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Reminder regarding characters knowing each other

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Xanderleo View Post
    For instance, it wouldn't be very nice of me to make my name:

    Alluess'uyyiovan Haaruunghi'io'ioan
    How did you guess Shane's false-stage-secret-xfiles-middle-disguise name?

    Freakin' metagamers.
    Aspiring book publisher, soup vendor & inspirational legendary heroine.


    • #32
      I'm totally naming my next character that.

      But his nick name will be Jack.
      ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

      ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


      • #33
        Name your John, but your real name is actually Jon. That should cause mounds of confusion.
        Names Taallic.

        Only time can save the world now.
        Immortality is your last hope.
        For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


        • #34
          Well Jack is short for John, so that works. So maybe you could call me Jack, short for John, which is short for Alluess'uyyiovan Haaruunghi'io'ioan.
          ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

          ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


          • #35
            Originally posted by Xanderleo View Post
            Well Jack is short for John, so that works. So maybe you could call me Jack, short for John, which is short for Alluess'uyyiovan Haaruunghi'io'ioan.

            Which in turn is really just a translation of Jon into Celestial.
            Names Taallic.

            Only time can save the world now.
            Immortality is your last hope.
            For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


            • #36
              I don't see why you would care if someone called you the wrong name :S
              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


              • #37
                I forget people's names in RL all the time. I wish everyone wore name tags then I could meta-game all the time.


                • #38
                  I'm the worst (should that be best?) at forgetting peoples names. What I have found is its easiest to call everybody a subtle blend of alternative names such as "my friend, mate, buddy, sweetheart and love". If you try this at home feel free to substitute your own regional variations.

                  So applying this idea to Shane she pretty much calls people who she can't well remember "Mister, Miss or My Friend" and I try not to look at tags too much. Although, Hlaine without his red robe on caught me out until my mouse (my mouse is a cheating metagaming whore) moved itself over his avatar and had a look at his tag.
                  Aspiring book publisher, soup vendor & inspirational legendary heroine.

