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What do YOU want to know about Sundren? (lore)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by wangxiuming View Post
    Should my druid be worried about their activities?

    And on a grander scheme: How does the Circle of the Soul (If it even is the resident Sundren druid Circle anymore) figure into the history of Sundren? Have they done anything significant?
    The Exigo Syndicate has little regard for the land it takes advantage of. This could be cause for your druid to dislike them.

    The Circle of the Soul are not an extension of my will. I can pick up this project if given some information regarding it.
    Sunder me? Sunder you!


    • #17
      Actually, I would be interested in The Red Blades opening recruitment, like it was posted about 3 or 4 months ago XD. I think it would open up a whole can full of RP
      Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
      Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

      [DM] Poltergeist :
      If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lallendos
        I just realized that I signed up to continue a story I have no clue about. Maybe it can be fixed. So far behind you guys, though.
        The wiki generally supplies information that players should know. In retrospect, I never provided ample enough information for developers. I'm almost content with how much players know at the current moment. Before I take off again for a few months, I will probably work closely with you to retcon stuff that happened in my absence and plot a new course for Sundren's development.
        Sunder me? Sunder you!


        • #19
          The Veritas' keep was a well guarded secret until recently, when a group of scouts stumbled upon the gate hidden amongst the mountains. Since then, it has been under constant barrage by the Sundarian Military, who hope to berid of the rebellion.
          It looks as if the military is actually more focused on the Mossclaw alliance, whereas the clergy is preoccupied with the Banite menace and the problems at the Necropolis (unless they are pointing vigilantes in that direction to remove that problem). Between arming the cities, holding back the Mossclaw, and keeping a watchful eye on the Gate of the Sunderer, it appears to me that the military is too thinly spread to keep a well-armed, persistent attack on the rebels.

          Do the Red Blades have anything to do with the attacks on the Keep, considering they are sort of like the "knights" of Sundren, or is there an actual military separation that's dealing with them?


          • #20
            1.) Just how badass are the Bloodmaim orcs, and when will we see them in action, either as an adventure area or in a plot or two? Also, could you post some details about how Sundren's military is currently deployed against them, since I know some that others might not?

            2.) What are Sundren's primary imports and exports, and in what approximate relative quantities?

            3.) Are there any known dragons, friendly or otherwise, living in or near the Valley?

            4.) Are animation of dead and summoning of beasties from the lower planes formally considered capital offenses in Sundren? Or is it merely capital due to paladins and clerics equipped with smashy things?

            5.) Is the land outside the cities considered under Sundren's jurisdiction as far as laws and such go?

            6.) Does Marcus Vae like pickles?
            Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

            Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

            On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
            Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nyssis View Post
              Do the Red Blades have anything to do with the attacks on the Keep, considering they are sort of like the "knights" of Sundren, or is there an actual military separation that's dealing with them?
              The Sundarian military is thinly spread out amongst the many forces working against it. It's without a doubt the most powerful force in the Valley, but so many things are working against it that it can't quite snuff anything out without assistance. Currently, the Red Blades are an independent force in the valley, as are the knights of Helm and the legions under the god trio, however all of them work with the Sundarian military to secure the valley. To give you an idea, the distribution of Sundarian forces in the valley looks like this:

              -50% at the Mossdale Border to fight off the bloodmaim with the assistance of the red blades, knights of helm and god trio legions.
              -10% at the Veritas keep as an independent endeavor.
              -10% spread between the actual capital, outlying settlements and the gate with the red blades, knights of helm and god trio legions.
              -30% or so distributed around the Viridale border without assistance from the various friendly forces.
              -There isn't anything really holding the Dark Advent back.
              -There's little between the new Slitherscale lizardmen and Sundren.
              -The Exigo mercenaries are the ones keeping Sharahan in check, not the military.
              Sunder me? Sunder you!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Raksha View Post

                1.) Just how badass are the Bloodmaim orcs, and when will we see them in action, either as an adventure area or in a plot or two? Also, could you post some details about how Sundren's military is currently deployed against them, since I know some that others might not?

                2.) What are Sundren's primary imports and exports, and in what approximate relative quantities?

                3.) Are there any known dragons, friendly or otherwise, living in or near the Valley?

                4.) Are animation of dead and summoning of beasties from the lower planes formally considered capital offenses in Sundren? Or is it merely capital due to paladins and clerics equipped with smashy things?

                5.) Is the land outside the cities considered under Sundren's jurisdiction as far as laws and such go?

                6.) Does Marcus Vae like pickles?

                1) The Bloodmaim are bad ass. Don't expect to see them until level 18-19. They will be pretty much the end game of Sundren. They're as mighty as ogres and as cunning as humans. It wouldn't be a stretch to believe that some of them, as intelligent as they are have already escaped passed the border.

                2) Sundren, like the united states, lucked out on resources. They export large amounts of fish, grain but most of all metals. They would probably important a lot of lumber, as the trees are in hostile areas primarily.

                3) The closer to the mountain ranges players get, the more likely they will encounter the white dragons known to flutter around the spine of the world. Any plot dragons won't be seen until the end-game of Sundren is developed.

                4) Sundren has no laws preventing summoning but reanimation is a capital crime due to the presence of so many deity-oriented factions.

                5) The rulers of Sundren consider the entire valley to be their property but their ability to enforce law beyond settlements is fairly limited.

                6) I would say that Marcus is probably more of a cucumber man.
                Sunder me? Sunder you!


                • #23
                  It says lizardfolk are not yet native to Sundren, though i remember seeing them in an old event and we mainly learned they were in the Virdale Forest lakes and stuff. Are they just a random bunch of lizardfolk who or are they the slitherscale?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                    It says lizardfolk are not yet native to Sundren, though i remember seeing them in an old event and we mainly learned they were in the Virdale Forest lakes and stuff. Are they just a random bunch of lizardfolk who or are they the slitherscale?
                    Saulus posted in another thread and the development team has basically agreed. Sundren lore has been reset to it's basic first released state. Consider events with other DMs to never have happened. A sad retcon, but without all the team members nor knowledge of what they have done, we can't be held responsible to explain the why.

                    So, TheId says lizards just showed up, then they just showed up ^_^


                    • #25
                      All righty, that works


                      • #26
                        I'm not dead yet. Ask questions.
                        Sunder me? Sunder you!


                        • #27
                          Are you truly alive?

                          No, I'm interested in knowing about the power composition of the Sundren military. What types of forces are there, etc.


                          • #28
                            Could you make your question a bit more specific? The Sundarian military is something I've been meaning to detail for awhile, buit never really got around to it. I only have a basic layout of troop types.
                            Sunder me? Sunder you!


                            • #29
                              Specifically, is there an arcane branch of the Sundren Military, and if so, do they all stick to Sundren City and a few forts, or do they move about as part of normal patrols? (If, indeed, patrols are normal.)


                              • #30
                                And just when wil we get to start taking part in these guild, organisations.
                                I remember months back a 'holy-moly' player friend of mine joined the Sundren militia in-game, via a DM played event. (before the 'big-trial'.)
                                Myself I'm itching to found a new one, or join an existing one (even though Valen doesn't really 'fit' in anything currently.)
                                There's a thin line between the definition of genius and insanity; I cross it all the time.

