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  • #46
    Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
    And trust me, the best thing that could happen to Forgotten Realms isn't Eilistraee being gone. I can think of muuuuuch better things, like necromancy actually having a chance to instantly destroy the caster
    I'm sure we've all done something from the checklist. Like i've played a neutral teifling on a different server once, and some of my characters have slaughtered families - But only really the freaking pure insane ones. I made their lives as horrible as freaking possible to make them insane *Nodnod*

    I still don't feel bad for feeling attacked by you guys, but I understand you weren't really...

    But yeah, that is some rather messed up stuff with what you said what some people were doing <.<. And I remember Sundren when you had to apply... I got approved with my character, but I found it very hard to fit in... particularly because I couldn't find out how to talk to anyone and nobody seemed to want to help, so I just ended up leaving... then joining a looong time later XD

    Sundren has improved lots since then, and so have I

    And *FACEPALM* DAMMIT!@Shar and Cyric...


    • #47
      *claps for GBX* . . . you . . . you were a LOT nicer than I was thinking about being about all that. I tip my bowler hat to you and I thank the gods that are still alive that we don't have Avariel here. *shudders*


      • #48
        Bird elves, caw, caw! XD Just a silly joke

