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  • #31
    No, they get cleared by the cleanup script anyway, there is no point - though people use the barrel in the Mossclaw Fort as a trash barrel anyway... meh.
    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


    • #32
      Thats because nothing spawns inside those barrels anyways Rusted. They are essentially an empty barrel.
      Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

      LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


      • #33
        Originally posted by Subal View Post
        Specially hacking at the tree while laughing and trying to piss the wild elves off some more then they already was 8D
        Yeah that was hilarious, I was surprised they didn't just start stabbing us in the back for that lol. I guess they were more concerned about the trash than the tree though, still wish I would have had an axe instead of my sword lol.
        Rhime - or is he?


        • #34
          Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
          Also, if you really don't want to be bothered with this RP, you can send a Tell and I am sure we would honor your request to be left alone. Also, if you don't want it to end up as PVP, we can also, I am sure, roleplay that out also.
          This bothers me to some extent.

          If you're going to play on an RP server, you have to accept that your character is going to come into situations that are intense, dangerous, or arguementative in nature. The point of these games is to create a realistic atmosphere when it comes to player/player interaction, as well as player/environment interaction, and that can't be done by screening scenarios with Tells. If you don't want to run into angry wild elves, don't go to where the angry wild elves spend all their time. Don't avoid the situation by going OOC.

          However, in the case of PvP, or an RP scenario that might be disturbing (rape, sex, torture, etc.), a Tell might be called for.

          Anything that inconveniences the person behind the character, should call for some curtesy - but anything that inconveniences the character in front of the person should be sucked up and dealt with, as that is half of what RP'ing is all about.

          Thats just my opinion though.
          Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

          Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


          • #35
            Well, I am a newcomer to the Wild Elf RP and haven't had a chance to RP it that much, so I would defer to the other wild elves for an answer on how they will probably handle RP situations.

            I was merely trying to let everyone know that the original post had nothing to do with clean up scripts or such, it was based on RP.


            • #36
              Torture, lol. My preference is the 'Accursed Black Tentacles of Xanderloo'

              EDIT: (For those that don't know, it is basically subdual on + black tentacles)
              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


              • #37
                Kangleton if you think it is ok to Role-play out rape on a video game let me know, because thats just the stupidest thing that has passed my monitor in a while.

                Secondly you say if you don't want to interact don't go where they are? You should get some facts before you posted about this, because they are usually in the hills. Thats right the starting area, so according to you if it bothers people to engage in that form of RP people should take their level 3 characters where? I guess the forest or maybe the cartel.

                Thirdly the first part of your post says you should just deal with it, but then the last part of your post says if it bothers you OOC you should show some curtesy. Your contradicting yourself there. Or possibly, as it happens on the internet, I am not following what your trying to convey.
                Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

                LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


                • #38
                  Flaming is the hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users. Flaming usually occurs in the social context of a discussion board, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or even through e-mail. An Internet user typically generates a flame response to other posts or users posting on a site, and such a response is usually not constructive, does not clarify a discussion, and does not persuade others. Sometimes, flamers attempt to assert their authority, or establish a position of superiority over other users. Other times, a flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree. Occasionally, flamers wish to upset and offend other members of the forum, in which case they can be called "trolls". Most often however, flames are angry or insulting messages transmitted by people who have strong feelings about a subject.
                  Keep it civil.


                  • #39
                    PvP is part of RP, that is an undeniable fact. Rape and sex are against the rules, I believe Kangleton was merely showing that only such extreme situations would you resort to OOC asking of permission - otherwise it makes sense to act as your character would, giving OOC warnings to soften OOC tensions, not to try and avoid it altogether.

                    For example:
                    A: "Right, GTFO, NAO. Or I will force you."
                    B: "Screw you, bastard, why the hell should I listen to you?"
                    A: *brandishes greataxe*
                    A OOC: \\Right, lol, my char is bare pissed, you can't complain if you get owned xD
                    B OOC: \\>.< oooh crap
                    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                    • #40
                      Kangleton if you think it is ok to Role-play out rape on a video game let me know, because thats just the stupidest thing that has passed my monitor in a while.
                      Nope, don't really care for rape, personally. I was treating that as an extreme to demonstrate the point that, in general, anything beneath that level of... disturbingness... should not call for a Tell before hand, as per reasons that (I think) I had stated earlier.

                      Secondly you say if you don't want to interact don't go where they are? You should get some facts before you posted about this, because they are usually in the hills. Thats right the starting area, so according to you if it bothers people to engage in that form of RP people should take their level 3 characters where? I guess the forest or maybe the cartel.
                      I had assumed, based on many people mentioning the forest, and the gnolls, and the fort with the "trash" barrels, that this was in the context of Veridale. Regardless of the actual setting though, I refuse to change my stance, hills or not. If your level 3 doesn't like danger, why is he in the hills in the first place, flooded with goblins? Just because there happens to be a second kind of danger in the hills doesn't all-of-a-sudden imply that something unfair has happened. Besides, the hills are the "lawless" lands, right?

                      Thirdly the first part of your post says you should just deal with it, but then the last part of your post says if it bothers you OOC you should show some curtesy. Your contradicting yourself there. Or possibly, as it happens on the internet, I am not following what your trying to convey.
                      I would think it was a failure to communicate properly through the internet, as I don't actually know just what you're referring to. However, if you show me specifically either here or in a PM, I'll re-explain myself.

                      BIG LONG DEFINITION OF FLAMING
                      If that was directed at Gairun's post towards me, let it be known that I reeeeaaally don't care. I don't believe in being offended over the internet.

                      Also, in regards to restediron's post... I like it. The end.
                      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                      • #41
                        Seriously, if I was trying to actually flame Kangelton I would. What I wrote was my reaction to what I thought he was saying. And if you noticed, like Kangleton did, I ended by asking him if it was my fault in not understanding him correctly. I appreciate and get along with Kangleton, and I'm pretty sure he knows it. So no need to tell two people they are somehow treating each other not nice when the two of them don't have a problem with each other.

                        Anyways I think Rusted made your point more understandable for me Kangleton, as rusted can do in his own way. I agree that any disturbing IC actions really do warrant a tell before hand, so I'm going to check off the box marking us agreed on that point. I suppose where you and me draw the line at times is different, but hey thats normal for people to have different tolerances.

                        And about the hills, I will say it's one thing if it is other PC's your level. But when it is level 5's and 6's it can be a no win situation for the player. It may not bother you Kang and I can agree with it to some extent, its just when I see players on a PW server not really worried about how their 'actions' may affect other people I get worried.

                        I think what the wild elf band is doing is kind of neat in my opinion, it gives a lot more immersion for IC play. However it's more the execution, pardon the pun, that makes me a bit cranky.

                        I would assume we can all agree that the magical 'Tell' before hand or even at the beginning of an encounter can really solve most of all in game problems correct? Because thats my belief.
                        Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

                        LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


                        • #42
                          Wayyyyy off topic.
                          Originally posted by Lollercide
                          Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.

