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Kudos Thread

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  • I aim for dislike. Sorry. It's my job.
    [COLOR=Black][COLOR=Blue][I][B]Landristin Ly[/B][/I][/COLOR][I][B][COLOR=Blue]onstongue[/COLOR][/B][/I]: Ancient, Child of Colibrus. Advisor of Colibrus, Emissary of Sestra, Magistrate of Sestra.

    -[I]Not fond of morning walks on the beach.[/I]


    • I want to give a huge Kudos to all those at the second wind tonight. It did not go at all the way that it was intended.

      I enjoyed it, and I hope that no one got any sorts of hurt feelings. If so just let me know.
      Active Characters
      Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
      Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
      Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
      Dorin Hammond- Scout
      Seith Ronson- Master of War
      "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


      • Kudos to everybody who was at the Second Wind and didn't throw up when I RP'd


        • Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
          Kudos to everybody who was at the Second Wind and didn't throw up when I RP'd
          That means I don't get kudos. Puagh!
          Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

          Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

          Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.


          • Originally posted by Jhickey View Post
            I want to give a huge Kudos to all those at the second wind tonight. It did not go at all the way that it was intended.

            I enjoyed it, and I hope that no one got any sorts of hurt feelings. If so just let me know.

            YA BIG MEANIE I'M TELLING...

            Just kidding, lots of fun tonight man.


            • Massive Kudos and Thank You's abound, for everyone involved in the Noble Wedding. To FE for the awesome and spectacular set up, to all the guests, to God Beast for hilarity afterward, to GD for just being awesome all around, to Thresh for being the best maid of honor ever, to Vlad for being an awesome bodyguard, to Chime for the clothing and the assistance with the ceremony and for Thane Dryn for actually creating an amazing ceremony. Everyone went way above and beyond, and I can't thank everyone enough!
              River Swift

              "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

              "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


              • I'll second the above post. The set up was impressive. You went way above expectations and it was appreciated.
                Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                If you're searching the lines for a point
                Well, you've probably missed it
                There was never anything there
                In the first place

                Wax Fang - Majestic


                • Kudos GD for a great event today! I had a blast!
                  River Swift

                  "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

                  "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


                  • That was a fun night at the inn, indeed. I really though that Maine would save the day, but oh well.
                    It was too funny when Maine tried to talk peace, Then Michael yelled "There here to kill Thresh." Laughs


                    • Nice job tonight everyone. I'm going to put something up about it later. Hope one of y'all can put something up as well so I can fill in some blanks in my quick notes. Again wonderful job. Had fun. Can't wait till next time.
                      Active Characters-
                      Breeze Thundersong
                      - Needle of Mielikki
                      Zinsbog Nightjaw

                      Retired Characters-
                      Alistair Smith
                      - Anointed of the Broken


                      • Tonight was crazy. At least we almost saved the baby and put the fire out in time before it spread and hurt more. I feel bad for the refuges.


                        • It really was an awesome event. Thank everyone so much! I never knew Chime was so scary.
                          GMT -9


                          • Yea good job guys it was fun... The tiefer got out-intimidated by Nymph lol
                            Lazklesh: Water-soul, Fury of Auril
                            Vlad A'dier: Arrow of Akadi, Blackwood Merc
                            Jobella Nightjaw: Hunteress and blood spiller

                            Anosh Lis'lahoul: The ghoul of Serrano, The Nameless Monk. Accepted his fate, and accepted death at the hands of his master.


                            • HUGE thank you to DM_FatefulEncounter for tonight's event. You took our small request, and made it awesome!


                              • I would also like to thank DM_FatefulEncounter for running events for the Nightjaw. They've been mind-blowingly fun!
                                Giledan - Half-elf arcane duelist of Blackwood Company.

                                Grendark Nightjaw - ....

