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Kudos Thread

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  • Evelyn and Quintin. Good stuff. Now aren't you glad you opened the door, Evelyn?
    Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
    Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

    If you're searching the lines for a point
    Well, you've probably missed it
    There was never anything there
    In the first place

    Wax Fang - Majestic


    • Just like to say a Kudos to everyone single person on Sundren. You are all amazing RP'ers and I've always had a blast whether its hatching plots, making stupid jokes or just hacking through super-tough dungeons!

      Special Kudos to bipolar, Sparky, Dave F, Kit, Farmboy (who is hardly ever online, grr!) and earthlor. We always seem to end up stuck RP'ing together, probably because of my silly timezone. So, apologies for the years of terrible inane RP from me! I know you all just hang out with me for the Wizard buffs really

      Also the DM team have been great, and never tell you to get lost when you bug them with silly questions or requests (when I get to see them online anyway!)

      I'm going to take a break (maybe permanent, maybe not) from Sundren. Not anyone's fault, just hasn't been as fun lately as my main is a crafter who can't really craft anything. Leaves me in a slight quandary ><
      Yes, I realise my RP writing sucks. Just be thankful I keep it short

      Thalanis Moonshadow


      • So said to see you go mate, our playtimes were never the best of friends! I kept going back to Sundren to get to hang out with my elf compatriots, and I can understand if hanging around during the low server popularity has made you yearn for a break! I'm confident that we'll get to RP together once again!
        My'athvin Simaryl - Elven Mhaornathil
        Mhaenal Ahmaquissar - Minstrel Knight


        • Noooooo I'll miss you buddy. Who will witness Valen fall flat on his face with his 24 DEX as various items of usefulness roll out of his pockets?


          • Haha, well Sundren is still my homepage, so i'll be keeping an eye on things. Wang...watch out for the RP police, you aren't roleplaying your stats in accordance with regulation! :P

            Sorry for hijacking the Kudos thread!
            Yes, I realise my RP writing sucks. Just be thankful I keep it short

            Thalanis Moonshadow


            • Oh god, I'm so going to be smote, aren't I ...

              Back on topic, Kudos to certain members of a certain organization who has made a certain elf feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


              • Kyle Rendell. And I haven't even seen him draw his weapon yet...
                Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                If you're searching the lines for a point
                Well, you've probably missed it
                There was never anything there
                In the first place

                Wax Fang - Majestic


                • Originally posted by cmosier View Post
                  Kyle Rendell. And I haven't even seen him draw his weapon yet...
                  I second this, every interaction with him is fun. He is a good character for sure.

                  Also: thaelis, sad to see you go. Happy trails, i hope you come back.

                  Tas Krita- Thayan
                  Ashen - MoMF


                  • Kudos to the player of Lasvi Norreitryn (Nyssis) for a series of very interesting role-play sessions.
                    Lasvi may be a weird owl elf, but she's legit cool.
                    "Sir, we're surrounded!" "Excellent! Now we can attack in any direction."


                    • Originally posted by Vaelek View Post
                      Kudos to the player of Lasvi Norreitryn (Nyssis) for a series of very interesting role-play sessions.
                      Lasvi may be a weird owl elf, but she's legit cool.
                      Her brain is addled from too much time in the AFK desert.
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin


                      • Kudos to Grinning Death for all the events he's been running for us players. He's been clocking some serious DM time and needs major props!

                        He ran Round Two of the Patrol series earlier tonight, and I had a blast! Kudos to him, of course, and kudos to the the players of Velkaern, Hashart, and Sareth for keeping it classy, roleplaying like bosses, and giving us Legionnaires one helluva fight. Kudos to the players of Brandon, Gart, and Tahir for showing some Legion pride!

                        Great job to everyone on both sides.


                        • Originally posted by FoogooFish View Post
                          Kudos to Grinning Death for all the events he's been running for us players. He's been clocking some serious DM time and needs major props!

                          He ran Round Two of the Patrol series earlier tonight, and I had a blast! Kudos to him, of course, and kudos to the the players of Velkaern, Hashart, and Sareth for keeping it classy, roleplaying like bosses, and giving us Legionnaires one helluva fight. Kudos to the players of Brandon, Gart, and Tahir for showing some Legion pride!

                          Great job to everyone on both sides.
                          I can only echo this sentiment! It was one of the best events I have ever been apart of. GD, as always it was amazing. Everyone that was there were all great sports and made the whole event amazing.
                          Just a reminder of why I love this place.

                          Thank you all!
                          Active Characters
                          Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
                          Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
                          Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
                          Dorin Hammond- Scout
                          Seith Ronson- Master of War
                          "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


                          • Originally posted by Jhickey View Post
                            GD, as always it was amazing.

                            Thank you all!
                            Seconded, the wings in the spine event was super fun, and he's been talking with me about a few other events and mini-events, which is exciting. I want to add a kudos to the DM's doing a lot of hard work behind the scenes, because their efforts are not as visible as GD's right now, and I don't want them to feel left out of the cuddle puddle.
                            I can't slow down, I can't hold back though you know I wish I could. No there ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good!


                            • Kudos to Rhaelle for playing a Bard and making up a long story to tell at the Second Wind campfire - Despite recent character events. It was a very entertaining hour for sure!
                              Alianna Sellent - Paladin of the Maimed - Trying to play it nice while still putting up with Drake


                              • A huge, huge kudos to Alyrian's player. Dude pulls off some of the best villainy I've ever seen being all possessed-like. And his RP posts are awesome!
                                Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
                                Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

                                [DM] Poltergeist :
                                If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.

