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Reminder regarding characters knowing each other

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  • Reminder regarding characters knowing each other


    It happened to me several times today that people called my character by his name though he really, really, REALLY told nobody his real name. And no, I did not tell anyone by accident.

    Since it is vital for some characters to be not well known by name, that ruins alot for the player rp-wise.

    Just because the name is displayed above ones head, doesn't mean your character automatically knows it.


    - SL

  • #2
    Sorry! I believe I was one that mentioned your name. I will not mention it again and I will call you by the name that you told me.
    Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


    • #3
      Is this one of these characters where you meet someone and they have a different name above there head and another name is given?

      Here is some advice..

      1st advice.. if you plan on everyone using a different name for your character ..why don't you put that above your character's head. Makes it alot easier for everyone. Your "secret" name should be somewhere else.

      2nd advice.. I think you need to forgive people who accidently call your characters name by whats over your characters head... reminder or not people can't remember everyone they meet. It is gonna happen when you tell someone a name different from whats over your character's head. I personaly am not gonna go write down your characters "other" name. People always forget names with faces it happens. Honestly, I find it annoying .. but you know what? I'll get over it if thats what you wanna do with your character

      Sorry if I sound rude but I just don't understand why you would put a name over your character's head and then have it not given out. When people emote seeing your character they sometimes will mention the name over your character's head..especialy if they have never met your character before.

      You say that it can ruin RP for players.. I personaly feel that tagging a different name on your character then what is given can ruin alot of RP as well.

      If you play a character that has a billion names given out..then whatever i guess if that is a reason.. but sooner or later Players will find out you have a bunch of names and they will just call you Bob.

      Perhaps in your Bio write the "real name of your character" ??? <--- possible 3rd advice
      Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

      Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


      • #4
        1st advice.. if you plan on everyone using a different name for your character ..why don't you put that above your character's head. Makes it alot easier for everyone. Your "secret" name should be somewhere else.
        I can agree with that. My character Patience has the exact same thing, except I foresaw the problems of people accidently meta-gaming her real name like this and for reasons Soulbadguy described above. Patience Allows obviously is not her real name, but I made that her character name so as to make it apparent that her real name is secret and not well known - or known at all. While you may expect that some people will remember not to use the name displayed over your head, you cannot realistically think that everyone will.

        Yes it's meta-gaming, but not everyone has a crystal clear memory, especially those that know your character only in passing.
        Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

        Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.


        • #5
          I wish there was a way for names not to be displayed at all. At least for players. An anti-metagaming feature.

          Would make people really think, look, try to remember and even ask, not make assumptions that they knew who somebody with a helmet or hood or barkskin etc on was at once. Great if you're in disguise or whatever. I'd say great for roleplay too.
          Aspiring book publisher, soup vendor & inspirational legendary heroine.


          • #6
            Originally posted by FunkGuru View Post
            I wish there was a way for names not to be displayed at all. At least for players. An anti-metagaming feature.
            I am not sure this would be such a good idea. The characters' faces are usually not so different and when somebody changes his armor you might not recognize your best friend.


            • #7
              :O, you can look at examine .

              But yeah, Maevan makes a good point... Though There should be a way to toggle that on and off, so when your doing something and your fully concealed, people won't know your name >>.


              • #8
                I thought we were all wearing little name tags....
                James Leith - Gone home to the Isles
                Iefan Gwyllym - Newly arrived!


                • #9
                  Personally, I think if you're in a disguise, you should tell everyone you're in a disguise and get everyone to roll a spot check or something... Of course, if we had a toggle feature, it would be a lot more painless. And you could always 'tell' the people who succeeded the roll
                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rustediron View Post
                    toggle feature
                    Very nice idea.

                    Roleplay Toggles
                    First Name: on
                    Second Name: off
                    Secret Name: off
                    Examine: on
                    Disguise: off
                    Aspiring book publisher, soup vendor & inspirational legendary heroine.


                    • #11
                      I don't think he was in disquise, so much, as he just did not give me his real name. At least I think he never gave me his real name.
                      Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rustediron View Post
                        Personally, I think if you're in a disguise, you should tell everyone you're in a disguise and get everyone to roll a spot check or something... Of course, if we had a toggle feature, it would be a lot more painless. And you could always 'tell' the people who succeeded the roll

                        I don't see how spot would let yousee through helmets or masks >>.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I've run into this myself before, I met a gnome bard or something the other day who's name was Maddock but he told me his name was Dommack and I was like... crap where the notes feature like NWN1 had lol. There are also times where I know I've learned a players name but because some of my characters have low intelligence I just have them forget some peoples names if they didn't make a big impression on me. I myself have never given out a fake name, although I have had long conversations with people and at the end walked away without ever given a name and it has only backfired once when someone said my name that I hadn't told, and it was easily and politely corrected. So if someone makes the mistake and you want to play a character with many different names maybe you should take that RP aspect onto yourself and when they say you name/wrong name just send them a tell and say hey the name I actually told you was 'blank' and they can correct it, no big deal, but you can't expect players to remember a bunch of aliases.
                          Rhime - or is he?


                          • #14
                            To the OP:

                            Been in your shoes.

                            It's possible to remember who's given you a name and who hasn't. Just requires the player to pay more attention. Conversationally, in real life, I use names that people give me. In game, it's the same thing. Yeah, they have a name tag over their head. But, conversationally, you are or aren't given the person's name. That's how I identify characters: by the interactions I've had with them.
                            Mirumoto Akagi: What is dance?
                            Dalon Arogard: It's this. *busts a move*
                            Llew Hy: A strange compulsion...
                            Mirumoto Akagi: I suppose you can dance if you like, but you're leaving our friends behind, and they're not dancing.
                            Dalon Arogard: Then they're no friends of mine.


                            • #15
                              Notes feature exists: 3rd page (or second?) of the journal
                              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer

