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The reason *why* Oshala keeps using disguises...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
    A) To roll spot, or search, or wisdom, or anything you want in regards to detecting a disguise, you must first have a reason to do so. I mean, seriously, when you walk around in real life, are you constantly looking people up and down, to detect the remote possibility that they are an evil cultist?
    Well, to be quite honest, you do this without realising this -- but, it is just a game. If you are an evil follower of Shar then face the consequences I'd have to say. And for KOS not being part of the PvP rule - no it isn't but there is a reason people don't tell others they follow Bane, Cyric, Shar and the rest of the evil deitys because you will end up becoming a KOS suspect, just the same as Drow are.

    Now, all I can say is, Oshala should and can disguise herself however she likes, and when she is in disguise then people should still be allowed to roll the checks to see who she really is. If you have never met the person, there really is no need to roll the checks is there?

    I also think this whole thread has made it worse for Oshala, because now more people will be taking care about what they say around you and how they act around you.
    Originally posted by Lollercide
    Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.

