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The Divine Caster Issue

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Kaizen
    If DMs started to watch the Cleric RP, I feel there wouldn't be as many of them powergaming the hell out of the class, and doing things they shouldnt. Yes you, Cleric of Illmater mass slaughtering Veritas every ten minutes.
    This was the point of the thread. Get back on track, or I swear, Kaizen and I will start talking about handjobs again.
    Originally posted by Cornuto
    Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


    • #77
      Best way to do that is to make Clerics and FSouls a restricted class, a'la Samurai and Warlock.

      RPoTM Clerics only? Sounds good.
      Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
      "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


      • #78
        Originally posted by Root View Post
        Best way to do that is to make Clerics and FSouls a restricted class, a'la Samurai and Warlock.

        RPoTM Clerics only? Sounds good.
        Hey, i suggested this ages ago. And nobody wanted to listen *pouts*


        • #79
          Oooh! Oooh! Make all Wizards/Sorcerers/Favored Souls/Druids RPoTM too!


          • #80
            I don't think people realize just how hard it is to actually win the RPotM thing in order to get the associated goodies.

            Someone whom would be lured to playing on Sundren due to the charms of playing a cleric in the well-established Triad faction, or playing a druid that would be part of the nicely fleshed out Druid Circle assets are going to see the stringent restriction as a major turn off.

            Ironically, in D&D 2nd Edition, the Ranger, Bard, Druid and Paladins were the classes that were harder to qualify for due to higher stat requisites.
            Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


            • #81
              Then why are critical things like being able to change appearances RPoTM only? I find that a bigger turn-off than being restricted from a single RP-heavy class.

              Anyway, in that case, make it restricted, like the PrC's that are, meaning a character request for them.
              Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
              "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


              • #82
                Because Role Play Quality =/= RPOTM

                I'm going to be blunt - some people should not have won RPOTM, others deserve it.

                Hell, Kaizen was my first time RP'ing ... ever. and he won. And it was because he was loud and obnoxious and in everyon's business. I didn't deserve it.

                RPOTM is a popularity contest, nothing more. Sure, some people have won it that deserve it, others - not so much.

                Mathell, Dain Tornbrook, Peridan Twilight, Plutarch Fullgrin - amazingly well RP'd, haven't won first place.

                And Mathell was the perfect image of a cleric.
                Originally posted by ThePaganKing
                So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.


                • #83
                  *promptly smites anyone suggesting restrictions on anything*

                  Making casters a restricted class is....<censors himself to avoid forum ban>

                  This really should be made a dead issue since anything you do to pwn casters will also pwn melee-ers as a side effect

                  Also this thread wasnt made for the melee v caster aurguement and has gone way off topic
                  "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
                  Yogi Berra

                  Learn things:http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page


                  • #84
                    Since this thread is about the RP implications of Divine classes, I think it's still on-topic after going off it.

                    Best way I can think of doing this is preventing anyone with levels in Druid, Cleric, FS, or Paladin from levelling above, say, level 8, without a Character Request that needs a DM to see that they're actually RPing the class rather than just clearly ignoring the RP implications and happily using all their powers for whatever they want.
                    Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
                    "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


                    • #85
                      "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
                      Yogi Berra

                      Learn things:http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page


                      • #86
                        I'm going to echo Dragor.

                        I also think this thread has become overdue for a lock. It's not like any of the circuitous arguments we've been saying in the last couple of pages haven't been said before. I, for one, dislike arguments carried out of endurance.
                        Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger

