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Level 6 plus in the hills

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  • #16
    My ranger is not capped at 15 yet, but he is higher level and often patrols the forest like a good little ranger. Sometimes he is there honestly to get some stags, but he never leapfrogs or runs past people that are already there. He simply either goes to another area or goes into the ogre cave where nobody is. He also roams around hidden a lot and has helped a number of people that were in trouble.

    The other day he helped a single individual beat the gnolls chief (she was almost dead) and said she could have the plate. She didn't even know I was around, I was shadowing her just in case she needed help.

    So, sometimes you may see a ranger in the Viridale area, but it isn't necessarily them trying to get stags, its their RP.


    • #17
      Yes the OOC swiping of xp is annoying but whats more annoying is when the character in question is at a level where there are no XP gains. at level 6 in sharahan hills, you should not be getting more then a slow trickle of XP from goblins. like almost none at all.

      I dont like complaining about people and dont think that in almost two years here I ever have, but f*ck it, next time I'll pass along account names.


      • #18
        One thing to understand though, at level six, there are many builds that cannot solo at viridale or other more difficult areas. Therefore, they go to Shaharan to gain some stags and maybe a bit of xp. Now, it should only happen if they cannot find a party or if nobody else is on.

        The other morning I was on and I was the only one on the server. I was playing my 5th level monk and he cannot, safely, solo in viridale, so he was in shaharan. Of couse, if others came online and could party up, he would, or if a lower level came to Shaharan, he would have partied up or moved on.

        Just a thought..........not everyone has a build that can solo areas at level 6.

        However, all the points are valid about leapfrogging and such!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Machiavelli View Post
          People really shouldn't be doing this sort of thing!

          To anybody who is responsible for this sort of shit!
          If you get caught, you will be shafted by the staff. This is called leapfrogging (very much against the server rules), and a little bit of RP doesn't somehow change it into something else. This sort of thing is exceptionally rude!!! Maybe your character is a greedy prick, and nothing is wrong with that, but in these sort of circumstances OOC courtesy takes precendence. If you're in a lower level area, and lower level people are there, then back off and leave it to them... simple as that.

          To people who cop this sort of shit!
          Leapfrogging is against Sundren's rules. If people do this to you, then please report them. The staff take this sort of thing seriously, and we know it happens, but it never gets reported. I know it's low to tell tales in school, but if people are making a mess of everyone's fun for the purposes of grinding then please make a help post, or speak to a DM.
          It happened to me once, but instead of reporting the guy I sent him a tell and the guy said he was sorry that he din't know about it and then he has left.

          I really liked that the guy had this conduct
          "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


          • #20
            Originally posted by Lanemeyer View Post
            It happened to me once, but instead of reporting the guy I sent him a tell and the guy said he was sorry that he din't know about it and then he has left.

            I really liked that the guy had this conduct
            Once, I was merely searching for something while stealthed/invis (one of my characters is constantly seeking), and I accidentally triggered a huge spawn of goblins on a few lower levels. I helped them out, then told them I was sorry, they smiled, and I left.

            But yeah, if I was halfway through a dungeon and suddenly a blue dwarf/halfling comes out of the middle of nowhere and begins to take down all the creatures ahead of me...I would be angry.

            Now that my character is no longer a wimp, he might be out of town a bit more, but I'm really not going to be "grinding" at all. He doesn't start conflict without reason. He is looking for many things, however...and yeah, because its beta, he is going to be looking in the same places from many different angles (Hah! I knew that tree was changing color weekly!)

            I'll try to stay away from triggering massive spawns on the unsuspecting, however


            • #21
              It's always unfortunate to see experiences like this and we definetly have plans to answer them but most of it ties into things we've already said we are working on (more areas, quests).
              The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

              George Carlin


              • #22
                Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
                ...the gnolls chief (she was almost dead)
                WTF? The Gnoll Chief is a female?
                Right on, Sista!

                Come on, he's got a deep voice, facial hair and he has a couple of 'valuable things'.
                Aspiring book publisher, soup vendor & inspirational legendary heroine.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FunkGuru View Post
                  WTF? The Gnoll Chief is a female?
                  Right on, Sista!

                  Come on, he's got a deep voice, facial hair and he has a couple of 'valuable things'.
                  Don't some dwarven females have facial hair? A deep voice? And maybe even some valuable things?

                  Oh god, I just gave someone an idea, didn't I.


                  • #24
                    I meant that the female fighter type was almost dead, LOL!


                    • #25
                      Bohahahaha! I am one of those bastards all you are talking about

                      I take a perverse pleasure in joining up with low lev parties, and then watching their eyes bulge as they get 0xp :P

                      But I agree, leapfrogging is bad... though I've been fortunate enough to not come across any.

                      What annoys me, is that you finally find someone around your level that you can party with, and they're soloing. So you go ahead and try and join them. Then, as part of their RP, they refuse. Now I guess that's the most realistic thing, but COME ON PPL! IT'S A BLOODY ONLINE GAME! SOCIALISE!
                      Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                      • #26
                        My character just follows people around, demanding spoons.

                        It generally results in irritation, rather than hatred, which is the end-result of leapfrogging, I would assume.

                        Honestly, whoever leapfrogs is probably being ridiculous. Though if someone is just being antisocial, let them do their thing... just make it hard for them. Follow them around, do all the things they do, and justify it by saying you have similar motives. Eventually, they won't be able to avoid you much longer, and their character will eventually give up, and accept the aid.
                        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                        • #27
                          I was leapfrogged once, me and another guy were in the goblin caves and we ran into a rogue who was the lone wolf type and after trying to invite her to the group IC she refused so we said ok let's go, and she ended up following us all stealthy, and while we were fighting the goblin chief she stealthed over to the chest, looted it, and stealthed out. Now in response to playing those I'm not very social type characters, I've been in the shahahraba.... something hills before, and a group would come by and do a quick hey join us blah blah, and my character doesn't say no but he asks questions, that's his nature, and instead of pursuing it and having me join the group they just say yeah whatever bye and run off, it's like jeez roleplay a little maybe? I'm a good guy but if I was walking through the forest and 3 guys run up to me and say hey dude were gonna go pillage a cave join us, I'de look at them like they were crazy.
                          Rhime - or is he?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by rustediron View Post
                            Bohahahaha! I am one of those bastards all you are talking about

                            I take a perverse pleasure in joining up with low lev parties, and then watching their eyes bulge as they get 0xp :P

                            But I agree, leapfrogging is bad... though I've been fortunate enough to not come across any.

                            What annoys me, is that you finally find someone around your level that you can party with, and they're soloing. So you go ahead and try and join them. Then, as part of their RP, they refuse. Now I guess that's the most realistic thing, but COME ON PPL! IT'S A BLOODY ONLINE GAME! SOCIALISE!

                            Meh, the end part... *Shrug.* Some characters are like that. Dono, they're likely to die anyways.


                            • #29
                              there not likely to die in the sharahan hills at level 7.


                              • #30
                                Ooooh, if some sneaky rogue stole all the loot while I was fighting a goblin chief, I'd hunt them down and stab them until they gave back my hard earned loot.
                                Skeld Ironthews, Warrior of the Grey Wolf Tribe of the Uthgardt.

