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Time to level 20?

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  • #31
    One thing I really like about the 6months and new levelling curve is that if you are on alot the new system drives you into more and more roleplaying as the only way to advance. This makes those who play the most roleplayers mainly, not powergamers.

    Solves a huge problem with typical roleplaying server IMO, where even good Rpers are tempted to "grind" by the lure of that next level or to keep up with the powerful.


    • #32
      I think six months is a good amount of time. Need to simulate time of progression through a fairly decent amount of real time because realistically, farmer Bob can't become the best swordsman in all of Sundren in a blink of an eye. Due to game limits, there has to be a balance between fun and believability (realism). Players need to be encouraged to RP more than grind away all the time.

      PC: Scott Marlinton - Sorceror


      • #33
        6 months for 20th sounds good to me. For hardcore power gamers another server may be more appealing.


        • #34
          For hardcore power gamers another server may be more appealing
          By now I think that the XP system is the method to get rid of the more bothersome powergamers, grinders, farmers...

          There seem to be a few here and there who are not that much into RP - but either they are getting interested in rping more (which is great!) or they leave (which is great!). Superb.
          Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


          • #35
            I like it how it is, though I still don't like the 2 free levels at start-up. And I wish there were more quests. As for powergamers I don't really care aslong as they are not disruptive
            Janil - Halfling Archer


            • #36
              Meh 6 months at the most.
              Didn't you have this poll two months ago?
              There's a thin line between the definition of genius and insanity; I cross it all the time.


              • #37
                I know im a new guy but I want to give my opinion on it I wish you'll be ok with it... so my opinion is that 6month is a small period of time for the lenght of a story like that but it can be long if you are just waiting to get this famous level 20... I think that 6 to 8 month should be nice... and gamers who play like 3hours each night the week and 10 hours the weekend will be able to reach it before anyway... im a player who want to RP just like Glazed Donuts... my level jus count if I want to fight but I want to do an RP caracter who prefer to tell stories that he wrote in bars and he will drink and have fun... he will fight sometime but he will pass the most time on talking and traveling to see an other city and find new friends... so the Level for me are just... numbers... and 6months is a normal time to reach it (I will reach it in a year if it take 6months for people who fight anyway...)
                see you later


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dragoncleric View Post
                  Meh 6 months at the most.
                  Didn't you have this poll two months ago?
                  I did? Hmmm... DUnno, it's 5 months now though.

