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Reminder regarding characters knowing each other

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  • #16
    Oh yeah.... I forgot about that, since Sundren doesn't have those kinds of quests yet I totally forgot about it lol, thanks for reminding me.
    Rhime - or is he?


    • #17
      I use it for keeping track of the money people owe me
      Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


      • #18
        Originally posted by Soulbadguy View Post
        Is this one of these characters where you meet someone and they have a different name above there head and another name is given?

        Here is some advice..
        You make it sound like its Stormlords fault that people were not following the core rules of online roleplaying. If you tell certain people not the real name of your character, it shouldnt be a big deal to remember that. I mean, if you dont even remember if the character told its name - maybe he didnt and play like that.
        I also met someone that didnt tell my character "the-name-above-his-head"; as he made it pretty obvious that its not his real name, my character is giving him another name every time they meet.

        My advice is:
        Put a paper and a pen next to your keyboard and write stuff down you cannot remember. Not knowing the name of everyone is pretty much the basics....
        Edit: Didnt see page 2 - the Notes could work, too.
        "Computer games don't affect kids negatively; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc. 1988


        • #19
          Originally posted by Inconsiderable View Post
          My advice is:
          Put a paper and a pen next to your keyboard and write stuff down you cannot remember. Not knowing the name of everyone is pretty much the basics....
          Edit: Didnt see page 2 - the Notes could work, too.
          Write stuff down you cannot remember...

          you know how ridiculous that sounds?

          How am i supposed to know what I will remember or what I will not remember? LIke i can just say this.. " Hmmm , I think i will forget this name.. so i better write it down." im not going to write some 5 page book on character's name.

          If I am going to go around and nit pick at everyone my character meets and start "thinking" im going to remember a name or not.. you are wrong.

          There is no "core rule" RP.. My worst pet peve is when people think they know how to RP and have some silly ass "source book" on RP rules. There isn't any professionals here. Put that shit in your back back near the bottom of your other scrunched up "core rules".

          The thing is.. I don't need to go around write shit down on someone elses behalf. people shouldn't metagame.. if my character says.. " Hi im trixie! and her name displays Dae'Vesta.." and someone forgets? hey! i will just give them a nice tell and see whats up ( perhaps they metagamed or not).. i won't get pissed .. or upset. Maybe they forgot.. no big deal. It happens.

          This is my point! Right here!

          If someone wrongs you because they messed up your silly ass secret squirrel name.. don't get pissed at them and don't get emo over it either. We are human and make mistakes. Forgive them!

          I wasn't blaming anyone but when people start getting silly and technical, posting something about feeling bad cause their RP is ruined over a character's name.. that is getting a little insane!

          What? does this reply sound like a rant!??? are your feelings going to get hurt over it? *tear* Here *throws a napkin * wipe it up and suck it up sniffles.. sniffles? that is your 'secret' name.. right?
          Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

          Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


          • #20
            Originally posted by Soulbadguy View Post
            Write stuff down you cannot remember...

            you know how ridiculous that sounds?
            I did it with plenty of chars. For all my LE chars that were trying to exploit and corrupt the system I had a txt file (playing window mode) with names, connections, etc.
            Also I know people who write important things down when playing PnP to get a better picture of the situation.

            Now when people start knowing names of people that didnt tell them names or wrong names, yea maybe they should have written something down, too.

            There is no "core rule" RP.. My worst pet peve is when people think they know how to RP and have some silly ass "source book" on RP rules.
            I am not talking about ADND books. I am talking about the basic rules of online roleplaying. Back in the days every UO shard had those rules. Without those, online rp doesnt work. You know, the basic stuff: Do not talk OOC, only know what your character knows, etc. The basics.

            I couldnt care less about source books. The only time I have ever thrown a dice (playing online rp for 8-9 years now; UO, NWN, NWN2) was on Sundren because of a cool GM requesting it here and there. Beside that I have never thrown a dice and never will. It disturbs the atmosphere (Oh how do I hate people using that alarm-sound-brackets (( )) ) and out of the situation I can tell if my character is able to do something or not. He either has the strength to lift a certein weight or not. He can either hide behind a barrel or not. He can climb a tree or not. I dont need to roll the super random d20. I mean, how stupid is d20? In most ADND situations its like 3 + 1d20. 3 + 1-20. It kinda doesnt matter of you had those 3 points or not, if you can roll twice and have a difference of 19 between those two rolls.

            Anyway... enough offtopic complaing about d20.
            There are simple basics/rules to make roleplaying work, one of them is that your character knows not everything. For some characters its important that not everyone knows their real name. So please pay more attention and concentrate when playing.
            Ideas like "use the fake name in nwn and keep the real for yourself" doesnt work; maybe he is using the real name after some weeks or was using the real name for some times and then needed the fake name. That would be bad planning.
            Writing it in the profile doesnt work either in most situations.
            "Computer games don't affect kids negatively; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc. 1988


            • #21
              Originally posted by rustediron View Post
              Notes feature exists: 3rd page (or second?) of the journal
              True, and I awlays forget to use that =P
              "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Inconsiderable View Post
                So please pay more attention and concentrate when playing.
                Here's my take on the issue. I do the best I can to keep things with other characters straight, and I actually do a good job of it.

                However, I'm not going to spend my own time and energy with a huge journal full of people's fake names and real names that I need to reference and compare everytime I see someone. .. that's just foolish to expect everyone else to do that.

                If they mess it up, just remind them. Your actual name is in reality, floating above your head, so no one is unleashing some huge OOC secret if they accidentally call you by it and you correct them with a tell. Your character won't auto delete, the guards won't suddenly go hostile and perma you.

                When I create a character, one of things I like not to do is to make work for everyone else at my behest.

                In summary: Its not my job to do the extra work because of your character decisions. Be patient.
                ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                • #23
                  Meh, I don't really want to write down names, that seems weird, just because people are using fake names.


                  • #24
                    I agree, a simple tell solves everything. And when I say everything I MEAN everything.

                    Masks that hide your name? -> simple tell, "I'm hidden behind a mask, roll spot."

                    Fake name? -> simple tell + roll bluff. Change the DC as you see fit; if you gave them a different name last time you met them, -5 maybe, if it's the first time +10.

                    Invisible buggy? -> simple tell, "I'm invisible "

                    wearing a cauldron over your head, donning completely different armour etc. -> simple tell, "I'm in a disguise, you can't recognise me >=D"
                    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                    • #25
                      Its not because ppl use fake names, its because you cannot remember it.
                      "Computer games don't affect kids negatively; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc. 1988


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Inconsiderable View Post
                        Its not because ppl use fake names, its because you cannot remember it.

                        Actually if they didn't over complicate the issue, I wouldn't have to remember now would I.

                        Frankly, I've never made the mistake, even with people I've known who used an alias, but I am opposed to the idea that everyone has to bend to your character choices or they're at fault.

                        For instance, it wouldn't be very nice of me to make my name:

                        Alluess'uyyiovan Haaruunghi'io'ioan

                        ... Then moan and complain because when I demand people type that out in full every time they address me and they wont. It was my charcater choice, I need to make the compromise, not ask all the rest of the players to do so for me.
                        ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                        ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                        • #27
                          I say you're all messed up and that you should just pay more attention if you have a good memory or type it into "notes" if you don't, think about what you read, think about what you type, stop starting flame wars and whatnot inside a threat over the silliest things, and do as the druids do: Be peaceful! ^^ Unless you're Vashan, then you're just a jerk. :P


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MasterOfEternity View Post
                            I say you're all messed up and that you should just pay more attention if you have a good memory or type it into "notes" if you don't, think about what you read, think about what you type, stop starting flame wars and whatnot inside a threat over the silliest things, and do as the druids do: Be peaceful! ^^ Unless you're Vashan, then you're just a jerk. :P

                            Its impossible to remember all the names though :X. I mean, if it was REAL LIFE, you'd probably remember it, but we do have other things on our mind. having to remember everyones fake name can get annoying. Anyways, Xanderleo is right, if you use a fake name, then you shouldn't whine about how people can't remember it.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Xanderleo View Post
                              ... Then moan and complain because when I demand people type that out in full every time they address me and they wont. It was my charcater choice, I need to make the compromise, not ask all the rest of the players to do so for me.
                              There is a difference:
                              - Fake names is part of the roleplaying.
                              - Demanding OOC that someone types that name isnt. My character can call anyone John (even women) and there is nothing the other player can "demand"; only his char might complain.

                              PS: My character isnt using fakenames, btw.
                              "Computer games don't affect kids negatively; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc. 1988


                              • #30
                                Well, I've set out my point, for whatever it's worth. Given that you don't use fake names and I don't forget them, we have little stake to continue our debate.
                                ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                                ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain

