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RP conflict

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  • RP conflict


    So, with the resurgence of team good, better known as team awesome, I wanted to try to get a feel for how RP conflict might be done in a way that is fun for all parties. Thus, I am asking publicly so that everyone can offer input and help me improve my RP. In the end, if the people I am trying to RP with don't enjoy the way I am trying to promote conflict then there isn't any point in doing it that way. So, in the interest of trying to start dialogue I will put down the ways I have seen others and the way some of my characters have expressed conflict.

    Bodily contact. And not the Sunite sort either! This is the usually way I see team good express conflict with team evil. PVP can be tons of fun. It really can, but not every character is designed for taking their problems to the mat.

    Manipulation. This is better known as diplomacy. I don't want you to do these things so I am going to attempt to convince you with words and deeds that you should just do what I want you to do. Typically, this also involves a lot of passive aggressive attacks.

    Spying. The information dealer is great RP. You get to pick and choose how you want to target another player or faction just by gossiping. Tell the right person something juicy and watch claws come out and the fur fly!

    There are lots of other ways of course but I am lazy so there is only three listed. Typically my good character uses manipulation. She can fight, and she has, but direct bodily conflict doesn't work well when you are not factioned. It is also seems counter productive to her goals. What ways do other people have their characters try to express conflict? Is there a way I can improve my own way and style of inducing conflict? What do people out there think?
    GMT -9

  • #2
    Ive never been much for the conflict side of things when I play a good align character. yknow, Cause I dont think its a good aligned thing to just run around punching people in the gut for being evil. So expect my team good guys to be talking it out first! Conversation is vitality more important to me than stats and dice rolls.
    Im definitely the type of conflict person that would rather trade words, secrets, and other things over swords and spells.
    Computers is can solve a problem on kids. Using computers, kids be learn what he need, and this why computers used.


    • #3
      Personally, I prefer good RP over PVP anyday. However I know that PVP happens and that there is a place for it. I also know that some builds (paladins) will go to PVP at the drop of a hat.....any hat.

      With that said, my main will use whatever type of RP that is needed to accomplish his goals. I as a player know that some of the main RP I have with others of a different alignment has my character being played. Which is fine, hell he's playing other characters as well. That makes for good RP conflict.

      The thing that bothers me more than anything is when a player takes it personally and gets upset, but thats for a different thread.

      So I suppose I just roll with the flow and RP in whatever mode is needed for the circumstances.
      Danté Swift: Archmagus and Marshal of Sestra.


      • #4
        Good topic!

        Since I play well, only LE, I use all of the above plus, although I rarely if ever just attack my opponent. I think it is all dependent on the situation, I personally like playing mind games with my opponent. Use their worst fears against them, and let them draw the irrational conclusions.

        The best thing to remember is to have fun, enjoy your RP, and understand that behind the PC you are RPing with is another human.
        Active Characters
        Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
        Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
        Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
        Dorin Hammond- Scout
        Seith Ronson- Master of War
        "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


        • #5
          For the good guys, there isn't much choice in the matter; more so for paladins and Triumvirate. They can not gossip or use Manipulation more importantly though; they can not look the other way when in front of a Banite or someone saying they just murdered someone.

          This is really why Triadics are know for so much Bodily Contact, not much else for us to do really. I understand we come off looking like jerks for it, but it's proper RP. Killing evils is an act of good, it prevents future evil from being done.

          my two cents


          • #6
            I personally actually prefer other means of antagonistic r.p. to always having the situation deteriorate into a fight every time I come in contact with other opposing factions p.c.'s. I will have my p.c.'s fight when placed in the situation where pvp is appropriate for my p.c's motives actions and aim. There are as mentioned above, other means to come against an opposing factions players.

            Example-I had an rp session not long ago where there was an innocent party sitting with a villain probably un known to this persons new p.c.. As My p.c.'s code prevents the sacrificing of the innocent to see his aim furthered, (see Pages 28-29 of Faiths and Pantheons) he attempted a bit of diplomacy and set there as a Guardian over the public place rather than all out pvp with said character. He also had an in game reason not to immediately attack an old friend of his on spec.as he was investigating the turn of events at hand. I firmly believe that Paladin characters should fight the evil p.c.'s when there is good reason, I think it unreasonable to always be "Quick Draw Ma'Graw" and go for the pvp on sight every single time.

            For one-It settles very little in a world where we go to the Fugue to cool out heels and the Rezz. to go about our way a few coins or items poorer. There are ways that enrich the exchange of play while resisting others aims or championing your cause as well; I'd rather bring in game consequences for an opposing p.c.'s actions that bring ruin and wreck their long term plans. I am however a firm believer in the power of a show of strength. When considering the above please don't think in absolutes. Any Paladin character is very likely to fight. He is after all a Paladin and is in all likely hood he has adequate knowledge of wrong (many evil p.c.'s flaunt their colors proudly too) doing or is deliberately seeking justice for a wrong done in character. i.e- If there was no static in game we have no problems in game. If we are fighting; I expect there will be a reason and it will make sense.

            I will be keeping my Paladins D.E. to proper r.p. limitations and not playing auto scan for no reason other than seeking to pvp. I will play all Paladin characters (I am allowed to) as per the D&D 3.5 PHB. I value my character immensely and will not risk loss of Paladin hood or class abilities for any reason. I keep in mind the Law chaos axis on which the class sits at all times. I am also very open to ooc questions about my actions and the why of them. I do not meta game though. Green is ooc white is IC. I bow to the judgement of Dm's readily and will answer any pm's promptly as possible with a level of respect they deserve.

            My Role is very important to me as a player. What I will never do, is engage in arguments over another player's view of my character. Seems reasonable- and I would also never argue over ones play of their own character. I am here to have fun with you folks whether or not we are on the same "in character" team. In the words of my favorite d.m."I am not you enemies, I only play them on T.V." I intend that we be friends as Gamers, I want each of us to enjoy him or herself on server. This to me is the principle thing.
            I don't do abuse or grieving and I do not fight with other players. The mind games I play are in game only. So, there you have it so that you all better know me as a player.

            This I write in hopes we all get along and have mutual understanding while our characters do our very best to wreck one another's lives and see each other burn in the lowest level of the Nine Hells. Happy gaming Folks.
            Last edited by Greymore; 06-03-2015, 08:42 PM. Reason: For clarity


            • #7
              I don't think I understand why being good means you must attack evil when you see it or you are not good. Living in any city at all you are going to find evil people. The Church of Helm and the Red Knight can have evil priests. I know the Goddess of Nobility accepts LE followers too. Does anyone have any advice for how to RP in character a good conflict with evil and not always be forced into a fight every time ? The example you gave Greymore is great and I love it. Are there ary other options for good priest and pallies that might work? I know PvP is going to have to happen sometimes, that only makes sense, but it is nice to have other ideas to fall back on.
              GMT -9


              • #8
                Remember though Greymore, there is a fine line to walk on. You have to keep being lawful in mind as well. I had a paladin fall because he thought it was ok to kill an evil for the pure sake of them being evil, doing so he acted with chaos, killing a goodly race. So as FB stated you are going to run into evil legion soldiers, ect ect. a lot of factors you have to keep in mind.

                They didn't restrict paladins because they are OP but because they are really hard to RP right. but if you fall.... well a quote from an awesome rper.


                “Many times what we perceive as an error or failure is actually a gift. And eventually we find that lessons learned from that discouraging experience prove to be of great worth.”


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Fuzziebunny View Post
                  I don't think I understand why being good means you must attack evil when you see it or you are not good. Living in any city at all you are going to find evil people. The Church of Helm and the Red Knight can have evil priests.
                  The thing with this, is that typically we are dealing with black hand people who are wanted criminals. So you can't really compare it to that.
                  Olivia Kimaris - Paladin of Lathander and Knight of the Northern Watch
                  Diary of Olivia

                  Originally posted by Cornuto
                  Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OnyxTigress View Post
                    The thing with this, is that typically we are dealing with black hand people who are wanted criminals. So you can't really compare it to that.
                    This is not as clear cut as it use to be. Who has power where? The laws are different in different places. It almost seems like each major city is a law unto itself now.
                    GMT -9


                    • #11
                      Tyranus is driven by treasure, womanizing and child raising. Best RP there is!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fuzziebunny View Post
                        This is not as clear cut as it use to be. Who has power where? The laws are different in different places. It almost seems like each major city is a law unto itself now.
                        No kidding. I had to get a citizens pass to play my lute Sundren, I'm fine in Aquor and the port, and I'm still restricted in Sestra. If I have to do that just to play a lute, it shouldn't be as clear cut for everyone else.
                        Verity Chimera - The Brimstone Bard - "Hey, wanna see a trick?"
                        Nora Windwood - Greenleaf Disciple - When a Druid Hugs a Tree, the Tree Hugs back! - Retired
                        Ronus Stonewall - Dwarven Pathfinder - Drunken Scout of Whurest


                        • #13
                          It's pretty clear cut when there is a list of wanted criminals wanted by the state of Sundren, which was my point.
                          Olivia Kimaris - Paladin of Lathander and Knight of the Northern Watch
                          Diary of Olivia

                          Originally posted by Cornuto
                          Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


                          • #14
                            My personal favorite is conjuring "Market's Invisible Hand" in attrition based RP conflict:
                            Well, yes, I can see THAT.
                            ((Also a picture of James working at Exigo.))

                            It's something of a cross between manipulation and straight interactions, takes forever to get anywhere reasonable, and involves almost no weapons!** It's definitely become a more interesting game with the individual city/faction identities.

                            I kinda wish that the Faction Wealth system could be used a bit more, but I don't think those numbers have changed from 1000 since GBX first set up paychecks.


                            *: what-if.xkcd.com/111/
                            **: Well, except when buying or selling swords. or buying sell-swords.

                            Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
                            Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
                            Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
                            Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
                            Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

                            James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
                            AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
                            Theme: Stil Alive

                            Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

                            Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

                            Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
                            To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
                            crafting tutorial.

                            Unfortunate truths:
                            Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
                            Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by OnyxTigress View Post
                              It's pretty clear cut when there is a list of wanted criminals wanted by the state of Sundren, which was my point.
                              If you are going by Sundren law, sure. but Aquor and the Port don't seem to follow all of Sundren's laws. I am not trying to argue, but it is not really so clear cut as looking at the board anymore.
                              GMT -9

