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Kudos Thread

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  • Kudos to Grinning Death, and the event that will change the server.
    Verity Chimera - The Brimstone Bard - "Hey, wanna see a trick?"
    Nora Windwood - Greenleaf Disciple - When a Druid Hugs a Tree, the Tree Hugs back! - Retired
    Ronus Stonewall - Dwarven Pathfinder - Drunken Scout of Whurest


    • the event was pretty crazy, awesome job


      • Special Thanks for Thresh and Nora, for providing a cool yin-yang effect for their different means of approaching things and adding a very cool complimenting perspective. Watching these two work was so entertaining that it made taking a back seat fun and engaging.

        And of course to Grinning Death, for rekindling my interest in Sundren... Though my RL schedule is still absolutely insane... I am definitely going to be trying hard going forward to get on and RP more.
        Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

        Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
        Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
        Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
        Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
        Aramil - Nutter

        GMT -8


        • Wow. Just, wow.

          Thank you, everyone, good and evil (and neutral). DMs, and players alike. Every last person had a part to play in this, and I am sincerely grateful to have been part of it all. Thanks for a blast, guys.

          But, I haven't slept in 48 hours, so I'm off to bed. It certainly has been fun to play one little elf, and that's thanks to everyone beyond just this evening.
          I can't tell you enough how happy I am to escape.


          • Kudos to everyone involved on "The Day of Broken Blades" , and a special thanks to Grinning Death !

            Sundren rock !

            Kenom Marrs - Dark Templar of The Tyrant Lord.


            • I'd like to afford my own kudos, to everyone making the forums so active these days. It's not always easy taking the time to type away, and work with your inspiration, but I've been reading through some very impressive posts for quite a while, and enjoying every little tidbit I can find.

              So, kudos to those of you putting your stories up. Both sides, it's not to see reactions, and insights, and plots and much much more flying about the board, good, evil or totally hippy/treasure seeking. Keep it up, and if you haven't yet, consider whittling away at a word document and giving us a bit of your creativity!
              I can't tell you enough how happy I am to escape.


              • Kudos to all at second wind inn tonight, lots of fun RP while in the middle of it all.


                • Big thanks to Requiem for making the event more fun and swapping between the bar's staff.


                  • Props on the tea tonight, it tasted good with the song from grobnar!


                    • Requiem proves to be quite the poet. Encore! Encore!
                      Verity Chimera - The Brimstone Bard - "Hey, wanna see a trick?"
                      Nora Windwood - Greenleaf Disciple - When a Druid Hugs a Tree, the Tree Hugs back! - Retired
                      Ronus Stonewall - Dwarven Pathfinder - Drunken Scout of Whurest


                      • It was a lot of fun. A big thanks to the everyone one there. Even if Chime never did get her free drink... or her song.
                        GMT -9


                        • Y'all making me blush. I'll bring the Pixie back again soon for more Second Wind hijinx and shenanigans.


                          • Was Fun, poor Hashart always getting picked on ;(


                            • Throwing out a general kudos to everyone who's been on the last week and a half or so. There was a dry spell for a while as far as server population, and I was getting lonely.
                              Dalian - Shapeshifter of the Tuatha Dé Dúlra
                              "My true identity goes beyond the outer roles I play. It transcends the Self."
                              UTC -4


                              • Originally posted by jarlexel View Post
                                Was Fun, poor Hashart always getting picked on ;(
                                Power has a price!

                                Overall thank you to all involved, it was really fun. It is not often that I get a chance to provoke the enemy in person. I am also sorry that I did not get to personally RP with everyone present, I look forward to future interactions.
                                Active Characters
                                Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
                                Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
                                Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
                                Dorin Hammond- Scout
                                Seith Ronson- Master of War
                                "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."

