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At A Loss

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  • #46
    While Yashia didn't awake in the same cavern where she last remembered standing face to face with the 'queen' of Sundren's Banites, it quickly became clear enough that none of them had been brought to death at the hands of the merciless shadow of a former innocent soul. That was a relief, but at the same time it brought worry. It meant that the Black Hand had once again mustered enough willing warriors for the force to become bold, and show itself in the relative open. Little could be done about it now, though. Little more than seeking to overcome the same obstacles that had been there since Hano last gathered a handful of people to talk about plans of overcoming them.

    Hano, he hadn't been around for a long time. But Yashia knew that was merely an illusion. He was out there somewhere pursuing his destiny as a man for the people, and he'd turn up when he had to. Though none of that meant that everyone could sit and wait for him to return. They shouldn't need him to solve all of their problems, everyone had to do their part. And to do hers, Yashia had to stand stronger. With less worries for her own existence to keep her from it. It had now lasted long enough. The waiting, the hoping. She needed more security of her own future. It was time to find the truth.

    A talk with the druids, as Annie had suggested, could not reveal what she wanted to know. They reminded her that fertility was the work of Chauntea, the same goddess her friend had learned to praise from her early life as a farmer's child. The next step on the road was Sestra. Or its shrine, to be more exact.

    Yashia was welcomed by a gnomish priestess in the place of worship. A shrine that was remarkably well-tended to, with its warm atmosphere filled with the scent of growth and spring. To the former paladin's surprise, the small cheerful woman of faith was spot on in her observations of her 'problem'. And she knew just the thing that could be done to have Chauntea's blessing shine upon her.

    Another couple was to be married here soon, and a request was made for a bouquet of a special flower, known as Chauntea's Tears, that stood symbol for a fruitful relationship. One that only grew on the outskirts of the coldest mountain peeks in the Realms. While it brought her little certainty, Yashia was more than happy to help. The task was one that, if fulfilled, would make a loving moment between two people just a tiny bit better. It didn't matter who it was for.

    She called in the help of Cirion and anyone else who wanted to come. Tayien and Cybil answered the call, and after some preparations were made the group gathered in Aquor to find out more about this mysterious flower. Many hints were left across the town, it seemed. Rumors, children's songs, lots of things. It was Cybil's talk with a local at the tavern that made clearest what exactly they had to look for.

    When they finally set out to find what they came for, the journey proved long and tiring. Large packages of flowers that looked like they could be what they were looking for were gathered, and separated depending on the number they were found in, as the song had suggested. Along with the cold, Logan and his 'friends' from the Cartel made their life a freezing Hell.

    There were a few close calls, but the bandits didn't stop the group from returning with large bundles of blue-coloured flowers. And the priestess was overjoyed to see all those flowers they brought. "Oooh! Wait until Annaleen and whatever-his-name-is see this!"

    "Annie and Os?" That was unexpected, but a pleasant surprise all the same to Yashia. Which she made known with her smile, as she moved to stand with Cirion to share that moment of warmth she felt. They stayed there a short while, watching the gnomish woman greedily gather the flowers. She was about to depart when Yashia raised her voice to her. "Miss, there is one thing that I'd still like to ask of you."

    "Yes? Feel free to speak your mind."

    The blonde wanderer didn't really think about any possible blessings for herself, it was a blessing enough that her efforts were rewarded by unknowingly doing something for a friend.

    "If they ask about it, just tell that someone who cares about their happiness arranged the flowers. They don't need to know that it was us.."

    "Sure! That can be arranged. But I need to take care of these now so they stay fresh for the event." she replied.

    Yashia gave a nod and smiled. "Of course, we'll be going too then."

    Farewells were said, and each returned to walk their own paths. Yashia's and Cirions still intertwined indefinitely, from the looks of it. And she was determined to make the best of what she had.


    • #47
      From that day forth, while Yashia continued with some renewed hope to take a lot of effort in trying to give Cirion what he wished for, she also worked hard on trying to make Sundren a better place to be. For the time being, the Banites didn't show much of themselves, but another threat arose from the unknown. Three snake-like beings assaulted the Trading Post of Exigo, where many adventurers kept meeting even to this day, after all those many dangers that had lurked inside and around it. Even claimed life, occasionally.

      An unfortunate sentinel did perish this time also, but luckily the skirmish was quickly put to an end. What were these creatures? None around really knew. The tracks they left behind however provided enough opportunity to investigate. In the end, it was Sestra they arrived in. There, the trail met a dead end. Perhaps the many small creeks were used to cover their destination? Snakes are known to often be capable swimmers, so snake-men probably could do it too.

      Strangely enough, the entire town went about its business, none showing any signs of having seen anything even vaguely suspicious. The group, consisting of Cirion, Cybil, an unknown elf and herself, looked around if they could find anything. But there wasn't anything to find. There was but one area they had no access to: the caves that were home to a tribe of lizardmen known as the Slitherscale.

      It had become territory not open for trespassing adventurers, after the tragedy that had befallen Sestra as a result of would be heroes continuously going inside their domain, and slaughtering them.

      "Restricted area! Move along." one of the guards spoke.

      The group quickly explained to them of what had happened to Exigo, and the tracks they had followed here. Nothing was enough to be granted a chance to look around, but in the end Cybil convinced one of them to at least look around the cave's surroundings if there was anything out of the ordinary. If eyes could speak, then those of the returning guard would have said said a lot. Yet his mouth proclaimed the contrary. "Nothing to see."

      None of them believed, and so the favored of Ilmater pushed some, and then some more to get a chance at taking a look herself. Unwise... thought Yashia. "Perhaps we should just go, and come back when we know more."

      As usual though, her advice wasn't paid much attention to. And then someone came along who was much better at claiming it, with the greatest of ease. And he granted Cybil's wish at the same time, though not quite as she had envisioned it. A slim, hooded man grabbed her and shoved his way past the guards to get around the meters deep basin, towards the caves it looked like.

      "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" the other guard spoke out loud.

      The cloaked man hissed, not at all unlike the sound those beings with the thick tail of a snake and an upper body shaped like a human made earlier. "Foolish mortals. You are nothing in the eyes of Sess'Kellith!"

      With that, the Ilmatari was pushed away as the slithering stranger used her to brace himself against for a jump into the deep. He disappeared beneath the water of the basin, not to show himself again for now.

      One of the guard tapped his blade against the side of his plate boot to get everyone's eyes before speaking again. "Well, now that's taken care of, it's high time for you all to move along."

      "What?! What about that man who just assaulted me?" Cybil resisted.

      "Well, he's not coming up is he? Has probably drowned by now. He will pester us no more." the guard sneered.

      Yashia spoke up now to make known the worry that wasn't Cybil's alone, although not quite so pushing in manner. "Have you considered that there might be underground rivers that connect the basins and streams running through here?"

      Whether it was because they had no answer to it and ignored her deliberately, or because she simply wasn't noticed as usual, it made no real difference. They were sent away, with no possibility of taking a look around to find out if the lizardmen were somehow involved with this new enemy. Yashia's voice was enough to convince Cirion to come along, and standing alone with the elf Corvus there, who hadn't said much aside from what was needed for the purpose of following tracks, drew Cybil and the elf himself to come as well.

      The favored soul however wanted to stay until the guards' shift was ended to make way for another. She stayed there with the others as Yashia went back to the city to come in contact with someone who might have a little knowledge of the beings they had seen. She had little success at arranging a meeting with one of the professors at the University though. All seemed to be too busy to lend her an ear. In time, she was simply exhausted and gave up for the night, headed home, and laid down on bed in wait for Cirion. He didn't come, but sleep did.


      • #48
        The morning after, Yashia was still on her own. Not too surprising, as the life of an adventurer frequently called for days on end of being on the road. She wasn't too worried about anything until hearing gossip about an incident in the town of Sestra. A small band of people had entered the caves and broken the truce there had been. Two had fallen victim and were found on the figurative doorstep of the natural home of the Slitherscale. Another was seen alive, but vanished. The intrusion had aroused unease on both fronts, and the breach that was made considered a crime serious enough to call for detention.

        Fools, she thought to herself as she caught the news. In a pained and frustrated way rather than in anger. If only I had been there to talk sense into them, then none of this may have happened.

        However, it was now too late to change that. She had to look ahead, and not so much behind her as she was used to do. The first thing Yashia wanted for herself was to go and see Cirion, to know if he was okay. But now, she couldn't let him or herself come first. Sestra hadn't seemed too interested in finding out for themselves what the true threat in those caves was, and being the only one of the group that was in a position to take some initiative, the blonde ex-paladin sent her overly eager gnome friend Juney to deliver a message to her beloved while she herself would do her best to find out some more. The monk Alcander, whom Cirion had been getting along with some, followed the pleasantly 'crazy' Juney on her trip to kick his rear. After bringing up how despicable he found the Sunite's idiocy in this matter.

        When she was about to leave the Trading Post to head to the city, master bard and tall tale teller Osclow came along. He hadn't heard the word yet, but giving a short summary of the events was enough to have a sense of enlightenment returned. The snake people as she described them could be non other than the Yuan-Ti, Os explained. Creatures that varied in stature from bipedal and nearly human to tailed and mostly snake. And all of them were snakes in the figurative sense of the word. Deceiving infiltrators vying for their own supremacy on a plane thought to be ruled by men.

        The coincidence of Osclow knowing, or perhaps it wasn't so much that as his knack for picking up bits of obscure knowledge of the Realms, came much as a blessing. For now they didn't have to look any further to bring Sestra some much needed information on who or what the attacking snake people -presumably hidden somewhere close to the establishment - were.

        The bard's explanations had taken a while though, and already Juney Thimbles and her monk escort came back. The first with a slight limp, the other a slight look of irritation. "I delivered the message, but not without a scratch!" Juney told them. "It took a bit of struggling to get to see him, but he looked just fine."

        Thimbles claimed the foreground in her proud tellings of her good deed for the day, while the timid Alcander tried to get in a calm word. "He is a good man," was the only part Yashia could catch. An apology for his earlier blunt outbursts? Whatever it was intended as, she accepted the gesture with a smile. There was little time for much more talking, so Yashia and Osclow made ready to depart. As soon as the spectacled gnome girl had made her desire to be rewarded for her quest known loud and clear and a bag of a hundred stags was given, the two set off. Joined again by a quiet Alcander.


        • #49
          Inside the Exarch's Keep, they were called to a halt by what seemed to be a number of prison guards. Not at all too happy to see more 'visitors', since the last had apparently stirred up some trouble. A situation that sounded suspiciously much like a certain hyper-active gnome was involved. The talking caught someone's attention. "Yashia? Is that you?" Cirion's voice sounded from behind a wall, mixed with a creak of disturbed metal bars.

          "Stay away from that door! That's your last warning!" uttered one of the wardens.

          "Cirion!" Yashia called back, not seeing that the guards grew ever more frustrated. "You... you fool... Are you okay?"

          "Quit your damned shouting, woman!" one of them who seemed to be the one in charge spoke out loud. "The prisoners will not have any visitors. Not on my watch."

          "I'm sorry, I don't want to give any problems." Yashia said in a much easier tone. "But is it really too much of me to ask if I may see my fiancé? If only just for a moment..."

          "She does have a good reason there, can't-"

          "No exceptions." the officer knocked down the expression of sympathy from another guard. "We will take no risks here like the Legion does with their prisoners, with multiple escapes and break-outs in only a matter of months."

          With that possibility out of the way and accepting it, the blonde woman in her twenties continued the conversation by sharing what she could remember of Osclow's earlier illustration of what the Yuan-Ti were. And that they were around here somewhere. The report was taken seriously enough, just like she would have hoped it would be. They were asked to make written note of it to be passed on to the Exarch himself, or at the least someone of importance regarding the defenses of Sestra. And Osclow was just the man to write it.

          "Now, if that was all," said the captain, motioning for the door, "then I'd ask you kindly to leave."

          Yashia was about to fulfill that request, when all of a sudden Alcander laid his hand on her shoulder to stop her for a private word. "The gnome wasn't very tactful in passing your words for Cirion on and your meaning might have been lost in her 'translation'. He has the right to know what you really wanted to tell him."

          She gave a quick nod, and once more asked for the warden's attention. "Excuse me for the continued hindrance on my part, but can I have permission to say a few more things to the prisoner before we leave?"

          Osclow grew more and more cautious, quietly saying to her that she was pushing her luck too far. Yet in this case, a careful request was enough to convince the only man of any real authority around. "Alright. Make it quick."

          A nod and a deep breath she took to prepare, and she looked up to the masterfully crafted works of stone that formed the ceiling of the hall they stood in, since from where she was she couldn't lay her eyes upon the man she loved himself. "Cirion," she began, "I wanted to say to you that I wished to come and see you as quick as time allowed, but I just had to find out more about these dangers first. It was simply too important to let that wait, more important than my own wants. But as you said to me I should do when I feel separated and alone, I want you to know that while you may not be able to see me now, I am with you and you are with me all the time. In our hearts. I love you, Cirion... See you soon."

          The imprisoned Sunite proclaimed his love back to her, a tremble in his tone revealing that had needed exactly that to see this through. The visit ended there. And to the relief of most, the prisoners were soon thereafter released, although banished from the areas in and around the village. For Cirion to erase the marks left behind from Juney making him fear whether or not Yashia still cared for him would take much longer though. If they would ever fully be erased at all.


          • #50
            Not much more than a week later, the once roaming ranger ventured through the woods and into the druid's grove. As she had used to do often, but in more recent times such a trip had become rare. A bit of peace was what she expected to find. And she did, as she sat there talking to Cybil and Kristal the literally over-joyed elven bard about all manner of trivial things.

            That time was short endured. The group heard Lillian and the Keeper speak about strangers seen in the forest, a potential threat to anyone nearby their sanctuary. It became apparent that the yuan-ti, or something [i]very[/] much alike, had begun to infest larger parts of the valley. Now taking root in the middle of the Viridale. Lore had it that their kind was set into this world by a legendary creator race known as the 'Saurian', of which not much else was known. About as much as they knew of the snake-folks' true intentions.

            Lillian had gone scouting nearby Sestra, where the scaled peoples were thought to have their home, and a few hours later she returned with the strange news that from a short distance there seemed to be no life in the town whatsoever. Everything was dead silent. Cause enough for further investigation, Yashia thought. Which she wasn't alone in. Cybil was equally concerned, Osclow even more curious, and Cirion was eager to head there as well. The bard offered Cirion and the favored soul disguise kits for that purpose, only to incur a disapproving shake of Cybil's head and a frown on Yashia's part.

            "Frown at me all you wish Yashia, but do you not agree that at times, the ends justify the means?" Osclow tried to say as diplomatically as possible, with Cirion's agreeing stance at his side. Although all of that just served to be met with a more verbal form of resistance.

            "How about no more attempted heroics away from the eye of authority? Do I need to remind you how well that ended last time?"

            Some more non-malign arguing ensued, in the end leading to the ladies getting their way and leaving Cirion in frustration of being disallowed to help as he wanted to - by the woman he called the love of his life no less. While he was already walking away from it all, Yashia suggested to Cybil that she take him with her to warn the Legion outpost nearby. With no time to tarry, she herself set out to Sestra with Osclow on horseback.


            • #51
              When the two arrived something indeed looked to be amiss. The village of Sestra appeared dead. And because the two long befriended adventurers didn't quite want to join in on that yet, they prepared by putting their armor on, added the trademark hat and cloak, and joked a little about something regarding fashion and gnome slaves.

              The light-hearted entrance was soon to be disrupted however, when the first sign of life showed itself. They were faced by a tall snake-man or woman, whichever it was, that upon noticing them it started to cast its magic straight away. Without hesitation Yashia drew her trusted morningstar and handaxe to charge at it with steel raised. A few hits were all that was required for the creature to fall to the ground with no life left in its body. The bard walked up to her with his sword now in hand. And then, they were alone again. As far as the eye could see. Their fears had become reality.

              "I'm sorry," the blonde said to him, "I mean, it didn't look like it wanted to talk."

              Osclow didn't seem to mind the blood that was shed much, more concerned with their own safety at this point, which his words portrayed clearly. "It is alright, let's just be on guard and move on to the Exarch Keep. That's the most likely place to have an explanation for this strange turn of events."

              "We could also head down to the pier first. These yuan-ti seem to move effortlessly through water, and to them it would be a good place to hide." Yashia replied.

              The man in the hat removed a coin from his pocket to solve their dilemma. Tymora would set their destination to the pier, and Beshaba to the Keep. Luckily, lady luck smiled up towards them when the circle shaped piece of metal landed, and down to the pier they went.

              Nothing. Although a gut feeling told Yashia that that wasn't tue. "Looks quiet enough, but let's see if there is anything lurking in the water," she spoke as she walked to the edge.

              "Don't get too close! Get pulled in, and you are a fish in a barrel."

              The warning didn't affect her actions much. Bracing her foot against a wooden pole portruding from the horizontal planks was all she did to secure herself while taking a peek into the ocean below and in front of her.

              "Did you even hear me? I can speak louder if I must." the voice sounded again in mild annoyance.

              She did hear him, but she also heard something else. A foreign, slithering sound from underneath. Yashia tensely took a step back from the edge and just as she whispered to make mention of it in case Osclow hadn't heard, something leapt from down below, making a backflip in the air and landing on the boards before them. It was dark, and neither of the two humans could get a good look at who or what exactly they were facing. Once or twice it struck Osclow with stinging steel, before it vanished again in the deepest of night.

              The fighting went on like that for what seemed like hours, Yashia and Osclow trying to guard eachother's backs and following the stranger up the stairs and paths to the Keep, both striking what should be lethal blows to most mortals and both sides also treating their wounds during the assassin's short moments of retreat. Near the top, their assailant defiantly revealed himself at some distance, showing off some more of his athletic poses.

              "You are quite the determined sort..." Osclow said. "Ready to try words, or do we keep this up with blades?"

              The being emitted a sound that would have been a snicker, if snakes could do such a thing. "Pathetic really... I should just kill you so your... friendssss... don't get the chance to return here."

              "Our friends?" The mention of them made her wonder. Had they met before? What did this 'man' know about them? She squinted her eyes and stepped forward to get a better look at him. He did look familiar. She had seen him before. Also in Sestra, when he used Cybil as a human shield to get back to his home. But before she could really say or ask anything more, he was gone again. "Hey!" she shouted and ran towards the final platform which the keep stood on.

              With a small shock she came to a standstill, as the bard behind her called. "Wait Yashia! Something isn't right, we should be cautious."

              "Of course there is something not right!" Yashia barked back a little more harshly than intended. "There are assassins prancing about freely through the roads of Sestra, and nobody seems to have the ability to stop them. No guards... what do you think happened to them?"

              "I do not know... but the guards here would not fall easy and I have a hard time thinking they would just be bought off." He said as he moved up ahead, wishing to have had Fenton's eyes with him at this time.

              "Well, this slithering, tailed murderer seems swift and deadly enough to trick you and me into his ambushes.."

              Not wanting to answer to what she implied, Osclow diverted the topic to their own situation. "Our spells will not last.. We need to get to a place where he has less opporunity to ambush us. Perferably with only one entrance and exit."

              "The Keep's Hallway. That's as good as it gets from where we are now." Yashia's suggestion was adopted as a good idea in Osclow's eyes.

              Only a step away from the door they were, when again the reptilian jumped to attack them. In a reflex that looked a lot more like luck than anything else, Osclow's swords sliced straight through the creature's neck, causing it to hit the doorstep with a thud. The bard proudly looked down upon another heroic accomplishment of his. "That will be QUITE enough from the likes of you!" he uttered.

              The both of them bent down to get a closer look. It came as a surprise that the body burned up into bright ash and faded away into the night sky. Dead, but moving on. And not to another plane. This was not over. They weren't for long allowed to be baffled by what they just saw. A number of gigantic snakes attacked, more and more seeming to come out of nowhere. A coiling mess intent on devouring them as they cut their way through it, to the relative safety of the Keep.


              • #52
                Inside, Osclow threw his weight against the door and held his body tightly against it. A serious look taking his face, colored lightly with a touch of panic. One more small snake managed to creep in, but its lonely frontal assault was quickly put to an end by the bard's boot crushing its head.

                Yashia stood a bit further inside. Catching her breath as she leaned against a metal fence placed inside the hallway to separate the small platforms on either side from the main corridor. "The way that he just disappeared in the night sky eluding and laughing in the face of his death... Only liches and vampires can do that for as far as I know. Do you think our attacker was one?"

                He shook his head to that. "I think he may be what I feared before... a yuan-ti. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, talent like his does not just grow on trees, not even amongst his kind."

                "Great." She said in a tone that made it sound suspiciously much like that wasn't as great a relief as she had hoped he would give. "Now, the bad news?"

                "The bad news is, his kind have the kind of magic that can make one vanish like that, and I am certain he is not dead."

                "He most certainly looked dead.. That's why I brought up the possibility of him being a vampire, or something similar. They return to their coffin when slain normally."

                "Reptiles ...and those with reptilian blood can surprise you with what they can survive through... Professor Teion taught me that." The bard wrapped up his blade, Stormsinger, returning it to his back. After doing so continuing to keep the doors shut. "You may be right, who knows... But the way he bled, I do not suspect that he was undead."

                "It might still be something similar. There must be something keeping him alive. And it's beyond normal mortality or physical durability."

                Osclow nodded. "Either way, help may be on the way here. We should try to meet up with them." He placed his ear to the door to listen if anything was still there, but gave no impression if that question would be answered with a yes or a no. "Yashia... Take a look around and see if we can get out through the pier door we saw earlier. I will keep the door here barred as well as I can."

                "After we take a look around to see if this place is secure to begin with. But what happened to sticking together? I mean, I'd agree with splitting up so that the door here could be kept secure if we had been four or more, but since that would put both of us at risk without anyone watching our backs in this case it just doesn't seem like such a good idea."

                "Very well. Give me a moment to rest.. I think I will have a good way to keep them off our backs. This may be the last chance we have for a breather, so take advantage of it."

                "Your resourcefulness never ceases to amaze. I hope that it's not about to abandon us in here." She smirked to him, keeping her eyes on the door for the rest of the while they rested. They couldn't take much time to do so. It was all that Osclow suggested and nothing more; a breather.

                Their most immediate fatigue had faded, and thus Osclow rose to press on. "If I say back, watch your back. Let's go..."

                She did stand up, though as she did a thought popped up in her mind. Not her own, it was a thought from Cybil that alerted her to the coming of Cirion and Kristal to Sestra.

                Cirion? No... he shouldn't. Try to keep them away from here!

                Quickly, Yashia broke the connection in order to do her own part in trying. And to explain Osclow that she wished a few moments more. "Hang on, Os. There's something I still need to do," she spoke, walking to a corner so nothing could close in on her from any more than one path, and taking a scroll out of her packs. "Watch my front."

                "With pleasure."

                An awkward, seconds-long silence fell between them as they looked at one another. If eyes could speak, Yashia's would have said something along the lines of: Excuse me? Albeit more surprised by all the ways in which it wasn't appropriate than offended.

                The bard could sense that, and a sense of minor discomfort was to be heard in his voice when he next spoke. "Oh.. you mean... watch in front of you. Yes, I knew that."

                Yashia smirked to that and shook her head a little, before concentrating on the marks gathered on the piece of paper in her hands. She uttered an incantation, and soon after became lost in thought. A sending to Cirion, to tell him to stay away. That they would manage, and that he shouldn't endanger Kristal by coming here. She noticed faintly that Osclow said a few things to her as well, but she hadn't heard them.

                "Stay here or meet the rescue on its way?" he repeated.

                "I'm hoping that the 'rescue' will listen for once and save themselves instead."

                His smirk melted away to a look of concern. "You know our friends better than that. We likely took care of the most dangerous thing out there, but not the ONLY dangerous thing out there... I say we move. Out the front. They have not tried to come in yet after all."

                Together, they walked back whence they came. It wasn't the enemy whom they met with, but Kristal. And Cirion disguised as an old man. Something Yashia saw through easily before any word was spoken. She was disappointed, and didn't say much more to him throughout that night. They as a group met the same assassin again when trying to make their way out. Far too soon for comfort. Several more fights were fought until eventually they were allowed to meet up with a group that had been looking for an abducted hin-girl known by the name 'Sky'. She had been taken into the caves, and all but the tired Osclow offered to lend a hand to help out.

                The situation was bad, though. The lizardmen of Slitherscale yet again found their home infiltrated and in complete confusion more bloodshed could not be avoided. In the end what they faced, something that Yashia couldn't remember, was too much. A weakened awakening at the nearby monastery, with her injured limbs wrapped in bandage, nonetheless proved that they had been blessed for all to make it out alive. Including the little one that was lost. There might still have been plenty more cause for worry from that day's events, but the relief there was enough to allow herself and her bruised body a long morning of rest.


                • #53
                  The following days were on the quiet side. Not a great deal happened for quite some time. It could be that the valley's enemies were simply plotting out their next steps in the shadowy crevices of Sundren, but there wasn't much to do about it. Especially since she hadn't that many ties or influence on groups or individuals who could get to know more.

                  So the reappearance of Hano, and his fairly immediate request for aid against a rise of the frost giant tribes intent on spreading their cold-hearted influence southward to Aquor in force was a more than welcome opportunity for Yashia to finally act again in protection of those in need. Hano, Cybil, Lauan, Cirion and herself took the fight to the north to push them back, and with great success. In memory of how things went the last confrontation with the icy brutes, it came with some surprise. And even Lauan seemed to be content with the results of this cooperation.

                  The group made its way back to safety, where the findings were split among those interested, which Yashia was not. There was however something else she wished for, and when Hano was already on his way back to the city, she ran up to him to halt him.

                  "Hano, I need to speak with you." She eyed Cirion for a moment or two. She hadn't told him about this yet, but it seemed best to leave him out until she felt more secure of 'the how' herself. For she realized that it could possibly mean problems if she couldn't tell him in the right way. "... Preferably in private."

                  A swift goodbye she said to the others, excluding Lauan who had already gone back to her Enclave, and an arrangement was easily made to join the paladin of Torm to the temple of the Triumvirate. They were back in the kitchen, where in old days they would often gather to discuss matters of importance and plans. Hano motioned for her to take a seat as she pleased. Which the did; the nearest one not at the head of the table. The blonde sat with the tips of the fingers on her left hand resting on the table's edge and used her right hand to fix her hair that was likely looking like a mess after their trip to the Cold Climb just now. Turned with her facing to Hano, half-expecting that he would get comfortable as well. But he remained standing, watching her, waiting for her to speak her mind.

                  "Well..." she started out, seeing that was what he expected of her. "For a while now I've felt rather bothered with my own lack of commitment.. and I feel that the people around me aren't being given by me what they deserve. Despite their continuous soothing words to claim the contrary."

                  "What is it you believe they deserve, Yashia?" He asked calmly, in almost a consoling manner.

                  Finishing her hair to the best of her abilities without seeing it, the other hand also found its way down to the table. Yashia looked down at the fingers for a glimpse. "I... it's hard to put to words. Everyone seems to like me as I am, but I feel a need inside of me to give more of my own heart back to them. Something I've been neglecting for a long time now. I need purpose, and I hope it to be something closer to how I once was."

                  "So you understand what it is you wish to do; what your heart begs you to do. All that is left is simply doing it, correct?"

                  "I do understand, but I think I'm going to need guidance to go back. I need to somehow overcome my poor judgements like the ones I made to get me where I am, or especially where I was a short while ago."

                  "The most common mistake I've noticed in all that have fallen is that they first try to justify their actions and rationalize how they were right instead of thinking why they were wrong. That is your first step in allowing yourself to return. With that said, you must adopt the mindset of a learner instead of a teacher."

                  She shakes her head faintly. "With all the things that have happened, I've already come to see the wrongs in my actions. I just... I need some way to feel such moments coming, and be ready to do the proper thing when they do come to pass." Yashia smirked a little, showing her face to Hano again. "You know, to overcome my gullibility."

                  "Allow me to reiterate, then; your first step will then be to adopt the mindset of a learner instead of a teacher. You will have to start from the bottom again if you hope to succeed."

                  "What is it that you mean by starting from the bottom again? To focus on putting to reality the life by the code? To question my every step carefully, without assumption based on emotional experience?" The blonde lost one laid her left elbow and arm over the table now to lean on it. Not shifting her weight at all though, and careful not to slip and wreck the delicate plates and cups placed on it.

                  The veteran knight of the Triumvirate folded his arms and drew in a long breath. "In a way, yes. You are known to act on your own intuition and emotional beliefs from your own past experience instead of relying on the wise words of the code; words that have been forged by the wise Gods and the basis of our doctrine for many years. I'm not saying to neglect your emotions, but this will make you better."


                  • #54
                    Yashia clasped her hands together in front of her, fingers interlocked, and bent her head forward to rest it on top of them with her chin. Making a small, nodding motion. Hano cleared his throat, and quoted some knowledge he had held close to him as a learner himself. "A man who is endowed with an ethnical sense and is convinced of the sancity of our ethical values is on a sure path to a conflict of duty."

                    He walked around to Yashias side, to stand more easily in her view and to get an easier view of herself as well, before bringing up what he knew to be Yashia's greatest issue in her own personal judgement. "While this might at first seem like a moral catastrophe.."

                    Being reminded of some misplaced criticism of hers against another who knew better in the past - the same man in fact who stood right next to her, who was unwilling to execute a foul-willed Banite warrior who had fallen to his knees and surrendered - she twitched for a split-second. Then a sigh left her mouth, and she nodded in acknowledgement again.

                    "It alone makes possible a higher differentiation and broadening of our consciousness." Hano said as he placed a hand on her pauldron. "This forces us to view our concsiousness and thereby discover the potential evil within us. It also gives us a means to fight it. So instead of questioning the code, Yashia, you will have to start questioning your own intuition - Where it seemed to always be the other way around for you."

                    Yashia turned her facing over her shoulder, with Hano's movement, to keep her eyes at him. "That's.. going to be difficult to do, I hope to rely on a combination of both, without straying from the true path, so to speak. Gut feeling can often tell me what is going on, where my smarts fail me."

                    "Gut feeling was what put you in this position to begin with, correct?"

                    "Yes. Yes, it was." She shut her eyes and turned her face forward again, mildly ashamed, and taking each of his words carefully into consideration.

                    "Then keep that in mind when you attempt so," he continued. "If you question the code first instead of your intuition, then you will not have changed at all."

                    "It was also what told me the involvement of Shar in the Genum's Cube events. As well as more recent... mistakes regarding the lair of some necromancer."

                    "So you'd rather be reliant on a hit or miss method?" He could have frowned now, while saying this. She didn't know, but it wasn't important. He tried to put her on the right track by telling her to be critical of herself. And that was what she had asked for, after all.

                    "I will <i>need</i> my intuition just as I need to have clear direction from those teachings. But I'll need to never go against the latter."

                    Behind her, the non-fallen closed his eyes and brought his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I didn't say ignore it. I said question your intution first instead of the code, Yashia."

                    "I will try as hard as I can. And I really feel that I need this change, so all I can really do is just, well..." she slowly sat back, and shrugged as if it was nothing. That was how she had to see it, the drive had to come naturally. And so she finished her unfinished line simply, and directly: "... do it."

                    Feeling much less tense, having been given back some confidence gave her the feeling that it was alright to ease the mood a little bit, the want-to-be paladin turned around and smirked to Hano. "But I do hope I won't have to wear a headband to hide any thought-wrinkles on my forehead in the future."

                    His eyes open at her comment and he brought his hand from the bridge of his nose to finger the circlet. "Mmn." He nodded. "Let us hope not."

                    Hano was never a man to show much affection of any kind of humor, and he didn't seem to mind her comment much. "Thanks for your words, Hano." she said. "I probably knew them all inside somewhere, but hearing them from someone else just helps."'

                    He nodded to her again, "I just need to know if you're mentally prepared for the path you wish to take. You say you want it, and I believe that you do, but I wonder why? Do you know the purpose of a paladin's existence?"

                    She Lifted herself from her seat and spinned on her heels to stand face to face with the steadfast paladin, to put to words to him her feelings of just what exactly it meant to be one, to her. "To stand as an unbreachable bastion of faith among mortal men. To be someone others can rely on and someone who inspires to do what is right besides just doing it him- or herself."

                    Only after she spoke, Yashia noticed that another had come in. In the door opening stood Cybil, for reasons unknown, but she smiled widely and retreated. Giving the two inside the chance to finish their talk without interference. Hano saw it too, but he didn't let it distract him. "That is a good answer," he spoke.

                    "I know. That's why I gave it." Said Yashia dryly, attempting again to move Hano - even if only a little - to be more relaxed without needing to give up on strict codes of conduct.

                    That was not how Hano perceived it though. His brow was furrowed slightly from what she said. Nonetheless, he still seemed satisfied with her wish to change. "Then you might have a chance. I pray that you do." He stepped to the side, to make the way from her chair to the door open, should she wish to take it. "If you have nothing else to ask me, then I bid you a fair day."

                    That was not what she did though. At least not yet. Smiling, she took the same step that he took away closer to him, and gently placed her hand atop his shoulder. "I will give it all I have.. but I want to give you a small piece of advice as well."

                    Clasping his hands behind his back, the Tormite waited for Yashia to continue. Which he didn't have to wait for very long. "I know the times are tough," she began in a voice as soothing as she could make it, "... and that devoted men like you especially feel the necessity to treat every aspect of life seriously. And rightfully so... But a smile would look good on you. Even if it's only every once in a while that you show it."

                    Hano drew in a long breath of air from his nostrils before sighing and responding. "Duly noted, thank you."

                    "I hope you will be able to count on me again like everyone can always count on you." She said while patting him with the hand already on his shoulder, and after that letting it slide away. "Farewell, Hano. We'll keep in touch."

                    His sea-green eyes flitted to her hand before returning to her face, to say his part of their goodbye. "Safe travels, Yashia, and good luck with your endeavors. May The True guide you."


                    • #55
                      Cirion had to know, but Yashia decided to wait a few days longer before telling him. There was a competition of arts coming up at the Talent and Balance theatre, and what better way was there to express what he meant to her through song? She would still speak with him about her wishes afterwards, though the reassurance beforehand might be needed.

                      Though when the time had come for the contest, more pressing matters kept her away. A fight had broken out between two halflings and a brutish half-orc with the notions that their kind was meant for eating alone. And right after that had been mostly resolved, an elemental came from nowhere and attacked one of the hins from a distance. Called to arms, the blonde fallen paladin slew the being, but unfortunately that wasn't enough to save Dram's life.

                      Yashia carried the body away so Cybil could bestow Ilmater's aid to raise the fallen without interference from the still-hungry Ball. The two together sat there, doing their best to take away Dram's confusion, making sure he would be alright again. It wouldn't be until Cirion spoke to her, laid back in the grass close by, that she would be reminded of her own situation. "Yashia, when we do have kids one day... You're raising them."

                      She sat there, squatted, not answering. His jesting actually made her sad rather than amused as he had intended. He called her over soon after that. Having made sure with the others that they had things under control first, she came to him as he asked her to. Without giving an explanation for her mental state. The coming of Osclow to gather more for the show that would be put up in the city was her luck. Her relief that she could still proceed with things as she had hoped to do. As she had promised Asliena to be there this time, unlike the last event where being stuck in limbo through her own foolishness in claiming her life had prevented her.


                      • #56
                        When she stood before the stage, Yashia took some time to perceive it from where the audience would be. It was long ago since she last performed here. A play that had been made up on the fly by a number of adventurers - including herself - during the time of Talona's plague. All the actors had fled the city, and a lord of some importance had paid a good deal of money to see a show. All present had cheered on their efforts. The performance went so well, that even 'Mad' Jack Flynn playing as the villain of the story, had a good time. Despite being defeated near the end. That was the time she was reminded of her dreams in younger years to take up the arts as her trade. Inspired, to raise the spirits of others regardless of how desperate the times were.

                        One more time should she have performed on stage between then and now. The play half-orcish bard Alex had written included her in one of the lead roles. Effort on her own part was needed to rewrite some of it in order to make it within the lines of decency, making it suitable for children while still including subtle references to adult themes in the text to provide a good laugh for those noticing them. Those plans were never put in practice, sadly, because the one who wrote it mysteriously disappeared from Sundren, never to be heard of again.

                        She herself would let herself be heard tonight. To the audience, but one man in it in particular. She would sing a song she had picked up in olden days that she remembered, and altered slightly in several places to better fit her personal context. Winning wasn't important, expressing herself was her reason for being here. Besides - while she could probably take Nocte and maybe the halfling Ashinet, whatever she had up her sleeve - with Osclow to compete against the chance of her getting the most votes would be almost nill.

                        Yashia was called behind the stage with the other performers for the night, and explained the rules by hostess Asliena, who appeared eager to get things rolling. Nocte would go first. Asliena went with him for the introduction and Ashinet, second to play, went with them to see the first act from backstage. Osclow stayed behind to tune his mandolin, playing a few low notes before disengaging his spellsong's influence, not about to let anyone but himself take advantage of it. Together with Yashia, who was glancing around, looking for something.

                        "Hmm... Do you know where the usual area for changing is, Os? The last time I did it hastily in the hallway. And that was just putting on a suit of platemail over my padding. Was still rather tight, I might add, as it belonged to a dwarf."

                        The only true master bard here looked at her with a smirk. "I promise not to peek."

                        "I guess you'd be free to, as long as I don't notice you doing it." She grinned back at him, winked and made an overly exaggerated swing of her hip with her hand placed against it.

                        Osclow's face reddened. Was he actually considering to do what she joked about? "You.. you are trying to distract me.. It will not work. I am a professional!" he protested in a somewhat shaky voice.

                        Yashia laughed warmly, and so their talking wouldn't disrupt Asliena's focus - who was standing not far away from them and might still hear what they were saying - she moved to stand beside Osclow to continue their talk in whispers "I'm just messing around a little bit, Os. Don't worry, I'd rather hear you perform at your best. It's enjoyable to me too, you know."

                        "Then may the best performer win tonight," said Osclow who seemed to regain his calm.

                        "Yes. I do hope so too, and that the audience isn't too biased in my favor." She sighed softly, then put a smile back on her face and spinned on her heels to get dressed in a corner of the room they were standing in. A modest brown dress was the one she chose. One and the same she would have worn in the 'baker-girl' role Alex had laid out for her in his play about the slayer of goblins with a hatred for music.


                        • #57
                          On her way back to stand and listen with Osclow to the current act, Yashia overheard the bard mutter something about his distaste with some of the 'freaks' he knew in the valley. No doubt he was talking about Nocte, who was blurting borderline heretic texts on the stage.

                          "... Decided that something simple and modest would be the most appropriate."

                          That he didn't see her as a freak, at least, was confirmed soon enough. Osclow's eyes widened a bit and his brim shielded a mild degree of returning redness "It looks lovely on you..."

                          "Hey," Yashia grinned and poked Osclow playfully with her index finger. "You're starting to sound and look like Cirion now."

                          The artist gave her a mock-offended look. "Hey now, you take that back."

                          "I'm not taking back the truth. Unless you ask really, really nicely. Then..." she rolled her eyes upwards in their sockets, pretending to think it through. "Maybe."

                          "You going to make me beg?"

                          "If all else fails, you might have to!"

                          "Ah well.. there are far worse individuals in this valley to be compared to." He looked to her from the corner of his eyes. Yashia had her head lowered in a soft smile. "You know I am only teasing," Osclow went on, "Cirion is a good man. Truly good."

                          She sighed and looked from the floor up to the ceiling. "He is. He has his heart in the right place, and he is so - "

                          "Mmm?.." The bard leaned in a little closer, his sixth sense telling him that she was keeping something to herself. "Yashia... is something the matter?"

                          "Well, I love him. Let's just leave it at that. And..." she paused to bite her lip. "This is the only way I can tell him..."

                          Their talk was distracted now by Asliena, who came in wondering where the supposed second participant of tonight's contest had gone. Disappeared, 'using hin tricks and whatnot.' Apparently the same had happened last time she had entered the competition, so it didn't come as a complete surprise and the hostess was ready to ask Osclow to take her place as the second performer.


                          • #58
                            A scream from the audience alerted the talking three that something was not quite right about the near-end of Nocte's song. Yashia ran to the side of the stage to see just what was going on. In front of her was standing an animated skeleton, making odd rhythmic movements and singing the final verse of the song.

                            "Undead?!" she cried out in anger to Nocte, realizing that this was his doing. A whispered Damnation from behind her informed that another agreed with her stance. And at least three more - Cybil, Andy and Cirion - rose up from the crowd to express the same opinion.

                            "Don't worry!" Asliena called out in an attempt to keep things under control. "It's all part of the act!"

                            "Raising the fallen from the dead for entertainment purposes is far from acceptable!" Yashia let her voice be heard again from behind the stage. She grasped for her weapons and was ready to run up to the tiefling to intervene, but she didn't have them with her. And by the time she could get them, Nocte would already be gone.

                            Cybil stood right in front of the stage and also didn't have any intention to let him get away with this. "Would you care to follow us to the legion, Nocte?"

                            "Are you a law enforcement authority? I'm afraid not." He sneered back, and walked off the stage on the other side from where Osclow and Yashia were standing. Yashia took a quick peek past the curtains, and noticed that Cirion was heading outside while Cybil and Andy held the door to prevent anyone from getting out. Assured that there would be no escape, she ran the long way around to try and intercept Nocte wherever he was hiding.

                            Meanwhile, Asliena walked in front of the crowd to keep the peace and a 'the show must go on' mentality, whatever the circumstances. "Wasn't that entertaining?" she said while clapping her hands and doing her best to keep a smile on her face. Not doing a very good job at it due to the obvious anger hidden not too deep beneath the surface. "Nocte never disappoints nor fails to shock the people of this land. Nor does the next performer I'm about to announce."

                            Osclow was also ready to take the stage and seemed to adopt the same mindset Asliena did. Behind the scenes Yashia was alone in trying to find the necromancer. And she did with ease, since he wasn't trying to hide... yet.

                            "What is wrong with you?" she uttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

                            Carelessly, Nocte looked back at her and shrugged. "I don't know. I was bored."

                            With a snap of his fingers, a spell was cast and the tiefling vanished from sight. Yashia gritted her teeth and groaned, wanting to intervene, but being too late at it. The door to the public area of the theatre opened and Yashia swiftly leapt in front to prevent his escape. Teeth still bared and her fists clenched, she waited. But he never tried to pass. After a while it occured to her that he had simply taken another route when she had tried to stop him, and in frustration she gave up her chase as he could be anywhere. She'd have to wait until help arrived for a search.

                            Asliena came in her direction, not looking too happy herself. "Animating the remains of the dead is against Sundren Law, Asliena.. You should know it is." Yashia said to her.

                            "Stupid nocte. I'm going to kill him later for this," the sea elf grumbled to herself, but not without allowing Yashia to hear.

                            "He isn't leaving this place and getting away with it. He will be apprehended."

                            Asliena waved her hand dismissively. "Yeah I don't care go ahead. The bastard beat the crap out of me one day anyways. I don't give a damn."

                            "Just ensure that this place remains locked up from all sides until someone arrives who can see the invisible.. The bastard is hard to find for a normal law enforcement officer like this."

                            The elven bard grinned at the displays of Osclow and his puppet-show, signalling Yashia that right now she didn't want to have to think about it all too much. Herself she had difficulty getting her mind off of Nocte's crossing the line by a mile, but eventually she did get caught up in the masterful current act's humor. A few minutes of entertainment was all she received before a city guard marched through the halls and passed the women backstage, but he looked too annoyed to accept any more help 'in his way' than Cybil.

                            "I hope he finds him.." Yashia uttered.

                            "Me too. The idiot needs to die."

                            "... That is a bit excessive. Let the state decide what fate he deserves. They won't be easy on him due to his heritage to begin with. Jailtime or banishment are among the possible punishments he could be given for this, but I don't expect execution."

                            No more words were shared, and they just watched and listened to the finale of the bard and his puppet's song. A bow meant it was over, and from the applause it sounded like most people had loved it, bar perhaps a single overly negative yawn from the audience out of spite. The voice of which, oddly enough, cheered loudly at the exchange of Osclow's position with Asliena, who came on stage to present the final contestant.
                            Last edited by Kaeldorn; 01-20-2009, 09:29 AM.


                            • #59
                              "You are up, milady." Osclow said as he retired from the spotlights for now, his part done.

                              A smile of his was met with Yashia's own. "You did well, Os." she replied.

                              "Thank you.. though Motley needs work." The puppet dressed like a jester, who had constantly been belittling the bard and mocked with with each of his lines, revealed itself once more. The same hater raised her voice again, at which Osclow immediately jumped to the defensive again, using his puppet-voice for counter insults and forcing Yashia to chuckle a bit.

                              But now it was her turn. Asliena called her to the scene. She wasn't usually afraid, not of the things that would make a normal man cower in fear. Though at this point, she wasn't quite so sure. Was it right to go through with this, despite others already trying to find the criminal in hiding? Would she be able to even bring her message across in the right way with all those other thoughts crossing her mind? The audience had come to enjoy a show, to the end of it. She might not do as well as her predecessor, but she didn't want to disappoint. And there were several friends - at second glance many more than she had at first seen before the competition had taken off - had come here to see and support her. Yashia waved, thankfully greeting them.

                              She couldn't let them down. Thinking about it, she probably wouldn't stand much of a chance at finding Nocte without Shadowbane around to sniff him out to begin with. Shadowbane... her faithful companion. Yashia hadn't seen him for quite some time. He hadn't much of a place within the walls of the city where she had spent the most of her life in the past weeks, though. A concern for later.

                              Now she had to show what she had, in terms of musical capability. The crowd was restless, much commotion distracting her further from what she wished to do. So she took out that other companion, one that wouldn't say much without her putting her lips to it. Improvising a prelude on the flute until the hectics died down somewhat. And then, then she sang the song. Something personal mostly intended for the ears of Cirion, who sat on the front row watching her. Listening, as best as he could through what noise there still remained.

                              You have often dreamed, of a place to be
                              Where a hero's welcome, would await your return
                              Where the people smile, when your face they see
                              And a voice keeps saying, this is all for which you yearn

                              You'll be there someday, you can go the distance
                              You will find your way, if you can be strong
                              I know ev'ry mile, will be worth your while
                              When you go the distance, you'll be right where you belong

                              Down an unknown road, to embrace my fate
                              Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
                              And a thousand years, would be worth the wait
                              It might take a lifetime, but somehow I'll see it through

                              And I won't look back, I can go the distance
                              Might have gone off-track, though my destiny I’ll meet
                              It's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hope
                              Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete

                              But to reach beyond our limits is the hardest part
                              For each and ev’ryone around us has our heart

                              Like a shooting star, we will go the distance
                              We will search the world, we will face its harms
                              I don't care how far, we can go the distance
                              Till you find your hero's welcome, waiting in my arms

                              We will search the world, we will face its harms
                              Till I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your arms


                              • #60
                                Her singing came to a close, the message hopefully brought across. At first there was silence, as the audience made sure her performance was wholly completed. But within moments, they let themselves be heard with an applause that she hadn't quite expected. Not a roaring crowd save one eccentric halfling, but one of which most did at the very least appreciate her addition to the evening. It gave a sense of fulfillment. She only showed that with a smile and a slight bow, before walking off the stage again to make things continue as quickly as possible. There being matters of urgence to be handled as soon as the show was over.

                                Yashia watched silently from the side while Asliena weaved the last bits of the night to a fitting whole. Excusing herself once more for the trouble there had been, and soon thereafter asking votes for the night's three performances.

                                "Just wonderful Yashia." Sounded a voice from the door behind her. It was Nocte. He was still here, walking around in hiding through the use of whatever magic it was that he bore.

                                "Don't worry i'll be turning myself in after all the performances." He continued.

                                Yashia turned to where the whispering came from, and sternly nodded. "You had better."

                                "If I feel like it... Now tell mem what did you think of my act?"

                                "Well, the lyrics 'suited' you. And it wasn't badly made for a song. But the undead?" Yashia groaned in disapproval. "What were you thinking?"

                                "For shock... and entertainment value." He carelessly replied. "It's the way of the future of entertainment. People don't love comedy or stories they want to be terrified, they want to feel vunerable. Makes us all aware of our mortality and the reality of the matter."

                                "What you did was wrong. You should have opted for illusion instead, that would be tolerated. But not this."

                                Merely a hesitant two from the audience voted for what Nocte had done to be the winning performance. "Those wishing to vote for Osclow please raise your hands," spoke Asliena.

                                Away from everyone's sight, even Yashia's, Nocte raised his hand the first. Something that would have brought a tie to the final standings, as would forever remain unnoticed. "Illusion wouldn't have given the proper effect..." he protested quietly.

                                "It doesn't matter. You should be ashamed of yourself, nocte."

                                "I'm ashamed that my audiance is ignorant."

                                The ending of votes for Osclow were called, merely two again, to which Yashia wildly waved her hand to draw Asliena's attention. "... can we vote?"

                                "What do you mean we?" uttered Nocte aloud and in panic. "I told you not to tell them!"

                                Yashia and him both looked at eachother - Yashia perhaps through him - shocked and speechless for a split second. Nocte was the quickest to act. "Bail!" he said as he ran away.

                                "Damn it!" Yashia's frustrations grew. As did Cybil's, her words were an exact copy.

                                There was not a whole lot to do until she could get help again, though. And thus Yashia decided to finish this quickly, doing her part in it too. "Well... My vote is Osclow's." She declared.

                                It didn't make any difference. When the voting for Yashia began, she had amassed more support from the audience than the only real bard did. Unfair, she thought to herself. And she became even more doubtful when the reward money was offered by hostess Asliena. She didn't want to take it, but not doing so would require her to explain, lest she'd let down the ones who supported her. There was no time for that. There was trouble backstage with Nocte from what she could hear, and thus she modestly accepted the gift and ran off-stage to join up with the others there. It was always possible to donate it to charity later.

                                A number of people had gathered around Nocte, who had been hiding in a corner of the stairs leading down to the storage facilities. He pretended innocence, or at least that anything he had done wasn't really all that bad by twisting with words, as he usually did. The guard had already left long ago, his search given up. None of the remaining could rightfully take him along.

                                The crowd had mostly dissipated when the small group followed Nocte -freely - to the barracks of the City Watch, and even more split off when they decided it would appear too much like a lynch mob if all six escorted him further. Just Yashia and Cybil went. The favored had magic to prevent another possible escape through the use of invisibility, while she herself had been there to witness the most of Nocte's words and misdeeds inside the theatre.

                                The tiefling took out a bunch of scrolls and readily handed them over to Yashia. "Here," he said, "you probably want those as evidence."

                                She briefly looked over a couple of them, quickly being informed of Nocte's intention. Her brows furrowed somewhat. The corrupted power of necromancy might not have flown through him naturally, but the use of this magic was still not to be tolerated. Yashia shook her head and gave the handfull of parchment covered in vile magical inscriptions back. "It's best that you keep them, it might make a difference in how they perceive your case. As a necromancer, or just an irresponsible magic-user."

                                Besides that, Yashia also had a hunch that Nocte would try to misdirect the watch by claiming 'she had taken those scrolls from him', or something similar. And confiscating property was far beyond what she was authorized to do. No mention had to be made of it, and for the most part they just waited from there.

                                And waited... and waited.

                                Eventually, they were asked to return at a later time. The usual officer handling this sort of thing had taken a day off work, and none of those present wanted to stick his nose into it. The late news gave them no choice but to walk away without having things sorted out as they should have been.

