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A bit of criticism

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  • #61
    Honestly, I just see a LE Cleric of Helm who honestly feels the end justifies the means. If ripping the heart out of some law breaker serves the greater glory of Helm. He or she would not think twice about doing it. If he knew that a Law Breaker was guilty, he or she would not think twice about using thumbscrews to extract the confusion. And there are those who need to have the Law foce upon them for their own sakes. Or more simple put...

    Laws exist for the good of the People (LG)

    Laws exist for the good of the state (LN)

    Laws are the State (LE)
    Myrddin Ariandraig


    • #62
      Originally posted by Myrddin View Post
      Laws exist for the good of the People (LG)

      Laws exist for the good of the state (LN)

      Laws are the State (LE)
      Thats a realy good way to explain it. . and Helm is quite known to be cold.
      Character: William Norain - Self claimed Protector of Sundren, Keeper of the Necropolis gate, the man betwen Sundren and Oblivion.

      Login Lanthar: The Causer of Silence.


      • #63
        This discussion has gone way OT so I'll be closing it on this ending note.

        The problem I have with this particular example of Evil Helmites is that it proposes far too many problems if players do it in this particular instance because of the very distinct role they serve in Sundren and the populace's general attitude about them.
        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

        George Carlin

