at last. Gave some closer for those of us who do worry for the Tormtar, and was well written to boot.
      Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

      Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
      Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
      Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
      Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
      Aramil - Nutter

      GMT -8


      • I have to give FuzzieBunny some props, though I wasn't part of that whole trial thing. That was a neat way to close the book on your character, and give all the BH baddies a chance to really be bad. Kudos to you!
        I can't tell you enough how happy I am to escape.


        • A huge, massive kudos to Quill. Excellent plot, excellent setup, and excellent To-Be-Determined. Bravo!
          Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
          Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

          [DM] Poltergeist :
          If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


          • ^Seconded.


            Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
            - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
            - Back on the Street

            Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
            - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


            • Totally thirded!
              River Swift

              "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

              "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


              • Completely Fourthed!


                • Thank you, Quill, and thank you, all those who participated, for letting my late derpy self come along.
                  But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
                  - Nessa


                  • awesome job QP!!! everyone had a blast!


                    • Major kudos to DM Fateful Encounter, Aeron Ancrath, and all of his bumbling apprentices for an amazing event this evening!


                      • Kudos to BAMF. Because when you can't see the screen through your own tears, you realize that what you've just witnessed wasn't just the nerdy pastime we call roleplay- it was art.
                        River Swift

                        "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

                        "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


                        • Hey, Saulus and Tupoun. Thanks for the update and spicing it up. The Wandering Village really fits the snow-blasted Icewind Dale, especially at night with the howling winds and snow.

                          Getting out was trickier than getting in, though!

                          I'm just waiting for it to get up and walk away like what supposedly happened to WoD's Cathedral of Flesh.
                          But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
                          - Nessa


                          • Kudos to the staff and players of the BH. Much fun last night!
                            Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                            Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                            Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                            Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                            Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                            • That was epic. Kudos to those who joined with the BH and staff, to let us beat back another Tyrian hoard.
                              [COLOR=Black][COLOR=Blue][I][B]Landristin Ly[/B][/I][/COLOR][I][B][COLOR=Blue]onstongue[/COLOR][/B][/I]: Ancient, Child of Colibrus. Advisor of Colibrus, Emissary of Sestra, Magistrate of Sestra.

                              -[I]Not fond of morning walks on the beach.[/I]


                              • Kudos to FE brought out the troubles plaguing the city nicely. Thank you!

                                Also thanks to Clandrial and Bram. The event fun and it was nice to see other aspects of everyone's characters.
                                GMT -9

