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Kudos Thread

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  • Kudos to my fellow characters on the Thin Gray Line. It can be pretty difficult to play at times.

    Kudos to those who had the patience to let me vent/ whine. :-) Sometimes you just need to get it out of your system to continue on.

    Kudos to Liana. I do love the Blackwood and I'm thrilled when other PCs take an interest as well.

    Mandatory Kudos to River, Byrun's companion in the Darkness. :-)
    Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
    Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

    If you're searching the lines for a point
    Well, you've probably missed it
    There was never anything there
    In the first place

    Wax Fang - Majestic


    • And a quick kudos to Mournas, this time for being extremely helpful OOC !
      Johanna Patson:"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
      (Original quote by Dale Carnegie)
      Krystl - Undefeatable

      Ranahlee: Perpetually Perplexed.

      Sylvain Enoic: Young paladin of Tyr.
      Stalking on the mountains, clutching a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Sypthe! And they give a vengeful bellow:"I'm going to hump you so thoroughly, you will drink poison and piss honey!"


      • Originally posted by Sypthe View Post
        And a quick kudos to Mournas, this time for being extremely helpful OOC !
        Don't mention it. Kudos to you for providing hours worth of excellent RP!
        "Service to a cause greater than yourself is the utmost honor you can achieve."


        • Originally posted by Laurk View Post
          Great job to Continuum so far! Just simple little NPC interactions here and there really make the world come alive. I love that stuff!
          Seconded. Continuum's thrown me a bone now and then RP wise, which is very much appreciated while playing an RP-only character.
          Dalian - Shapeshifter of the Tuatha Dé Dúlra
          "My true identity goes beyond the outer roles I play. It transcends the Self."
          UTC -4


          • I'll never be able to Kudos, Sandro, enough!

            Always a fun time when him and I are about. Love yo' face, Sandro! Never stop playing so well!

            Also to Evelyn for the quick reaction to stop us (Even though Drake planned to stop it as well.)


            • I have a feeling that many on the server think either a) shut up! shut up! you two shut up! or b) God, just screw already!

              Either way, as an antagonist character I always enjoy having Drake to antagonize.
              I can't slow down, I can't hold back though you know I wish I could. No there ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good!


              • Forgot to mention Kyle, who's just awesome. It's always fun when there's a character that you can hate IC but love OOC.
                Dalian - Shapeshifter of the Tuatha Dé Dúlra
                "My true identity goes beyond the outer roles I play. It transcends the Self."
                UTC -4


                • No doubt, im still laughing about Kyle showing up to the Sanctuary dressed in women's underwear to donate 10,000gp worth of "healing beer."

                  Seriously.. healing beer? What a mind bender that was for Abby. Do I accept it or turn it away? No beer.. but must accept healing supplies.. arg! Only Kyle would think of a way to confound Abby like that.


                  • Massive, massive kudos to Leikny: I love, love, love characters that are so complex you just don't know what to think of them at all!
                    Johanna Patson:"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
                    (Original quote by Dale Carnegie)
                    Krystl - Undefeatable

                    Ranahlee: Perpetually Perplexed.

                    Sylvain Enoic: Young paladin of Tyr.
                    Stalking on the mountains, clutching a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Sypthe! And they give a vengeful bellow:"I'm going to hump you so thoroughly, you will drink poison and piss honey!"


                    • ^Seconded.


                      Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
                      - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
                      - Back on the Street

                      Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
                      - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


                      • Massive Kudos to everyone I had the chance to get my RP on with Vincent Hopkins today, I only logged on as him to delete him but ended up having to much fun!

                        Being a crazed witchfinder has never been so much entertaining, in one short afternoon he's condemned a slef confessed coven of witches and their tailed be-tailed familiar, an obvious devil-touched harlot plus a filthy dragon whore and her deviant fiancé! Heretics to be put to the sword the lot of you!

                        Peridan, Sypthe, Starrizer, GBX, Grey-Moth, Jonel, Bloodriki and everyone else whose names I've missed - You're great, but I have to go to sleep now.
                        Eira Skald - Icy bitch.
                        Karsten Mannerheim - Idealist and murderer.
                        Vincent Hopkins - Witch Hunter and man of faith.
                        Aedan Gilter - Dreamer of broken dreams.
                        Henry L. Jones - Oh god, I can see forever.


                        • *Abby smiles weakly at the harrassed serving wench, a tinge of fear behind her dark eyes; which are suddenly drawn once more, like two dark swimmers trapped in a rip-tide, to watch in morbid facination as yet another clove of toxic garlic is pulverised in Tyranus' all-devouring maw. She watches, powerless to turn away as flecks of ruined garlic tumble down into his gravy-encrusted beard.*

                          Alright ignore everything ive ever said. I enjoyed thought-moting and trolling Kyle and Tyranus both to the fullest tonight with emotes in one of the funniest NWN moments ive ever had. The Sanctuary nuns are invited to dinner by Kyle and Tyranus when their lack of "real food" becomes apparent at the temple. Thank you Alice, Kyle, Tyranus and DM Continuum staring as the Serving Wench "Get poughed Rendel.. you moron."

                          Two nuns on one side of the table, stunned and horrified, and Kyle Rendel and a drunk, begogged Tyranus (who looks like captain cave-man mixed with Dr. Wiley) on the other side of the confining booth seating. Alice and Abby could only watch in horror as Tyranus devoured 2 entire cloves of raw garlic and 4 meat-pies (plus half of Abby's dinner), while Kyle cursed at the serving wench, repeatedly sending his order back, insulted the cook, and in a final master stroke, asked for change, recending the 30gp tip he'd previously given the poor woman.

                          *Abby staggers out into the pale light from the dank inn, her stare, far off into the distance as of one suffering from PTSD.* By the holy rack.. w-why would he do that? Who does that?! I.. think im going t-to be sick!

                          Alice: Gods.... at least you can cure yourself.

                          Abby: No Alice.. no.. I don't think I can. Not ever.


                          • I have no idea if the player visits the forums here, but I seriously want to give a long deserved shout out to Bastard O'Mallen. Bastard is, in my opinion, one of the best played "every man" characters. He's utterly and completely reprehensible, and HugoHaas is such a damn good sport about people's reactions to him.

                            RPing with him has been some of the best times on Sundren Late Night. Thank you, sir, for being such a gloriously awful character!
                            River Swift

                            "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

                            "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


                            • Have to second that. And also kudos to the Inquisitor dude. It's never easy playing the 'that guy' character.
                              I can't tell you enough how happy I am to escape.


                              • Kudos to Barathos Daneer. Great guy to RP with.

                                Darwin attempted to assassinate him at the Pit. Darwin turned into a beautiful elven female, and then when he had his back turned next to the pit Darwin attempted to turn into a Beholder and use his Telekinesis eye-beam to push him off.

                                It failed, and PVP occurred. But it was polite, cordial, there was proper hostile-toggling, and the fight was as much RP as actual fight mechanics.

                                Darwin lost, and was killed. Not perma'd, but still very much dead. And frankly, I couldn't have died from a more cordial and generally nice guy. I'd let him kill me again, it was that fun!
                                "Our Spirits were forged from Snow and Ice, to bend like steel, forged over Fire. We were not made to bend like reeds ... or to turn the other cheek."

