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Discussion: PVP

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  • *Shrug.* PvP is an important part of RP, to me. Then lets just take out the monsters and not kill them as well. And People can build for pvp all they want, but those that take their time to roleplay will more likely have much more friends, fun, and protection.


    • Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
      *Shrug.* PvP is an important part of RP, to me. Then lets just take out the monsters and not kill them as well. And People can build for pvp all they want, but those that take their time to roleplay will more likely have much more friends, fun, and protection.
      Too true! In full agreement there
      I got one leg missin'
      How do I get around?

      One Leg Missin'
      Meet the Feebles


      • Phew..lot to read...

        I can see that pvp favours building a power character if it is handled wholly by mechanics of the engine. Rping CvC fights is impossible without the agreement of those involved however.

        I have only ended up in a CvC situation once. It was with Drow, as I'm not particularly aggressive - I'm an old druid...
        I had no chance and knew it. My first thought was to wildshape into a badger and rush off into the undergrowth...however, this would have required a lot of interaction, and for the players to ALLOW me to escape that way. I was considering how to broach it (use a tell? an ooc ..) but as it was the players of the drow allowed me an out. I was no threat to them so I was forced to strip and run off. I did this, rather than seek a less humiliating outcome, as my character is not proud.

        I guess that's what it comes down to - what people will allow you to do in CvC. When we are given a chance to be creative, all involved have more fun. Sometimes it will come down to the game engine, especially in chaotic melees but maybe in CvC involving a single person, even if accosted by a group, the focus should be on roleplaying out the conflict to allow more recherche methods of escape or outcome (as the shackling eluded to earlier in the thread). We don't need DM's to do this, just agreement as community.

        *rushes off to join a hippie commune*

        So, in CvC, I reckon we should tell people what we're doing if we think it's something we could do i the situation with our skills but the game engine can't hack.




        • Zeb,

          I would tend to agree, but I'm getting to many tells that go along the lines of this. "Why have you placed my into hostile?" Player, "While ever other good character is coming up to me in the Viridale Woods, then switches to hostile and kills me before I get a chance to RP it."

          And, we don't have 24/7/365 DM staff, and frankly it is a sad commentary to imply that such policing might be necessary for CvC. Oh yes, and thank you, because it is NOT Player vs Player, but Character vs Character.

          Sadly, it is NOT played as CvC, but there are players who will milk the system to find RP reasons to learn of who slew them. And, from there, the game just degrades into the Hatfields and the McCoys Feud.

          I have other concerns with the CvC play, but just where to state them is even of a greater concern to me.
          Myrddin Ariandraig


          • Originally posted by Squat45 View Post

            And I've seen a few examples of the "paladin of Tyr" walking past the "dark, evil necromancer" and how PvP is justified. If they were in town and the town rules/laws forbade that... then the Pally could not justifiably attack. Also, what about bystanders? How many might die if a full-fledged attack were to occur with innocents around. This does not necessarily mean that combat is eminent... unless the players (and the characters) are blind to everything else.
            Very true, and as you eluded to, if that Town was lenient with such people walking around (Zhentil Keep anyone?) then it would be the Pally of Tyr breaking the law since laws allow such people to be there. Just because someone is a Tyrran or Helmite does not give carte blanche to adhere to one set of laws only...they must respect the laws of the land they are in whether they like it or not, or they themselves become the lawbreakers and rogue elements in that town or country. Now this doesnt mean to say a Pally cant have a grand scheme of converting all those "errant thinkers" by force-feeding them the tenants of goodly society and Tyr edicts....but then thats another RP issue


            • Pvp

              One of the dungeon masters stated, I should play the server before I post. Well, I was almost feeling a part of the Sundren community because I was reading posts from this server for awhile before I decided to join to gauge the community and then was waiting for my first character to be approved before I could play. Therefore I thought I could give some options from previous experience. Of course, each server is different.

              As the person that played and DMd on Dusk Haven, PVP can kill a server if there are not strict controls and punishments, IMO.

              A few solutions could be the creation of an arena that could be used to fulfill PVPers desires. Everyone that enters the arena knows that they are going to have to fight another player, thus, consent.

              You can also have PVP events, I think I read a post last week that someone is holding a fight event. That will also give PVPers something to strive towards instead of going around and killing people, whether randomly or for RP purposes.

              I have not been attacked yet and I backed away from some wizard who was hostile, knowing full well that he would kill me quickly. I RPed it, and was not attacked.

              By the way, the world, what I have seen so far, is very, very well done! Kudos to the builders!


              • Lol, this thread is pretty outdated now, but what does the current playerbase think on pvp?
                Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                • Originally posted by rustediron View Post
                  Lol, this thread is pretty outdated now, but what does the current playerbase think on pvp?
                  In the state of the current death system.

                  Subdual that is all.
                  Currently playing:

                  Thalissa spellsword of Red Knight: "Flank, Flank!!"

                  Talia Callahan: "What te fuck are ye lookin at!!?" Spits

                  Caldur the Grey Doomguide to Kelemvor: "The trouble with youth is that you think you have time."


                  • Lol, I had a pvp fight with someone yesterday actually... I got beaten the shit out of and was knocked unconscious... then they started attacking me again xD
                    scared the shit outta me, lol
                    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                    • I think that a great solution to every single PvP concern, is the simple idea of removing visible Challenge Ratings from other PC's. It makes people think twice before getting all spell-happy, because that little halfling with the cute smile might be a near-epic Red Wizard... so you might not want to piss her and her little bunny slippers, off.

                      Also, the CR's make no sense. How the hell can you tell how hard someone is to fight? I mean, you might be able to tell how strong they are by studying their size, but that is a very limited aspect of the situation. You can't tell that the skinny kid sitting by the wagon can actually make you implode if he laughs too hard, and you can't tell that the gnome telling jokes in the corner can actually dissapear right before your eyes, before he cuts them out. It isn't realistic that someone can really figure out how easy or difficult a fight will be when there are so many components that are unseen to the character.

                      And again, it makes people take PvP seriously, because everyone is a possible threat. If that were implemented, I would imagine that PvP would become a very different thing on this server, and in a positive way.
                      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                      • Originally posted by Infernal_Havok View Post
                        In the state of the current death system.

                        Subdual that is all.

                        Meh, depends on how serious the fight is, and hopefully there'll be a DM willing to rez or a person finding the dead person :X.


                        • CR has it's pros and cons... I think it's best to leave it unless there is an overwhelming majority wanting otherwise.
                          Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                          • How does subdual work? cannot find info anywhere
                            "Computer games don't affect kids negatively; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc. 1988


                            • I think you type .subdual, and thats that.

                              But in my opinion, CR's should be off PC's, but remain on monsters... just for the sake of newbies wandering into dangerous areas.
                              Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                              Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                              • I agree with Kangleton - but, I also have no idea how difficult implementing that would be.

