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Stealth Mode

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  • #31
    Every server I have been on has had issues with stealth and especially HIPS because it is a very, very difficult skill to combat unless you make a particular type of character. Add to that some of the stuff available in the game that gives bonuses to stealth like the cloaks and hoods (up to +5 or more I think with both on).

    I would suggest providing similar equipment that gives bonuses to spot and listen, thereby giving people at least some chance of seeing a stealthed individual.

    Realistically, I still, after NWN1 and NWN2 can't believe a person with HIPS should be able to basically devastate an entire party of high level characters without taking a hit.


    • #32
      There are Spot/Listen bonus items out there. I had a few that were actually pretty good.
      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


      • #33
        Realistically, I still, after NWN1 and NWN2 can't believe a person with HIPS should be able to basically devastate an entire party of high level characters without taking a hit.
        HIPS and Stealth mode got a nerf in NWN2 to prevent this. The 1 round cool down timer makes sure the rogue/shadow dancer/assassin/ranger is sure to get hit back before they can escape into the shadows again.


        • #34
          Have you tried to fight a HIPS character yet? I did and had a very good spot. It wasn't as easy as you think with the cool down timer.

          I remember one halfling character that basically wiped out the entire server using HIPs during a roleplay a couple weeks ago.

          Not sure if the change really changed anything.


          • #35
            We'll have to agree to disagree. I have fought HIPS PCs on a few occasions, and due to NWN2's auto counter attack scripts, I had no problems getting in a blows each round either. ((Now if said rogue had death attack or a paralyzing weapon I would change my opinion on them in that instance))


            • #36
              Hmm, nifty idea!
              Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
              Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
              Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


              • #37
                I guess if you are playing a High AB class i'd worry a little. But I can just do hit and runs using tumble (DC 15? I have 18 base so I guess I don't get hit ever) to avoid damage until I can rehide
                Yup, I put a signature in..


                • #38
                  Well, I won't tell you who the halfling was, they know who they are, but they do have death attack and they paralyzed my character on the first hit..........death.

                  So, assassin and HIPs, pretty damn powerful.

                  I am not for changing anything, I was just saying maybe some other equipment to balance it a bit. But if the gear is already in, then all is good


                  • #39
                    Is it just a Rogue? It might be a Shadow Dancer and in which case they can hide just about anywhere, even while in pursuit by an enemy right behind them. Not sure about other classes for sure, but I know that they can.

