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Team Good

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  • #46
    So just a piece of irony, the last thing I did before disappearing from sundren a few years ago was help start team evil because Good was so dominant. Even made a banite cleric, but got lost to school. So, I'm glad to see how far they made it, but I'm even more excited to be a part of team good and bring about some balance.
    Sain- Immunes Legionaire and Ex-Adept of the now decimated Red Blades
    Dane Kensbane- Farmboy struggling to adjust to his new life as a favored of Illmater
    Peeli Pebblepounder- Beardless dwarven scout and woodsman
    Alexi Starsunder- Extremely young and headstrong elven rogue searching for his adopted dwarven uncle.
    Siriandel Starsunder- Grizzled Elven ranger, and estranged uncle of Alexi


    • #47
      The dominant alignment (and faction) in so far as player presence is concerned changes not annually, but monthly. That said, I'm always excited to see players band together for good times. Now back to sleeping through my Friday...


      • #48
        Once again, thank you BAMF. Sorry I got a little jumpy.
        Account Name: LuvHandles
        Maneae StrongArm - Devilish Warrior Woman (Active: Finding her place after time in reflection)
        Minael Cel'Anon - Elven Smith, Knight and Wizard (Inactive: seeking clues to lost elven artifacts)
        Aria Duvaine - Wouldn't you like to know . . . (Inactive: Whereabouts unknown)
        Ra'd Malik - Mulhorandi Warrior (Inactive: Off on a mission for the BH)
        Khyron Brinsbane - Fury of Auril (Inactive: Working with Cwn Annwn)
        Chazre Kenner - All around good guy with a penchant for revelry and chasing the ladies. (Deleted: Team Good, returned to Cormyr)


        • #49
          No apology necessary, I'm all for sharing the load and the DMs generally don't keep 'private' signs on factions or groups. You all just have the misfortune to be gathering on my less busy weekend. ;-)


          • #50
            Holy smoke!!!!! A team good? I am super excited to see this.
            Last edited by Fuzziebunny; 01-31-2015, 09:58 PM. Reason: I hate you auto correct!
            GMT -9


            • #51
              Team good?

              We talking Lawful team good where we've got an ordered, honourable group that firmly believes society is made better by just and decent laws that help define and enshrine an individuals place, purpose and freedoms. That true freedom only comes from just laws, contracts and process that protects all those who adhere to its laws and mores and punishes those who step outside these laws according to a defined and protected system of trial and punishment.

              Or a Team Good that believes social restrictions and restrictive concepts such as hierarchy, laws and courts do nothing but restrict the lives of those they're intended to protect. At best enshrining unyielding and impersonal doctrine and at worst becoming easily abused by the very people that society should seek to punish. Society is to organic, flexible and convoluted to ever be governed by any man made set of laws and that the freedom from pre defined social constructs is the purest freedom of all, and the only crimes worthy of punishment are those that involve removing the freedom of choice from another member of society.
              It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
              Sydney Smith.


              • #52
                My guy is a LG statist who loves the Emperor, so the first one.


                • #53
                  There isn't any definite team ideology yet or dominant alignment. We span between lawful and chaotic as far as I can tell, perhaps even into the neutral zone. Who can say what direction it develops in. Personally I think it'd be fun if we didn't end up as the clear-cut Lawful Nice.


                  • #54
                    Your characters are as complex as you afford the time and effort to make them be. Alignment will reflect your actions, not a purported ideal that anyone sometimes attempts to follow. I'd encourage you all to play the characters first and let alignment work out by virtue of the DMs observing your individual methods and actions.

                    Lawful Good may not sound appealing due to popular stereotyping, but any character in that alignment can be as fascinating as one on the opposite spectrum. And as in all things, I expect your actions will be based on each situation; so too will be the flux of your alignments. So don't sweat trying to find or avoid an alignment too much. If you breach the protocol of yours, we're watching and will amend it accordingly as your character's story evolves. With all the juicy and entertaining consequences therein.

                    I'm guessing your question Doubt was more pointed towards whether or not the group would be law keepers or assistants to law-abiding entities, or just some good guy adventurers doing what they like. As stated, there doesn't seem to be a cohesive determination yet. Personally, I'm hoping there won't be! Conflicting ideals are the best.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Snowmane View Post
                      But I think it would need to be a dedicated group of players with characters that have a similar purpose. Of course their personalities would cause internal conflict, but in the end they would be dedicated to the same goal making it so that those conflicts should be spice in the group instead of being divisive.
                      Just an excerpt from my original wall of text, and I believe one of the most important foundations of this group.

                      Gamestarmike's character is statist, but my character is more concerned with people than laws. And the other characters have their motivations as well. If you take a look in the social group, you'll see we have a high level summary of our characters which might help you to get more of a feel for the over all group. I actually have concerns about Gamestarmike's character, since he is the only member of team good with a faction affiliation, but we discussed it and we are going to try and make it work.
                      Account Name: LuvHandles
                      Maneae StrongArm - Devilish Warrior Woman (Active: Finding her place after time in reflection)
                      Minael Cel'Anon - Elven Smith, Knight and Wizard (Inactive: seeking clues to lost elven artifacts)
                      Aria Duvaine - Wouldn't you like to know . . . (Inactive: Whereabouts unknown)
                      Ra'd Malik - Mulhorandi Warrior (Inactive: Off on a mission for the BH)
                      Khyron Brinsbane - Fury of Auril (Inactive: Working with Cwn Annwn)
                      Chazre Kenner - All around good guy with a penchant for revelry and chasing the ladies. (Deleted: Team Good, returned to Cormyr)


                      • #56
                        While I wish all the players that are forming "Team Good" all the best, I just want to take a moment to give some insight. It has been my experience that anything in life (if forced) seems to fizzle out eventually. It also happens in Role Playing games. Yes Sundren needs a "Team Good". If it is possible for you guys, try to take it slow and don't force a plan to keep it together. Let it flow as naturally as possible. Team Evil is what it is today mainly out of RP and the "unplanned" additions of new people.

                        As we all know the server "alignment" can shift from month to month or day to day. I can remember not too long ago that Team Good had more members in it than Team Evil. As far as I can remember there was no active push to make Team Evil as dominant as it is now, it just happened with good RP and one person as the leader.

                        I'm not saying that should be the approach for Team Good. I don't want to see Team Good fall apart before it gets started because the players on Team Good get discouraged. That can happen if they try to force things faster than what a natural pace would allow. Be patient, bug the DM's for events, don't expect all your plans to work, expect stuff to blow up in your face, and be creative. If you do all of that at a reasonable pace you will most assuredly gain the attention of Team Evil. We'll be watching....that is what you wanted isn't it?
                        Danté Swift: Archmagus and Marshal of Sestra.


                        • #57
                          But . .but . .team evil scurries back under the wood works when the Triadics are around


                          • #58
                            Oh really, I've never ran from you
                            Danté Swift: Archmagus and Marshal of Sestra.


                            • #59
                              FYI, Leithian would be willing to sponsor Team Good with gear ... ICly, of course.


                              • #60
                                Team Good: To those of you who might not be watching the social group closely, I have asked for your preferences for our next event. Please get your input in today or tomorrow.

                                DMs: I will be posting an event request for team good on Wednesday. We will be requesting the event for Saturday March 7th. Hopefully someone will be available. You can find an RP post about team goods first event here. Thank you.
                                Account Name: LuvHandles
                                Maneae StrongArm - Devilish Warrior Woman (Active: Finding her place after time in reflection)
                                Minael Cel'Anon - Elven Smith, Knight and Wizard (Inactive: seeking clues to lost elven artifacts)
                                Aria Duvaine - Wouldn't you like to know . . . (Inactive: Whereabouts unknown)
                                Ra'd Malik - Mulhorandi Warrior (Inactive: Off on a mission for the BH)
                                Khyron Brinsbane - Fury of Auril (Inactive: Working with Cwn Annwn)
                                Chazre Kenner - All around good guy with a penchant for revelry and chasing the ladies. (Deleted: Team Good, returned to Cormyr)

