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The reason *why* Oshala keeps using disguises...

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  • The reason *why* Oshala keeps using disguises...

    Hello, Sundrenites!

    I feel the need to post this.

    Obviously, the cult of Shar is largely outnumbered. There's maybe four of us, versus an easy eight from the goodie two shoe temples and innumerable mercenaries who will fight for said temple on a whim. More over, the goodies are all higher level.

    So, that's just the facts.

    Why does Oshala keep showing her face in public, then?

    Well, there's two reasons, one IC and one OOC.

    In-character she's just doing what Monk's do best. Blend in. It is said that Monks make great spies and assassins, well it's true. I walk around, looking nondescript (with 10 CHA, unless you were eyeing her before you have little reason to recognise her) and purposefully blending in with a crowd of commoners. Yes, I walk around, spying, gathering information like a good Monk would. I do this, because I am low level compared to whom I'm competing with. This is not a complaint. I'm not capable of open combat, so I must use blackmail to give me an edge. The only person who would really have a reason to notice me while I'm in my peasant guise is Karthus, who not only has 28-29 Wisdom but put ranks in Spot.

    The OOC reason is because, well, I have four allies. That's not a lot to interact with. I'm not going to spend all day lurking in a cavern, waiting for my allies or Absolute to come online. So what do I do? I adorn harmless disguises, so that I may exist in public. That's why Oshala keeps showing up at the campfire. I may be RPing evil, but I so no reason to be deprived of interaction, considering it's an RP server.

    So, I implore you, enemies of Shar and Oshala. As long as I'm in my disguises, and I'm not purposefully spying or eavesdropping on you, leave me be. Leave the Spots and Searches for another time - because I'm just trying to exist peacefully. I will notify you when something relevant to our conflict comes up, at which point I assume my role as spy. I will inform you of when I'm no longer 'peacefully existing' and becoming a threat. It's at that point, as long as your character successfully recognizes me, that you have all rights to shoo me away (preferably in subdual. )

    Thanks for reading, folks. This is not a complaint. I enjoy playing devil's advocate and breathing some life into our boring little bout there. This conflict has me logging back in, every time, despite the challenges. I just really need your cooperation on this one, okay guys?

    P.S. If the general public doesn't think Cadmus is insane for accusing a paper girl of being a cultist of Shar, then slap my sides and call me for dinner.
    You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.
    ~Al Capone

    Oshala Jr'ein ~the woman of a thousand (continuously recognized) faces.
    Aljd Gray
    ~"There are six people in this tavern!" The patrons look at Aljd. "...That's one less than seven."

  • #2
    Igneous would have to examine you for 5 days before he figured out your disguise. Don't worry, I won't be uncovering your disguises any time soon. And good job on your spying rp btw. I think you do a great job at it.
    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


    • #3
      Yes, you are doing a good job with the disquises. I have seen you on two different occassions and both times you looked different. My character has never met Oshala, when she was not in a disquise. So, I would not even know who she is! Keep up the good work.
      Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


      • #4
        Personally I've received guidance from a DM that if your face isn't covered you aren't disquised. I think the DM's need to decide on some kind of system for disguises, maybe hide vs spot, and some guidance on how to see through them. I'm tired of people walking into the trading post, wearing a different set of clothes with their face showing and claiming they are 'disguised'. If you do something to make you unpopular, one of the disadvantages is you may not get to hang out by the fire as much. It's part of the RP IMHO. So please, someone in authority tell us how to handle these situations.



        • #5
          I have a few things to say to this post.

          First of all, I really would like to congradulate the RP. I think it has been fantastic, and you have worked with some of the simplest, but most well thought, and well done disguises I have ever seen on the server. You've made for a believable paper-woman, farmer, owner of a lost dog, waitress, and maybe even other things I haven't been able to witness. All of them were perfectly delivered, and very convincing... though the constant reminder of your identity floating over your head gets in the way sometimes.

          With that said, I hope I speak on behalf of the goodie goodies when I go on to state that we're all good, smart, reasonable people behind the computer screen, and we would hate to blow this great RP opportunity just as much as you would. We all like the conflict, the plotting, the strategy, the competition, the rivalries... we like the fact that there is more to do than ask "How was your day?" while around the campfire. A lot of us think this is something the server has needed for a long time, and I hope that while understanding that, we can all keep in mind that although Oshala is really fun to spam with obliterating actions, it isn't good for the RP.

          As stated, she is lower level than most of her opposition, and is outnumbered. Yes, Absolute swamps us with Nightwalkers, and apparently Shadowreavers at times to make up for it, but he isn't always around, and there are times where shadow armies aren't practical...

          In such situations, I ask on behalf of Oshala, even though I am one of the goodie goodies (of some kind) that we are all respectful, OOC, of the fact that her player will want to be able to interact with other people, without us shoving knives down her throat. I would say that you can all go ahead and roll your spot checks or whatever, and yes, your character can realize who she is, but don't act upon it - and if you really must, for whatever the reason, keep in mind that there are likely NPC guards around that would definetly not approve of your actions, if violent or threatening. Also, the general public is not aware of Oshala's status, and thus, YOU would be seen as the villain if you did anything against her. Keep that in mind, before creating open conflict with a disguised person who is within eyesight of authoritative figures.

          This means that you should avoid "I know who you are. Leave here, or else" kinda scenarios, as although it is a fairly IC thing for you to do, and it makes sense, it limits Oshala's player to really... well, play. A better alternative is:

          "I know who you are, and may the Gods help you if I notice you so much as make eyecontact with me!"

          Or something along that line of thought...

          It makes it clear that you know her identity, that you hate her, that you probably wish her death to be painful and soon, and that you are willing to do so given the opportunity. It also makes it clear though, that the opportunity has not yet presented itself, though you have still set a condition for her to follow, which she can then CHOOSE to regard or disregard. Choice being the keyword, for that is what RP is all about, and it is only fair that we, the goodie goodies, do not impose upon her ability to RP without fair grounds.

          I'ts 3:00am, so I'll probably be editing this tomorrow at some point, but I hope I managed to say what needed to be said.

          Again, I greatly respect CharacterInWhite's ability to play a follower of Shar so well, disguises and all.
          Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

          Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


          • #6
            I don't think I have ever come across Oshala; however, I tend to agree about disguises. I have a ranger with a good wisdom and a very high spot and he is trained to see things as they are e.g. tracking, survival, and such. Therefore, if I see her once and notice her, then see her again in some other clothing, then see her again in some other clothing, I will take notice, but not necessarily do anything about it. I may *hmm, why is she dressed as someone else* but not take any other action. I may watch her to see what she is up to, but that would probably be it. My character really only cares about the forest, so as long as she isn't burning it down, in collusion with gnolls or ogres, or stealing from people in the forest, he probably wouldn't care what she did anyway.

            Now, if she has a different type of mask or helm on with different clothing, then it would be harder to detect her disguise. I know there are limitations on what you can wear and such that make it harder to make a disguise, so I understand that.

            But it is hard sometimes to know if someone is in disguise or not. A lot of characters put other clothes on when they are around the campfire, so we don't really know if they are just in their evening ware or in disguise?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
              Also, the general public is not aware of Oshala's status, and thus, YOU would be seen as the villain if you did anything against her. Keep that in mind, before creating open conflict with a disguised person who is within eyesight of authoritative figures..
              I think my character has met Oshala only once, but did not learn her name. As of last night though I believe Deul and Cadmus began posting notices and spreading the word about the 5 or 6 people on their 'list' at the wagon in the exigo, the sundren city gates, and delivered it to the Triumvarate. I only know for sure of the post Deul placed on the wagon, but if the names aren't common knowledge yet (one of which is Oshala's) then I have a feeling they will be very soon. I don't know if you edited yet , but I just wanted to point that out. So things will probably start getting sticky for them.
              Rhime - or is he?


              • #8
                Love you Oshala

                I honestly enjoy roleplaying with you whenever the circumstances arise, and honestly unless Zhuul, or Karthus are pointing you out to me (Or sticking hot pokers through your spine) I honestly fail to notice your disguises. I have probably 3 points in spot since its a cross class skill, and I figure that your perform far outweighs that meager number.

                On the other hand if Zhuul and Karthus "spot" your costume and inform me that "The fish vendo girl" Is actually Evil Monk Oshala who almost killed me twice, then I'm apt to let fly the roleplay theatrics. It is a tricky subject though, and I agree Something should be worked out regarding your disguises and us goody goodies.

                On the other hand, sometimes being the "bad apple" although greatly entertaining also has its downsides. Regardless I have a great time roleplaying with you and hope to continue for many months to come.
                Cadmus of Helm - Priest of The Vigilant One, watcher of the coming darkness.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shadoweaver View Post
                  Personally I've received guidance from a DM that if your face isn't covered you aren't disquised. I think the DM's need to decide on some kind of system for disguises, maybe hide vs spot, and some guidance on how to see through them. I'm tired of people walking into the trading post, wearing a different set of clothes with their face showing and claiming they are 'disguised'. If you do something to make you unpopular, one of the disadvantages is you may not get to hang out by the fire as much. It's part of the RP IMHO. So please, someone in authority tell us how to handle these situations.

                  Hence, Zhuul, the Out of Character reason for the disguises. Karthus is right - I can't interact with a wall, or wait around all day to find my allies. The OOC reason for me being at the campfire is so that I can still be a part of the community.

                  Once again, I'd like to clarify - as soon as you start talking business (pretty stupid around a public campfire. ) then I'll drop everyone an OOC note saying "I'm eavesdropping. If you discover me, fair game (again, preferably in subdual)". If I'm not following you, or eavesdropping, then I'm just harmlessly existing.

                  I'm not asking for diplomatic immunity while in my disguises. I'm simply stating I wish to interact with little hostile intent.

                  Thanks everyone for the compliments - I'm off to think of Disguise #4 while I make supper.
                  You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.
                  ~Al Capone

                  Oshala Jr'ein ~the woman of a thousand (continuously recognized) faces.
                  Aljd Gray
                  ~"There are six people in this tavern!" The patrons look at Aljd. "...That's one less than seven."


                  • #10
                    We have differing opinions on this. Thats why I want some DM guidance. This is a situation where an authority has to rule, and I will respect whatever ruling they make, but I'm doubtful you and I can find a middle ground on our own.



                    • #11
                      Well based on the fact that we can't change our hair style in game leaves on to think.. Gee its a video game, and you can't convey everything you want simply because its a game. We are all here to have fun in the end. I say if you have your fun by making Zhuul the all knowing super guardian of the realm, go right ahead.

                      If you want to have fun and roll spot checks or feel as tho you know this person and watch them closely to confirm this, I think that would enhance RP far more then you meta gaming her.
                      Yup, I put a signature in..


                      • #12
                        I don't think I'm metagaming, as I said, this is something not everyone agrees on. I know exactly how I would handle her disguises and seeing through them, the mechanics ect. However she doesn't agree with my choices. Thats why we need a DM to provide some guidance.



                        • #13
                          If I were to think like a DM, and try to put myself in his position here, I'm fairly certain it would become clear what we, as players should do:

                          Absolute is running a plot which involves a storyline that centers around conflict. Essentially, it is a "war", so to speak. Now, if you were a DM trying to mantain this conflict for this storyline to actually be compelling, would you hope that one team, who is drastically overpowered, completely dominates the other before the plot can even advance?

                          As players, if we expose Oshala everytime we can, kill her at any given opportunity, and stop her from even looking at us the wrong way, then the plot is going to be more difficult to advance for Absolute, who will then have to compensate for the lack of strength on "Oshala's Team".

                          For that purpose, to save the DM a headache, try not to thwart Oshala all the damn time, unless it actually impacts your character to do so. If she is spying in vital information, fine, smack her upside the head. But if she is walking around selling papers, drinks, or rice, you only make things harder for everyone if you try to be confrontational about it, and in the end, what have you accomplished?

                          Thats just my take on it...
                          Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                          Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                          • #14
                            The problem is amongst his many mental disorders Z'huul is totally paranoid. Letting her walk around with disguises and not having Z'huul watching her, particularly when he knows there is a disguised monk who visits the trading post, goes against MY characters RP. Thats why I say again, we need some guidance from an authority.



                            • #15
                              we also need to be tolerant of others play style

