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Level 6 plus in the hills

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  • #46
    lol, I had this earlier: Some half orc was fighting goblins, so I hit the party invite thing: "xxx is ignoring your party invitation." Reject is fine, ignore is just RUDE.

    Well then I shrugged, and started sneak attacking his prey... to which he answered with running in deeper and leaving the the things I was sneak attackings to jump me all at once. Well I killed them fairly quickly, to find he was lying unconcious on the floor in front of me...

    I didn't have any healing, so I though I might as well kill the goblins standing over him... luckily he recovered... but he just ran straight off. This is without a single word to me at all.

    Now this may seem like a rant but... actually, well, it is. I should have put that at the top before you read through it

    Oh well, too late now
    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


    • #47
      You know, in my opinion, the DM's really need to start cracking down on the mushrooming meathead population as of late. I've seen famous lord of the ring characters running rampant, blatant OOC internet speak being used for normal talk, random PvP attacks, and mostly just a 'I'm on the internets so I shit on you! lolol' attitude. We really need to bring the OOC class and consideration for our fellow players back.
      Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

      LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


      • #48
        Yeah, I see a lot of that.
        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


        • #49
          Last time I was on, I watched an elf "sneak" obviously I watched im so it wasnt a very good sneak, but he walked past he group of 5 or 6 people chat away at the very start of the mossclaw meet, till he got to the gnoll fort. you can figure out he rest, people like this are morons, There should probably be some way of making people read the rules before they can Download or something. but thats more work then its worth Im sure.


          • #50
            I'm not sure that sneaking past a group of people chatting at the start of Mossclaw Meet to get to the fort is technically against the rules. Bad form maybe.

            Certainly if the elf snuck past as the group was was fighting its way into the fort, that would have been against the rules. I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me in a similar situation...just happened yesterday in Stonegarb Caves.
            James Leith - Gone home to the Isles
            Iefan Gwyllym - Newly arrived!


            • #51
              Thats exactly what this guy was doing, you see a group of people at the start of an area, the only reason to not to stop and say "hey you cats gonna sack that place?" is so you can leapfrog them.


              • #52
                Its still a gray area. The start of Mossclaw Meet is a high traffic area that leads to four other locations besides the Gnoll Chief. A group stopped there could be heading to Stonegarb etc.

                Perhaps you meant that they were chatting at the entrance to the fort? That would be different...but chatting up the hill at the entrance to the area shouldn't be an indicator that they are automatically headed to kill the gnoll chief.

                A sneaking character may have perfectly valid RP reasons for not stopping to chat. Some characters just aren't very social or are paranoid and want to be unseen. An RP server will have all types of character personalities just like the real world...not everyone will be eager to group up with strangers or want to sit around the campfire talking philosophy.
                James Leith - Gone home to the Isles
                Iefan Gwyllym - Newly arrived!


                • #53
                  Bullshit it's a gray area, read the first page and second page of this thread. A DM clearly stated how this server works. And more importantly if you want to just generally be a dick behind your monitor OOC to other people, well then in my opinion you should find a different community to interact with, there are some great action servers to try out there.
                  Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

                  LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


                  • #54
                    Locked for obvious reasons

