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Lore Request Thread

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  • Lore Request Thread

    I've created this thread for everyone's questions regarding lore. I will answer questions which have answers and create answers for those which currently do not. Everything I say should be regarded as fact unless otherwise stated.
    Sunder me? Sunder you!

  • #2
    I am interested in the strong magical characters in Sundren.


    • #3
      Where in Faerun is this?

      Sorry can't seem to find it on any maps...I know Sundren was created by many of you but am having some trouble with the lore/place to help create my character.

      Thanks and look forward to spending more time here.


      • #4
        Sundren is located south of Icewind Dale, near the Spine of the World. It has been fictionally made by us to be part of the existing forgotten realms lore.
        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

        George Carlin


        • #5
          Of Heroes and Heroines

          I am curious as to how old or new Sundren is in years. Do they already have an established history of heroes and villains? Is this a rather new uprising of legend and lore? Will the first players to step foot in Sundren be those that pave the way for legends? What of player effect on the world itself? Will the players be allowed to build their own keeps (for guilds or personal use) in parts of the world that have room for such an undertaking? Would they be allowed to go so far as to hack down part of a forrest to facilitate the construction of a tower or burrow? What of the underworld? Is the black market and corruption already in place? Will the players establish the economy or will this already be set? Many questions I know, but these things are important when considering the scope of player immersion in a perpetual world.

          Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
          "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
          Eldraxus Tzyvioq
          Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Grigori View Post
            I am curious as to how old or new Sundren is in years. Do they already have an established history of heroes and villains? Is this a rather new uprising of legend and lore? Will the first players to step foot in Sundren be those that pave the way for legends? What of player effect on the world itself? Will the players be allowed to build their own keeps (for guilds or personal use) in parts of the world that have room for such an undertaking? Would they be allowed to go so far as to hack down part of a forrest to facilitate the construction of a tower or burrow? What of the underworld? Is the black market and corruption already in place? Will the players establish the economy or will this already be set? Many questions I know, but these things are important when considering the scope of player immersion in a perpetual world.
            I will answer these questions one by one.

            Sundren is roughly 150 years old.

            Sundren has a few heroes and villains. You will be able to gain a general perspective of who these characters are by either questing or reading about them on the wiki page or in the planned in-game library.

            I'm unsure of what you mean by fairly new uprising of legend and lore.

            The majority of Sundren will be manipulated by players who take the time and put forth the effort to become prominent members of its society. Expect to see player-oriented governments, guilds and more. We are very flexible in this aspect however we do have limits. Expect any custom projects to have their own pre-requisites and prices.

            The black market economy of Sundren does not currently exist but we encourage players who want to bring the world to life to create it if they wish.

            The standard economy shifts with player involvement. There are of course vendors but even their prices will be randomly shifting due to supply and demand on the part of the players, especially for crafting materials.

            Sunder me? Sunder you!


            • #7
              Thanks for the response. It answers alot of questions along with the wiki page which I am still slowly pouring over.

              Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
              "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
              Eldraxus Tzyvioq
              Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...


              • #8
                Black Market? I'd like to see that. With all these Rogue characters, that wouldn't be too hard. What would be even more cool if different players set up a counter-guild and a whole (subtle) conflict occurred.

                Okay, I've got a question: What does Sundren have in the way of wizard's/scholar's guilds?
                >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

                Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
                ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


                • #9
                  Hmmm. Nothing yet really. Start one.
                  The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                  George Carlin


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Abyss View Post
                    Black Market? I'd like to see that. With all these Rogue characters, that wouldn't be too hard.
                    Okay, I've got a question: What does Sundren have in the way of wizard's/scholar's guilds?
                    I don't consider my bard to be a rogue, nor will he be so. While on the topic of guilds, I notice bards don't really fit in any particualr kind of guild, being more of the Warlock in terms of 'groupings'.
                    Anything to provide a 'central' structure (heck even Druids and Rangers can go to groves in or outside a city) for this type of player?
                    There's a thin line between the definition of genius and insanity; I cross it all the time.


                    • #11
                      Actually believe it or not Aquor (not in the mod yet but the area is nearly done) has a large stage overlooking a lake that we planned on having Bard events on.
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dragoncleric View Post
                        I don't consider my bard to be a rogue, nor will he be so. While on the topic of guilds, I notice bards don't really fit in any particualr kind of guild, being more of the Warlock in terms of 'groupings'.
                        Anything to provide a 'central' structure (heck even Druids and Rangers can go to groves in or outside a city) for this type of player?
                        Bards should feel at home just about anywhere. Such is the nature of their ilk. If you're looking for someplace to call home though, perhaps a playhouse or tavern.
                        Sunder me? Sunder you!


                        • #13
                          Lore Update: The Necropolis' age has been changed from 10 generations to 5.


                          • #14
                            realistic monster placements, no monsters right out the gate ect. if your a major city and you have all these guards, militia men ect then you'd use them. keep the areas that you protect under control and creature free.

                            no super magic item that can destroy the world hacky quests either, no one would ever make and item like that and as i understand fr the god of magic wouldn't allow it either. [ pardon my lack of fr knowledge, im a greyhawk player] and while where at it no long dark unknown secret evil vies for what ever, basically nothing i have ever seen in a forgotten realms book, product or comic book or game should see the light of day
                            Angrim Thundergut: The Incredible Bulk

                            The Hint Banality

                            FINISH HIM!

                            ^, >, >, V, X

                            Screen goes dark

                            Large red hand smashes opponent to chunky salsa



                            • #15
                              Quick question--I know that the year is 1372, but is this BEFORE Bane's ressurection, or after?
                              "The Weave is the source of all magic in Faerun, and I would give my life to protect it!"
                              Selene Canadiel--Knight of the Weave
                              "I have failed you once....I will not fail you again!"
                              Sylvanas Kathar--Thayan Knight

