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RP Tip - The Paladin

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  • #31
    Gads, I'm gonna go code a GUI Detect Evil so no one can ever tell when their using it. This will make this whole thread a moot point. Now you'll have to argue over "The paladin just stood still for 3 rounds, he's detecting evil, obviously!"

    LOL, now what are we going to argue about if I do this? LOL


    • #32
      If I were a servant of some evil secretive deity, and some other guy was the servant of a just deity, would my God protect me from being discovered by showing me that a Paladin is prying into my soul?
      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


      • #33
        If your classifed as "Overwhelming Evil" and double the palys level, then he doesn't find out anything, he gets knocked on his ass for a round or two (stun).

        SO yes, your GOD can protect you, but you'd have to be pretty damn evil and powerful.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
          If I were a servant of some evil secretive deity, and some other guy was the servant of a just deity, would my God protect me from being discovered by showing me that a Paladin is prying into my soul?
          Yes! It's called a 'protection from good' spell. Currently that protects you from these Paladins intrusive surveillance techniques
          I got one leg missin'
          How do I get around?

          One Leg Missin'
          Meet the Feebles


          • #35
            Originally posted by Gairun View Post
            First, your premise is wrong, profiling is not wrong. That may be your opinion, but thats all it is.

            Second, of those three 'Evil' people you listed, only one would be considered evil according to DnD rules.

            Third, I can appear to be completely asleep and do long division in my head. So saying a well trained Paladin has to emote something falls flat. If they are anything more then a young greenhand they can Detect Evil in their sleep without anyone knowing it.

            On the first, thats your opinion. As I said its debatable, and I'm sure there won't be any consensus on it, nor am I looking for any.

            Second, again, that is your opinion. If I'm the DM, those three are all evil, and its totally in line with the DND rules. Why? Alignment is muddled and open to interpretation per the DND rules.

            And finally, to be a complete nitpicking twit, if a paladin closes their eyes and tries to detect evil, they learn very little because of the little blurb about line of sight.

            The whole point of this recent spate has been that its highly debateable and open to interpretation how a paladin or anyone else acts when using detect (XXXX). I was hoping to see an actual rule one way or the other about how it works ICly though. It is up to the DMs after all. If they say its totally undetectable, then fine, thats how I'll play it.


            • #36
              If they say its totally undetectable
              It will be. No need for a ruling.


              • #37
                Wait, so we won't even be able to see if someone is using Detect Evil? That'll sort of let people abuse the spell. Perhaps let it notify the DM Channel any time someone uses it?


                • #38
                  Oh, if your watching the Paladin/Blackguard very carefully, you'll see a tell tale sign.. but you need to watch them. As you would in reality.

                  Its akin to someone using Ki strike (focus all your thoughts into your weapon) or using tracking mode (focusing all their thoughts on looking for tracks). You don't actually see it, but there SHOULD be tell tale signs if you were watching the person close enough.

                  There will be a small thing on the Pal/BG when he uses the power. But it won't be something in your chat box. If your not paying attention to the paladin, then by all rights, you wouldn't know he was doing it.


                  • #39
                    That sounds awesome. I approve!
                    Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

                    LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


                    • #40
                      Ah, I see. That'll work. ^_^.

                      Note to self: Continue staring at paladins like always.


                      • #41
                        When I try doing long division in my head I don't look half asleep, I am asleep, that or the fire alarm goes off from the smoke...

