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GBX Rant - In Response to News Post of Max Level

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  • GBX Rant - In Response to News Post of Max Level

    Wow, so many posts with people blowing sunshine up their own asses like they aren't the ones doing anything wrong. I can probably pick a time each and every person who has posted in that thread has done something completely non-condusive to an RP server, including myself (Drow Vampire *Coughs*). So before we start attacking other people's play styles, why don't we shut up and ask ourselves "When I'm around a campfire, why doesn't anyone want to be around it with me?"

    And I'll give you guys a reality check. A harsh one. Some of you DMs do not like at all. I'm not saying "Some of you who posted in that thread" I mean some of the players on Sundren which includes people who post on forums and people who don't, and I'll tell you the symptoms of it. The people who are always complaining, OOC starting crap with people, always run by people at the necropolis to make exp as fast as possible, always worrying experience isn't high enough, always making character designs that just annoy people "I want to be a guy who isn't afraid of anyone or anything and always is tough!", always ask dumb questions to the DMs that are written plain as day on the forums, always thinks they are the exception to our policies, like when races or classes are closed, always come up with character concepts that are 'different' but they just end up stupid, always argue with DM decisions, and always complains about other people's play styles when they are the problem. These people are usually assholes in RL too. Like someone nobody wants to deal with in the real world so they get in game and act the same.

    The DM decision arguing is the worst. If I suddenly decide all the gods are dead, they are. If I say the sky is green, it is. If I say down is up and up is down, then you better believe it. I don't mind suggestions, because frankly, I don't know everything about FR, but I read alot just to keep things as straight as possible.

    Then there's people who login with refreshingly great characters that I can't help but hand exp to for being so awesome. For example, I watched a cleric of Ilmater at Sharahan Hills. She was in a robe (Not armor) with a stick, praying to consecrate land and bodies after undead were around, speaking Ilmater alot, and generally being a priest. It was so refreshing to see a cleric who wasn't a warrior with spells.

    Then you got people who think they're good RP'ers who will have certain death in their faces and laugh. Or a DM will change up a dungeon and they point it out IC, "Gee George! That doesn't normally happen! Normally the hard undead are only in the UPPER necropolis, why would they EVER actually come outside?" <-- This actually happened.

    Do you know why I stopped running plots for people out grinding? I ran a plot where a ghost was haunting a group, and half the group tried to ignore it and keep farming experience as if it wasn't there. I had to literally almost kill one of the party members to get them to stop grinding and pay attention. That isn't the first or last time that has happened with parties, but it was the one that turned me off to events for grinders.

    Oh, and this leapfrogger who I confronted. I was like "That's against the rules, why are you doing that?" They replied with, "People kept doing it to me so I just do it now." I have no idea why people don't report stuff to DMs.

    "But GBX, I'd NEVER do something like what you posted above!" Like I said, I can probably pick out something each of us have done.

    So what is the point of this rant? Simple. None of you (or me) are perfect, and everyone has a great deal of room for improvement. Don't go attacking other people as if you are blameless. I can tell you right now, it's not the level 7 guy's fault the max levels are being changed. Why not self examine and do everything you can to try to be fun and make the game fun for others with RP.

    AND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! EVERYONE STOP TRYING TO BE LICHES! Next person I see working toward being a lich is going to die on the spot. It's like, everybody and their mom who is a wizard wants to be a lich or have an army of undead. UGGGGGH.

  • #2
    Originally posted by GodBeastX
    AND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! EVERYONE STOP TRYING TO BE LICHES! Next person I see working toward being a lich is going to die on the spot. It's like, everybody and their mom who is a wizard wants to be a lich or have an army of undead. UGGGGGH.
    uh... in that case is dirgesinger open?

    Originally posted by GodBeastX
    "But GBX, I'd NEVER do something like that you posted above!"
    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


    • #3
      You made me lol. <3


      And thanks for pointing out my typo. Should have been What, not That


      • #4
        Your rant is nonsense, on account of me being perfect.
        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


        • #5
          what? typo?
          No, no, that's not what I was getting at.
          Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


          • #6
            sry 2 busy cybering/grinding/rp policing to read yor post GodboostEx.


            Mapper and Mad Kitten
            Currently playing:
            Lill Moonberry - Halfling Bard who knows the Hills are Alive with the Sound of angry goblins


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
              Your rant is nonsense, on account of me being perfect.
              It just gets on my nerves to see threads where people go back and forth calling each other grinders. And it's always the people that get on my nerves that throw the first stones and label others. I can tell you right now, the person who probably had the most weight in our change of the max level doesn't even grind. They just happen to sit on 18 hours a day XD


              • #8
                Quite the rant! The whole dispute over grinding (and I don't know why it came up in that thread, as it was stated that wasn't the reason for the rebalance) is just so easy to get sucked into. The thing that pulls me in is the accusations; I just don't like to see people getting viciously stepped on and whole swathes of the player base accused of being grinders. Additionally, I never claimed to be perfect, though I hope I don't display some of the worse characteristics listed above. Perfect or not, I can't promise not to post on possibly contentious issues
                I got one leg missin'
                How do I get around?

                One Leg Missin'
                Meet the Feebles


                • #9
                  You know we're cool Mach People know when I'm cool with them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                    I can tell you right now, the person who probably had the most weight in our change of the max level doesn't even grind. They just happen to sit on 18 hours a day XD

                    This intrigues me and I am unsure how to take this. So your saying even though he/she was leveling following the rules, RPing instead of grinding, and I assume earning EXP via DM events and the ticker, that they had most to do with the change? Over the abusers? Their only "fault" for lack of a better term is they had time to play?

                    (of course, abusers played into also, I am just curious)
                    Dashmin "Dash" Fleetfoot
                    Strongheart Halfling

                    Burglar turned Wizard.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dashminus View Post
                      This intrigues me and I am unsure how to take this. So your saying even though he/she was leveling following the rules, RPing instead of grinding, and I assume earning EXP via DM events and the ticker, that they had most to do with the change? Over the abusers? Their only "fault" for lack of a better term is they had time to play?

                      (of course, abusers played into also, I am just curious)
                      Hey Dashmin, I gotta be real with you. I hate you. Your attempt to piss me off succeeded. Go dig a hole and bury yourself in it.

                      I care that the players stay, I like most our players. You, I hate. You started a fight with me over a few evil points in the past. And now you're trying to act untouchable and shit.

                      Just get off the forums so I don't have to ban you. Just being real.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                        You know we're cool Kangleton People know when I'm cool with them.
                        Yeah man, I know. Like brothers.
                        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                          Hey Dashmin, I gotta be real with you. I hate you. Your attempt to piss me off succeeded. Go dig a hole and bury yourself in it.

                          I care that the players stay, I like most our players. You, I hate. You started a fight with me over a few evil points in the past. And now you're trying to act untouchable and shit.

                          Just get off the forums so I don't have to ban you. Just being real.

                          Wow! I was simply asking a question based on the info you offered us. Would have asked the same thing from whoever else posted it. Not too sure why you took it so personal.

                          I am sure I ain't the only person you have had disagreements in the past about things, but I at least kept it off of the public board. Other than that, I have always been pretty quiet. Sorry, you must be having a bad day or something.
                          Dashmin "Dash" Fleetfoot
                          Strongheart Halfling

                          Burglar turned Wizard.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GodBeastX

                            Then you got people who think they're good RP'ers who will have certain death in their faces and laugh. Or a DM will change up a dungeon and they point it out IC, "Gee George! That doesn't normally happen! Normally the hard undead are only in the UPPER necropolis, why would they EVER actually come outside?" <-- This actually happened.
                            I don't get what your problem was with this. If your character's been in the necropolis a few times, they're likely to understand the layout of the place, where the various creatures which inhabit it tend to be found, and so on. If this changes, they'll take note. Just as they would if blackguards were hanging around by the church or something. Presumably there are IC reasons for there being a floor of zombies, a floor of necromancers, etc, rather than a bunch of these things found all over the place? (which admittedly does seem a little more realistic :shrug
                            Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink


                            • #15
                              Great post! Maybe this will finally put an end on the constant debate about what’s “better” role playing.

