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Level 6 plus in the hills

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  • Level 6 plus in the hills

    What the hell, I get a fairly low amount of play time so it takes like a month for me to get a level nowadays, and I indeed have been taking advantage of the rp XP when I'm on, but sometimes, it is nice to go and make some xp and gold at he same time.

    When the server is fairly empty the only place I can really go is the hills, if I want to fight and cant find a party anyways.

    Now maybe it's just me but, every time I've been in the hills (probably the last 5 or 6 times, not joking.) Some jerk, maybe level 6 or higher, (orange to purple difficulty ratings) Comes running past says "HI" and runs keeps going to essentially fight all the goblins I was looking forward to fighting.

    You know, to me it seems absolutely redundant being in the hills at that high of a level, unless of course your just running the dungeon for loot, which obviously is the case.

    That being the case, grow a pair and go to the forest, leave the hills to the 3s and 4s, and if your such a bad player or your character is indeed so weak that goblins are really the only prey you have, then maybe send an invite to the person that was already there.

  • #2
    it's the sad truth that this is all too common.




    • #3
      That happens to me all the time
      Your friendly neighborhood drunk


      • #4
        That happens to me in Viridale Forest!
        Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


        • #5
          I am guessing in most cases, such as the one you described, it is a person looking to make some quick coin. Dem diamonds cost a pretty penny ya know.

          But, hopefully once the DEV team make some more changes like giving everyone a few stones and such, this might not happen as much.
          Dashmin "Dash" Fleetfoot
          Strongheart Halfling

          Burglar turned Wizard.


          • #6
            I don't think that it is a problem the "high" level chars go there as long as they don't spoil the fun for those who have no other place to go. When you need a quick coin: check whether the area is empty and if it is not: find something else to do. If you have just killed the Baneguard and a group of low levels enters the crypt then let them have the loot even if you have killed him before they arrived. Nothing is more annoying than a high level char that tells you that this Baneguard is his.


            • #7
              I understand that, but also understand that the number of areas are small, and recently the number of mid-level (8-13) level characters have been decimated.

              A lot of us have no choice, although I have had no part in this, honestly, I don't blame some people for doing this. The areas we would visit are just not possible with one person.


              • #8
                as far as I know, this kind of thing is against the rules... or am I wrong?
                "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                • #9
                  If you play it properly, if you enter an area and there is already someone there you should take one of two actions:

                  1. Say hello, rp a bit, then maybe party up and continue on
                  2. Say hello, rp a bit, then leave the place to the person or party that was there before you.

                  I have had the same thing happen to me many times and it is frustrating. At least with Viridale, there are multiple places you can go, so it isn't as bad, unless of course, someone runs right past you while you are fighting the goblins and such in front of the fort to get the chief and his drops, which people should be banned for doing, IMO. At least move off into a different direction and go to muckspear or ogres or orcs.


                  • #10
                    People really shouldn't be doing this sort of thing!

                    To anybody who is responsible for this sort of shit!
                    If you get caught, you will be shafted by the staff. This is called leapfrogging (very much against the server rules), and a little bit of RP doesn't somehow change it into something else. This sort of thing is exceptionally rude!!! Maybe your character is a greedy prick, and nothing is wrong with that, but in these sort of circumstances OOC courtesy takes precendence. If you're in a lower level area, and lower level people are there, then back off and leave it to them... simple as that.

                    To people who cop this sort of shit!
                    Leapfrogging is against Sundren's rules. If people do this to you, then please report them. The staff take this sort of thing seriously, and we know it happens, but it never gets reported. I know it's low to tell tales in school, but if people are making a mess of everyone's fun for the purposes of grinding then please make a help post, or speak to a DM.
                    I got one leg missin'
                    How do I get around?

                    One Leg Missin'
                    Meet the Feebles


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by joker View Post
                      That happens to me in Viridale Forest!
                      Well I wouldnt complain about level 6's in the forest, thats kind of where their supposed to be instead of the hills, and you have to go through the forest to get to other higher level areas. But I have had "imposibles" race ahead of me and Ithil to get the bosses first too many times to count which is super annoying.
                      Active Characters:
                      Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

                      Silivren Anar
                      Merka Gillina

                      Hideing outs:
                      Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
                      Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


                      • #12
                        Also, just general grinding. Sometimes when I am in Shanaharanana, some adventurers just run past without any RP whatsoever. This happens with lower-than-your-levels aswell...
                        Jasareth Kalisurr *stares at you blankly and slowly raises a brow*


                        • #13
                          Yeah, that's so many shades of uncool. Given that Sigrun is capped at level 15 and he still patrols the forest every day, I take great care to not wreck other people's experiences. I will always rp with people I see and OOC I'll be careful not to backspawn the lower levels as I'm walking around.

                          I've been leapfrogged many times in the past and it aggravates me to no end. Probably one of the only things that annoys me as a player.
                          ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                          ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tassafina View Post
                            Well I wouldnt complain about level 6's in the forest, thats kind of where their supposed to be instead of the hills, and you have to go through the forest to get to other higher level areas. But I have had "imposibles" race ahead of me and Ithil to get the bosses first too many times to count which is super annoying.
                            This is what I was talking about in the Viridale Forest. If I come across someone or a single person in the forest, I try to talk to them or help them out if they are fighting gnolls and goblins. RP with people you come across. You may or may not join them, but at least talk to them.
                            Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                            • #15
                              I agree with what is being said about the OOC swiping of xp by higher level people, however its not always necessary to RP with everyone you meet.
                              I've done quite a bit of hiking in my time, and while you might say hello to someone you pass, you wont often stop and chat to a total stranger.
                              Skeld Ironthews, Warrior of the Grey Wolf Tribe of the Uthgardt.

