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Level 6 plus in the hills

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  • #31
    Originally posted by rustediron View Post
    Bohahahaha! I am one of those bastards all you are talking about

    I take a perverse pleasure in joining up with low lev parties, and then watching their eyes bulge as they get 0xp :P

    But I agree, leapfrogging is bad... though I've been fortunate enough to not come across any.

    What annoys me, is that you finally find someone around your level that you can party with, and they're soloing. So you go ahead and try and join them. Then, as part of their RP, they refuse. Now I guess that's the most realistic thing, but COME ON PPL! IT'S A BLOODY ONLINE GAME! SOCIALISE!
    I believe many people still think that if you party up you'll get less xp, but of course this is not the way how it happens.

    GBX once sent a shout telling everybody that if you party up with three or more players, everybody in the party would take 30% more xp than usual.

    And that's a fact, I already tried
    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


    • #32
      So that's a total group size of 4 including yourself?
      Skeld Ironthews, Warrior of the Grey Wolf Tribe of the Uthgardt.


      • #33
        3 is the min. total group size.

        Does anyone know the max size before a penalty?




        • #34
          I believe you can still get decent xp with a party of six, but after six, no xp. Also, there is a level differential, so if Val Evra wants to party with a group that is level 3 to probably 7 or 8, they will not get any xp because Val is a lot higher level.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
            I was shadowing her
            Theres a word they call people who do that.
            "We are what we think.
            All that we are arises with our thoughts.
            With our thoughts, we make our world"


            • #36
              Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
              I believe you can still get decent xp with a party of six, but after six, no xp. Also, there is a level differential, so if Val Evra wants to party with a group that is level 3 to probably 7 or 8, they will not get any xp because Val is a lot higher level.
              I've posted a collection of GBX quotes on this topic before, but since I can't be bothered to do that this time, I'll summarise

              Bascically, the amount of exp your party gets is relative to the level difference between your party's CR and the enemy's CR.

              If there is a difference of +3, then your entire party get's say 32 xp, but if there is a +5 difference, then you'd get 100xp or so (May not be exact values). However, if you're party was stronger, then you may only get 8 or 4xp... and if you were much stronger, you'd get 0xp.

              When you party, you're party CR is set to the same as the highest level char in the group.

              So, to continue the example, if Val (level 14) joined up with a party of level 3s, the effective party CR would become 14. If they then went and killed a load of goblins, the xp given would be 0.

              There are also exp bonuses and penalties associated with partying. When you have 3 members in your party, the exp you are given increases by 30%. I think it may even increase further when you have 5 people.

              Unfortunately, if there are more than 5 people in a party, the party's CR is increased by 2 (I think, it may be 1) for every extra person.

              So if there was a group of 6 level 3s, and Val joined, to make a group of 7, the total CR of the party would become 18 (14 + 2 + 2).

              Another restriction, is that if your party contains two people with a level difference of more than 7, then the party's CR increases by 1 for every extra level difference.

              So if we return to the previous example of Val and his small squad of level 3s, the level difference is 11. 11 - 7 = 4. Therefore, the party's CR actually becomes 18 + 4 = 22.

              I hear that, in actual D&D, level 22 is pretty much demi-god level... so you can guess why you may not get any exp for killing goblins.
              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


              • #37
                What annoys me, is that you finally find someone around your level that you can party with, and they're soloing. So you go ahead and try and join them. Then, as part of their RP, they refuse. Now I guess that's the most realistic thing, but COME ON PPL! IT'S A BLOODY ONLINE GAME! SOCIALISE!
                *raises hand* Thats me. Hey, if you're a fighter running around with a cloak embalzoned with the mark of Talos and I'm a paladin of Tyr...

                It may be the most efficient thing, but it certainly isn't the most logical (if you can use that argument about fictional computer characters ). Maybe I'm just a purist but I have more respect for someone who refuses to party up based on their race / creed / background than someone who sends invites before they even know who my character is and gets miffed if I refuse.


                • #38
                  lol, well yes, the talosian shouldn't be really inviting you in the first place, unless he was a radical... what do you call em... peace-people? not pacifist, I'm talking about the people trying to reconcile two sides in a war ferverently... anyway never mind that.

                  Basically, I'm just ranting about those low-cha dwarves that can do pretty well by themselves, and thus do so. I'm not saying it's bad RP, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing either; I just find it personally annoying.

                  Also, if you get invited mid-battle, you might as well accept, and then leave the party after the battle is over - that way you can maximise both your exp gains and it's fair for both of you.
                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #39
                    I think a little common courtesy and open-mindedness could go a long way here. If you see someone else already in the area, try to party - if rp-wise it's not possible, then let the people there go first. And if you're the party already in the hills, and you see that someone is repeatedly trying to explore the hills but always is forced out, maybe you should let that guy get a chance. Use tells to explain your situation - I know it's horribly OOC, but in the name of fairness and fun, I think this kind of OOC is acceptable.

                    Yes? No? Pokemon?


                    • #40
                      I agree, tells are good.
                      Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                      • #41
                        Yes, of course, tells is alright, I think it is not that bad when you are being oocly using tells once only the person you are talking to will be able to read it.
                        "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


                        • #42
                          I suppose this would also include people jumping into your fight without joing or attempting to join your party? Nothing upsets me more that bashing on the Banegaurd, or chieftain, or mossclaw than having someone come up and kill him with one swing. (and then grab the loot also by claiming the kill).
                          Elix Bloodfeather - deleted

                          Sardo Numspa - deleted

                          Hakafu Fujisawa - tried to remake and now bugged

                          New class- Sardo revisited - Certa Morte- Damyn Locke


                          • #43
                            Someone jumping in on your fight makes sense - if you, in real life, were some kind of super-wizard, and you saw a bunch of people being attacked by nasty green things, would you stand there and wait for them to finish before you did anything? I wouldn't. It depends on your character, but since that is the case, you can't be upset that someone does that. However, it would be a nice curtesy to hit the Party Invite thing, so as to allow everyone to get the XP, rather than just the person making landing the final blow.

                            Additionally, if the person who lands the blow attempts to seize the loot, that is fine as well, provided there is RP involved. If you play a selfish prick, and you landed the final blow, you have every right to continue to be a selfish prick In-Character, and attempt to ensure an unfair amount of loot. Let the RP see the situation through.

                            Although, if the person runs in, smacks the boss, takes the loot, and runs off without a single emote... you have a problem.
                            Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                            Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                            • #44
                              I don't know, if you're talking about someone who is a higher level (i.e. killing him in one or two blows as mentioned above) I don't think that there should be any reason for that person to walk away with loot, because they are probably just farming and feel they deserve it. I've had a high level person blast by my group before only to find out that when we reach the two bosses in the cave they are the only things missing, I can't say for sure that said person killed them, only that it is suspicious to say the least.
                              Rhime - or is he?


                              • #45
                                Yeah, I think thats the wrong thing to do, unless there is some kind of amazing RP that takes place before, during, and after the episode of potential farming.
                                Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                                Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.

