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Take all that is left

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  • Take all that is left

    Morning comes to find Exigo trading post littered with a various assortment of scattered items. A note scrawled on the bark of a Birch tree hangs upon teh wagon

    Defilers of the forest and hills hear my warning. Any who so tread upon the paths of the Vir or walk the meadows of the hills shall take all that does not belong in nature and dispose of it not upon the soil but in your cities and camps. Those who fail shall find their paths forever overrun by the vines of the earth and set upon by natures beast. You are not welcome in nature unless you come to respect nature and treat it as if it where your home.

    The note has no signature. The symbol of a leaf crossed by a spear marks the bottom

    ooc: this means pick up your remains people even if they have no value. Thats what trash cans are for. I am sure I am not the only one who finds it an eye sore

  • #2
    Vinnie looks at the note.

    "Seriously? I'm not luggin around a sack full of empty ale steins"

    OOC there are some clean up scripts that take care of this, and not every character can pick up everything on the ground, some characters pick up a shield and they are encumbered.


    • #3
      (( Beyond wondering how you snuck past the guards at Exigo, I'd like to suggest you take a different view of the items. Where you see bags, I see bodies. IC, we wouldn't see "trash" on the ground--we would see dead buggers holding spears. I think, based upon your last statement, that you're using an IC excuse to react to OOC frustrations. That's a very, very dangerous line to walk. ))


      • #4

        If your chracter wants to see bodies thats fine, Then also see that in killing goblins gnolls etc by the hundreds there is no way that the forest could absorb that kind of carnage. that number of bodies laying in the sun would breed plague and pestilance (not to mention a breeding ground for experimental Banites). Xylia has heard the body argument as well. If you want to go back thru history Viking Greeks Romans and far eastern cultures be it large battles or small skirmishes always took time to bury or burn the dead.The handeling of the dead and wounded during a conflict even holds true thru wars in American history. Where Soldiers during the civil war would take a break from fighting allowing each side to remove their dead from the field partially for honor sake partially for health reasons. If you dont wantto see it as trash or worthless loot then see it as picking it up symbolizing it was burned withthe bodies, Becasue leaving bodies layin in teh sun in such number is just as much a defilement of the surroundings as leavin every tin can piece of trash around.

        If you wish to argue with Xylia that the goblin gnoll population will get out of control without you the answer is "No". Several other adventurers come thru the forest to do the same job you do and some actually respect her wishes.

        Think of it this way askin you to pick up remains is a simple symbol that you would be helping preserve the forest. Atleast Xylia isnt standin at the gates like the DNR regulating how many goblins you can tag this hunting season in order to keep the body count down.

        Hell if you guys just wanted to stack all the worthelss loot in a corner or in the barrels by Mossclaw it would symbolize the same effort in Xylia's eyes. After all if any of you have followed her around she doesnt leave a single drop and she would gladly clear those piles as well((( Good little druid that one)))

        As far as scripts to clean up the drops yes they have them but then that would ruin my fun of annoying adventurers about keeping her forest clean and safe. After all it is her home.

        As far as it being an ooc annoyance it is to some not all. I am not tryin to make it about that so please don't assume everytime you encounter her its cuz i am annoyed with the slop thats ooc and not Xylia. She can be pleasant and understanding once you get past her harsh judgemental exterior.

        Ooh and btw sneakin past the guards at Exigo. Not hard with camoflage giving a 25 hide and move silent and invis potions. hell any thief with a 3 hide could squeeze in over a fence line considering how often the guards miss blatant magic shows around the campfire they are not likely to pay attention to something less obvious.



        • #5
          Moved to general discussion, as this has devolved into an OOC conversation. No OOC comments in IC forums!

          First, there is a clean up script that fires when all PCs have left the area. Stick around and stare at the bags and you're going to see them there all day.

          Second, the trash you refer to, the bags, are actually corpses. These corpses are actually pretty good for the environment, I would think. I don't think a druid would complain too much about element rich bodies going back into the earth, especially if they're people or creatures she/he didn't like to being with. Charred limbs go very well in compost piles.

          Third, unless your characters have a pretty decent MS/Hide score, there's no way you're going to be able to start dropping that stuff in the Exigo camp unnoticed. Or, if you were invisible, the Sentinels would start cleaning it up as soon as the trash was noticed, and most likely apprehend you right away. The Exigo trading post is busy all hours of the day and night, and is heavily guarded, so sneaking is really isn't an option. Just because a DM isn't there to catch you, or because our AI logic isn't sophisticated enough to read your mind, doesn't mean you can get away with it. "The guard just stood there," isn't an excuse.

          Now, I completely encourage people to be evil druids and rangers, but be smart evil druids and rangers.

          EDIT: And let me just say this, because the above sounds kinda mean and I really don't intend it to be that way. I applaud you for your RP, and love it when players post on the forum. Thank you for taking the initiative.
          Last edited by Leaving Hope; 03-11-2008, 11:56 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Leaving Hope View Post
            Second, the trash you refer to, the bags, are actually corpses. These corpses are actually pretty good for the environment, I would think. I don't think a druid would complain too much about element rich bodies going back into the earth, especially if they're people or creatures she/he didn't like to being with. Charred limbs go very well in compost piles.
            Originally posted by GRCrush View Post
            Where Soldiers during the civil war would take a break from fighting allowing each side to remove their dead from the field partially for honor sake partially for health reasons.
            Leaving dead bodies around is a good way to spread disease. Just pointing that out.
            Your friendly neighborhood drunk


            • #7

              This was supposed to support an RP that a number of us are doing as Wild Elves. We were basically run out of our own homes and have adopted the forests around Sundren as outr new home; therefore, we are trying to maintain the forest as we would as good Wild Elves in our own forest.

              Some may agree, some may not agree. In fact, if you look in roleplay and see the Snow Hawk episode, my ranger character came across these same Wild Elves and ended up in a battle with them. So, we are not averse to PVP if it comes to that and is roleplayed the right way.

              So please, this is supposed to be a roleplay thing and not something about drops and such. I and most people know there are clean up scripts.

              And........we are not evil, we merely worship the forest and try to protect it.

              As to Exigo, well, we will find some other place to demonstrate our disdain at how Sundren forests are used


              • #8
                edited because it was no longer applicable.


                • #9
                  If a group of adventurers kill some gnolls in the woods, they aren't going to actually pick up the spoons and steins or whatever else is present. It is impractical, and pretty stupid unless, like Karthus, you are an avid spoon collector. So what is to be done to satisfy both parties?

                  The forest-defilers could RP setting fire to the bodies, or cast some Cure Mass Wounds spell on the area to symbolize halting the spread of disease, or simply RP the process of dragging them to a corner to pile them. There are other solutions too, which involve RP rather than physically having to pick up useless remains, encumbering yourself, and having to completely inconvenience your life.

                  However, not everyone is going to care, IC. That is valid too. Although, if your Druid is passionate about this, it does qualify as grounds for PvP, as per the rules. Give the intruders a warning to either pick up their crap or leave, and threaten them with consequences depending on their choices. If they do not meet your fairly reasonable demands, attack them on Subdual, and leave them in the rotting piles of dead gnoll. Fitting punishment.

                  I wish I had a good computer. I'd love to be a part of this, IC.
                  Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                  Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                  • #10
                    ^^ What he said ^^
                    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


                    • #11
                      I like to pick up the normal weapon and armor and take them to the nearest campsite. That way Calowyn believes that he is helping out some poor soul that stumbled to a campsite wouded and may have lost their weapons and armor.
                      Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                      • #12
                        I'm not picking that crap up, sorry I have 14 str and carry 2 sets of armor, 4 weapons, healing kits, poisons, potions, scrolls, 2 sets of clothing, more gloves then a merchant. Yeah, no thanks.
                        Last edited by Mako; 03-14-2008, 06:22 AM.
                        Yup, I put a signature in..


                        • #13
                          On the skullport server, they have a bag where you can drop stuff into it and it is destroyed. Not terribly realistic but useful.

                          On a slightly off topic, I had a nifty idea for an item:

                          Store in a bag! - Activate this handy dandy bag and everything you put in there goes to a shelf back at the exigo trading house.
                          Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                          Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                          Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                          • #14
                            I've had numerous run ins with the trash elves before, as they probably know , and I have to say even though it was a bit frustrating the first time, as GRCrush knows, after that it's been pretty good, I've actually had my characters leave little things on purpose just as a RP trigger for them. While I can't say I like every aspect about the way they approach it, I can say that I have more fun with them around, than if they weren't. Especially since I frequent some of the areas they seem to haunt around all the time and never know if the next time I bump in to them if I'll have friends with me, or if I'll be all alone with three angry garbage elves.
                            Rhime - or is he?


                            • #15
                              I gotta say from both sides that it is fun. Like I posted before, I have a ranger who does wear a chain shirt. I came up to them and gave them an elven greeting in elven, and they basically said I was dirt because I wore metal armor. Well.......it progressed from there, was rped, and was fun.

                              I also have a wild elf as part of the group. I haven't been part of the group for very long, but look forward to rping this group also.

                              Just approach it as rp and how your character would truly handle it. If you tell them to go eat crap and die, then things may get very interesting. If you say Ok, let me pick this stuff up, then the Rp can go another way.

                              Just roll with it
                              Last edited by Mako; 03-14-2008, 06:24 AM.

