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Playing Sundren without SoZ

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  • #16
    I played for half an hour yesterday (my first time on) without the expansion. I guess I missed the announcement that said SoZ was needed here. Everything works fine except the boats (including the one in the opening cutscene) are invisible. I lagged out while my comp tried to pathfind my way off the boat. Everything else seems to be fine though. I would stay away from the SoZ classes they added. The icons will show up missing for them on our character creation screens. I would assume if there are any new monsters in SoZ that have been added to Sundren you might find yourself being attacked by invisible things since you won't have the models on your comp.

    You do not get the message "server and client versions do not match" and get booted like you did in NWN1.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nikko View Post
      I played for half an hour yesterday (my first time on) without the expansion. I guess I missed the announcement that said SoZ was needed here. Everything works fine except the boats (including the one in the opening cutscene) are invisible. I lagged out while my comp tried to pathfind my way off the boat. Everything else seems to be fine though. I would stay away from the SoZ classes they added. The icons will show up missing for them on our character creation screens. I would assume if there are any new monsters in SoZ that have been added to Sundren you might find yourself being attacked by invisible things since you won't have the models on your comp.

      You do not get the message "server and client versions do not match" and get booted like you did in NWN1.
      Yes but you will make the server unstable and your client doing in. That "lagging out" will not be localized to you, it will affect other people too. I can't stress enough that you should get the expansion to play, it costs some 30 dollars which isn't much to pay considering Sundren is free.
      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

      George Carlin


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nikko View Post
        I played for half an hour yesterday (my first time on) without the expansion. I guess I missed the announcement that said SoZ was needed here. Everything works fine except the boats (including the one in the opening cutscene) are invisible. I lagged out while my comp tried to pathfind my way off the boat. Everything else seems to be fine though. I would stay away from the SoZ classes they added. The icons will show up missing for them on our character creation screens. I would assume if there are any new monsters in SoZ that have been added to Sundren you might find yourself being attacked by invisible things since you won't have the models on your comp.

        You do not get the message "server and client versions do not match" and get booted like you did in NWN1.
        Yes but you will make the server unstable and your client doing it. That "lagging out" will not be localized to you, it will affect other people too. I can't stress enough that you should get the expansion to play, it costs some 30 dollars which isn't much to pay considering Sundren is free.
        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

        George Carlin


        • #19
          Quite, Saulus is right! When most of us donate more than the expansion is worth; it hardly seems adequate to short change yourself by compromising the server with crashes!

          To play computer games at all is an expensive business; if you have the time you should have the money (considered if time is money and you have too much time; vast generalisation perhaps?)
          Originally posted by roguethree
          If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


          • #20
            I think in the US if you want to order it online Amazon does the best price I can find of $27.99
            and in the UK it's hard to say cos people keep changing the price due to post Xmas sales and variations in how well it is selling etc. I got it before Xmas for £9.99 on play.com they still seem to be the cheapest but the price has risen to £14.99

            I think it didn't sell well in the UK at first and so the price dropped dramatically but as more and more Player worlds are upgrading to SoZ people now want to buy it and the price is rising as the pack becomes more neccessary.

            Point being, I think this product is getting more expensive as time goes on.

            Worth considering IMO
            If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
            Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


            • #21
              'sides you want the expansion for swashbuckler class. Or if you ever win rp of the month hellfire warlock...em neat.
              blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
              Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
              I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

              Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


              • #22
                So I've been away for quite some time and updated nwn2 and ran the sundren updater and logged in not even knowing there was a 2nd expansion. I had never been on sundren until last night, well the ship scene worked perfectly, (very unexpected suprise) but after talking to the first npc I utterly lagged out. I am currently 84% done D/Ling the xpansion though and hope to be issue free on sundren from here on out.

                See you all in game!
                "Veni, Vidi, Vici." ~Julius Caesar


                • #23

                  Please remember playing without SoZ can have unexpected results both for your client and for the server - lagging, crashes, non-displayed content - therefore affecting ALL the players online, not just you.

                  Please be courteous.
                  Annaleen Wiltenholm-There's always something to smile about.
                  Chani Kalera- Intimidation is the new diplomacy. *looms*
                  Eleanor "Bloody Elle" Lark - Why is the rum always gone?
                  Yolanda Brown - If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is going to suck.
                  Astrid Hammerhand - Och!

