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Kudos Thread

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  • The huge kudos should really go to the players of Dan, Lasvi, Samak, and DM Dispater, who have been patient and extraordinarily helpful progressing this exorcism storyline. Mini kudos to the players they roped in to help ...

    Extra kudos to Lasvi for suffering my disgusting gifts ... =X


    • Another fun event.

      As said to Julia.
      "We all arrived unharmed. Our goal was accomplished without losing any cargo. We did not fire a shot or raise a blade."

      But there was damage done. Even the hardest of elven archers couldn't slip past that unaffected. That thin gray line is difficult to walk.
      Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
      Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

      If you're searching the lines for a point
      Well, you've probably missed it
      There was never anything there
      In the first place

      Wax Fang - Majestic


      • Kudos to the player of Abby Winters (Laurk, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong) for two things:
        • Being comfortable with a character concept so far departed from anything one might be used to in a ruleset centered around combat: a pacifist.
        • Demonstrating extraordinary perception regarding the nature of my character with very little information.
        • Progressing character development for both of us in a way that is both organic and interesting.
        Arden Doraine


        • Thanks Yakary, that was some fun RP.


          • Another fun event by Grinning Death, even though Kyle's speech combined with that 20 roll caused an unholy paradox that kill GD's computer. All the Blackwood players are great and fun to RP with and do a good job keeping me on my toes with Byrun.

            A special note for Satiah. This character is a lot lower level than the rest of us and had the dubious honor of being a "runner" between the three gates. She did this in character the whole battle. That little arrow went from gate to gate then reported back to Byrun. Well played.
            Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
            Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

            If you're searching the lines for a point
            Well, you've probably missed it
            There was never anything there
            In the first place

            Wax Fang - Majestic


            • Just wanted to say I had a blast sitting on Serrano's knee, watching his/her tentacles wriggle with laughter, and being told bedthyme stories.

              Thank you for both the education, and for breaking up the boredom that is house arrest!
              Anton Kevali - Just happy to still be alive, and not to blame...
              Sandalon Balachem - Holy Knight, and Companion of the Noble Heart


              • Kudos to Isabella for being demented but in a cute way.
                Yes, I realise my RP writing sucks. Just be thankful I keep it short

                Thalanis Moonshadow


                • I have not even finished the rp yet, it's still on going, I also generally don't post here which may be bad of me, I usually just give mad props to people via tells for impressing me with rp, but I have to take my hat off to James Frazer for consistently managing to bring a touch of technical wonder to the server. Playing off of his insurmountable walls of logic is always a blast!
                  Until I can somehow magically discover, hitherto unknown, skills to make a nice looking sig pic to represent my main chrs -

                  I primarily play Ignus Pyre and Smithy


                  • Much appreciated. Props back to Iggy, Julia, Emmi, Samak, Sandro and everyone else who try to keep up with my logos-babble! It's always awesome to see it being understood, somewhere.
                    Leme know if anyone gets a brain hemorrhage from the teleporting snails, logic puzzles in economics, or applying physics to the arcane. James probably needs a disclaimer.

                    Besides, if the logic wasn't insurmountable, I'ld expect someone to helpfully point out the flawed argument somewhere

                    Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
                    Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
                    Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
                    Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
                    Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

                    James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
                    AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
                    Theme: Stil Alive

                    Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

                    Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

                    Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
                    To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
                    crafting tutorial.

                    Unfortunate truths:
                    Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
                    Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


                    • New to Sundren, but props to Sinister Intent for taking the time to get me started and answer all my questions in great detail.

                      A great first impression to the server


                      • Thank you Mishtakob, that event was fantastic.

                        You showed an excellent ability to both improvise and tailor your event to changing circumstances. I loved that you allowed my PC to make full use of her non-combat oriented skill set and unusual approach.

                        Lots of fun! Great DMing, and thanks for the skivvys of escaping. Ha!


                        • Major Kudos to Daimondheart for running a player event last night.

                          Cora's transformation was everything I think a nature-based event should be: mysterious, visceral, a bit frightening, and beautiful. A+.


                          • A few people involved in this one.

                            To start. To Abby, for starting it off by asking a simple question that has a very complicated answer.

                            To Julia, Esmond, and Sigurd for continuing on by adding a lot of tension to an already uncomfortable and unpleasant evening for my character.

                            To the Vampires (I can't recall all of your names, but you know who you are) and Kindra for topping it all off.

                            To the Gods and/or Spirits of Timing for making the whole thing perfect.

                            To my wife. When I said out loud "Are you serious?" Looked at my screen and said "Those guys look scary. Hope they're on your side."
                            Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                            Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                            If you're searching the lines for a point
                            Well, you've probably missed it
                            There was never anything there
                            In the first place

                            Wax Fang - Majestic


                            • Originally posted by cmosier View Post
                              "Those guys look scary. Hope they're on your side."
                              Nooooooooooooooooooo don't encourage GD. Those bat belts!

                              On a more serious note, thanks to FuzzieBunny for handling the situation awesomely, and DM Mishtakob for rezzing her after my skeleton got a little exuberant.
                              Aleister Kimaris - Dragonblooded Knight of the Northern Watch


                              • Byrun is a walking powder keg.

                                Kudos to cmosier in turn for being one of the reasons the server is so much fun.

                                (EDIT: Everyone else participating are the other reasons. After all, a powder keg can't light itself. )
                                But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
                                - Nessa

