- Creature strength adjusted for Shar's Abaddon, Argyle Keep, and Ixis Island (careful, CR increase here!)
- Banners placed in many new areas - go explore!
- Loot added in many spots where it was missing previously - explore some more!
- Adventurer supply store in Exigo for potions, bandages, arrows and the like
- Summon I - IX strength increased; undead summon strength decreased, but survivability increased
- Magic item drops available in most areas now - explore even more!
- Banners placed in many new areas - go explore!
- Loot added in many spots where it was missing previously - explore some more!
- Adventurer supply store in Exigo for potions, bandages, arrows and the like
- Summon I - IX strength increased; undead summon strength decreased, but survivability increased
- Magic item drops available in most areas now - explore even more!