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GBX Rant - In Response to News Post of Max Level

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  • I'm all for a perma'death server. It will kill farming totally and you would never ever need a level cap.

    Leveling would be gruelingly slow, based on the xp ticker which will make the server 75% Rp IC development, 20% combat, 5% fucking around OOC. Although, Sundren would probably have a player population of 10.

    I like death of characters especially good ones that are well rp'd. it makes loss a bit more serious and somewhat moving. I wish everyone would be willing to sacrifice their character when their time comes. Regardless of how much time they put into them, there is always another story to be told.
    Currently playing:

    Thalissa spellsword of Red Knight: "Flank, Flank!!"

    Talia Callahan: "What te fuck are ye lookin at!!?" Spits

    Caldur the Grey Doomguide to Kelemvor: "The trouble with youth is that you think you have time."


    • I'm going to bring this to a close because this is just a messy thread with no real topic anymore.
      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

      George Carlin

