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OOC and IC - Why do you hate me?!

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  • #31
    I was in that event with LordMaple. Stumbled upon it by accident too. I must admit, I had no idea it was an "event" until after the slaughter and the survivors were making their way to the temple. A few of the players and I hung out in the temple for a while waiting for everyone else to show up, but never did, DM included. We assumed they experienced crashes of various types. I crashed a few times myself. Anyhow, what got to me was finally getting involved in an event, spending the time to try and follow the plot, try to involve myself, try to work with the other players (who were all great btw), then crashes getting in the way and breaking the story, leaving us with an open story and no reward. I am still curious as to what was going on. My curiosity was peeked.

    I guess the point to this is I understand what Deul is saying. Even before I showed up, I imagine they were all poised to expunge evil from the Necropolis, only to, for lack of a better word, get "hijacked" into a story that ended up not leading anywhere. I can see how that would Piss off someone enough to have it spill over to OOC. But it is best to just move on.
    Dashmin "Dash" Fleetfoot
    Strongheart Halfling

    Burglar turned Wizard.


    • #32
      You are not your character.

      And if you are, as some people tend toward... then you won't be able to seperate OOC from IC and the s#!t will fly, inside your brain, on the boards, and in tells to other players and DMs. By all means, invest elements of your personality into characters, I always do, but don't try to make "me in a fantasy setting"... it's a recipe for trouble.
      I got one leg missin'
      How do I get around?

      One Leg Missin'
      Meet the Feebles


      • #33
        I agree with that statement, That's how shit happens in PNP games then the DM smashes us all with a Heavenly Boulder or teleports the player into a void of destruction. *Sighs* Good times

        Or you end up like Tom Hanks in "Mazes in Monsters!!" or stealing $7.6 million dollars from an armored car company with your DND loving Girlfriend and Mom. Or even worse...... You'll become Vin Diesel!! NOOOOOoooo... with the name of your Half-Orc barbarian tattoed across your body.. the humanity!
        Currently playing:

        Thalissa spellsword of Red Knight: "Flank, Flank!!"

        Talia Callahan: "What te fuck are ye lookin at!!?" Spits

        Caldur the Grey Doomguide to Kelemvor: "The trouble with youth is that you think you have time."


        • #34
          Actually... in regards to that event in the Necropolis the other night. All I can say is the purpose of the event (to the best of my knowledge) concerning your group was to clear PCs out of the area.

          That's also why Hlaine intimdated everyone out. It wasn't an event hijack, it was a continuation of one that happened days before.
          Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

          Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Brenil View Post
            That's also why Hlaine intimdated everyone out. It wasn't an event hijack, it was a continuation of one that happened days before.

            I don't know anything about the previous event you mentioned, for I was not involved with it. When I stumbled upon the group in the Necropolis, I got the feeling it was just a group of people getting ready to go into the crypts for a little cleaning, not an actual DM event. To me, it seemed it turned into an event when one of group members began receiving instructs from a DM. *shrugs* Again, I wasn't there with them the whole time so I do not know if it was going on when I arrived.
            Dashmin "Dash" Fleetfoot
            Strongheart Halfling

            Burglar turned Wizard.


            • #36
              I've always found RP'ing to be quite fun, but at the same time quite hard. I've been criticised a lot, not least by Nightshade xD
              "You're RPing a hostile encounter with me in a no-PVP area. That's against the rules."
              "But... I was just chasing you with a spoon while I was waiting to be rez'd!"
              "Against the rules."
              "Oh... *pouts*"
              Oh well, it was fun while it lasted

              And I always find that my RP is influenced by my alts... sometimes I find myself doing an 'Avel response' when I'm actually playing Val. And my characters seem to invariably tend to the mentally unstable, the more I play on them... maybe a reflection on the state of my mind? xD

              Anyway, yeah, I don't think I really 'hate' anyone as such, though I think that Rhifox is a bit quick with the VERY long winded and, shall we say, quite confrontational posts on the forums when there is a disagreement... of course, maybe this is misinterpretation on my behalf and I suppose it keeps discussions alive
              Also I think Saulus is a bit harsh with his posts at time, and can be VERY intimidating when he doesn't put those emotes in xD
              Then again, I suppose you learn to be firm when you're project lead.

              I'd also like to say, Ember was pretty cool and it's a shame I don't see her anymore
              Constantly rolling bluff against her was fun
              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


              • #37
                I'm ... having a Sigrun moment. Must ... resist ... flinging an insult...
                ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                • #38
                  I'm having an Emelii moment you Th'aking lot of buggers better understand that you are not your bloody characters. Th'ak, I mean what are you squishies? A lot of fops that cannot take an insult directed to something of your creation? By the damned rocks in the Spine I hope you lot get over your squishy mindset and shove spoons into your collective arses to get a clue.

                  Now hate me.
                  ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                  ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                  ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                  • #39
                    Hmm so we can be insulting as we like as long as we keep it 'IC'?

                    Its not hate Nutranurse, its pity..
                    "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Aux View Post
                      Hmm so we can be insulting as we like as long as we keep it 'IC'?

                      Its not hate Nutranurse, its pity..
                      Ouch! That's a way uglier thing to be on the receiving end of than something petty like hate!
                      I got one leg missin'
                      How do I get around?

                      One Leg Missin'
                      Meet the Feebles


                      • #41
                        Yes, but it was IC, so its cool eh
                        "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"

