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Social Skill Counters - How about this?

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  • #46
    If you guys are concerned with skills to counter otehr skills, why not this:

    Bluff-use a modified spot roll (maybe 1/2 of your spot skill) to act as a stand in sense motive. If you think about it, it could be noticing a bead of sweat rolling down the nervous liar's brow, or suttle body language that you pick up on (looking to the left implies fabrication, while looking to the right implies recalling).

    And diplomacy really doesn't need any counter. As earlier stated, if someone really doesn't want to be diplomatic, no matter how good the speaker is, they're just not going to listen.

    The rules in place for intimidate work. No changes there.

    Just think about your characters before responding--what and how would THEY react, independent on the skills rolled. Dumb characters, even with a high spot skill, wouldn't notice the body language of a liar, or even if the person is lying in the first place. Aggressive characters would probably jump in and start swinging at someone taunting them, regardless of how high or low they rolled. People are so concerned with the numbers game instead of the roleplaying aspects.
    "The Weave is the source of all magic in Faerun, and I would give my life to protect it!"
    Selene Canadiel--Knight of the Weave
    "I have failed you once....I will not fail you again!"
    Sylvanas Kathar--Thayan Knight

