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  • #16
    Lol , everything about good ol sean. Oh what is this... oh is it.. yes it is. *Beats sean with a 2x4, then hide's the corpse*
    Nothing yet.

    Forgottens, as time has slip, so have they.
    Varnz Fury - Born again Druid
    Luke Harper - Seadog of the Sea.


    • #17
      Originally posted by sharringtonm View Post
      I'd love to see Zak get his ass wupped. That's Lollercide's Tiefling right?
      Man, why you gotta play a tiefling like that?


      What ever happened to bros before hos?
      "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

      Originally posted by DM Cornuto
      Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


      • #18
        Originally posted by sharringtonm View Post
        I'd love to see Zak get his ass wupped. That's Lollercide's Tiefling right? Cause I play Zek'Attar, and he plays Zack.
        Heh, mere semantics, the sentiment is still the same. That dude's so evil even evil people don't like him
        Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

        "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


        • #19
          Just to do something absolutely sack-of-bats crazy and get this thread back on track, simply to make a bucket-of-frogs insane suggestion, I'll say this:

          Why not spend this period of bumpy but certainly not in any way intollerable lag doing something positive and constructive (not to mention outlandishly unthinkable) such as playing and developing your character rather than declaring a roleplaying game hideously broken on the basis that you can't indulge in combat without the threat of being killed?

          Rather than complain about one single element apparrently being removed from a multi-faceted pastime such as this, take the time to smell the roses, ruffle a gnome's hair and enjoy a different element of the experience, rather than write off the whole thing completely.

          Everything will be fixed, smoothed and ironed out eventually, as it always has been in the past, it just requires a little patience on the part of the players.

          It just seems to me that saying "I refuse to play this game anymore without fighting!" about a game and world as rich and involving as this is about as helpful and insightful as saying "I can't drive this stupid car, it has no sunroof."
          Juniper Thimbles, aka Juney, Blueberry, Maggie, Magpie or Queenie, depending who you ask:
          Ex-Seamstress, Wannabe Collector, and Machiavellian Maker of Mischief.
          'Cherries or Strawberries? Rain or Shine? Cats or Dogs? Cake or Pie?'

          Juney's Super-Sparkly Triple-New theme tune:


          • #20
            Wow, Juney's right for once. I can't drive my car anymore without a sun roof... *Gets a pickaxe and perforates the roof of his car* There we go! Now I can let the light filter in on me!
            Daelus Bloodmoon (a.k.a. "Thistlegrasper") - Ranger, untrusting and sarcastic ne'er-do-well, and overall jerk.

            Dae's theme (For now at least): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdNh9f2Wwm0


            • #21
              How dare I be accused of being the number one person to say "I died and it's not my fault". You're making fun of my RDS(1).

              (1)RDS - Random Death Syndrom

              To Mold a Mind:

              "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."


              • #22
                It's posts like this that absolutely demotivate me from logging onto Sundren, working on Sundren, etc... and then I just go play TF2 and ignore the forums.

                Just in case anyone was curious.
                The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                George Carlin


                • #23
                  And if we're curious uh.. What kind of posts motivate you to stop playing TF2 and log on Sundren to powerlevel my PCs to 30?

                  I mean... Just curious... You know.
                  "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

                  Originally posted by DM Cornuto
                  Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


                  • #24
                    Which part demotivates you? The original concept, or where I intentionally derailed it into pure silliness to make people forget about the original concept?


                    • #25
                      What if I donated now would that be any help to re-motivate ya Saulus? Love playin ya server, thanx for the hard work! (goes to make a donation)
                      "Who needs a plan when you've got an Axe!"
                      Gael Ironhide

                      Link to my GF's articles: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/pnmnp2


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Urithrand View Post
                        Heh, mere semantics, the sentiment is still the same. That dude's so evil even evil people don't like him
                        I know a certain group that likes Zek, well it may "liking" born of terror, but they say they like him to his face.


                        • #27
                          Geex, cant a guy take a slushy break or something from sundren? Yes i RP quite abit in the game as is, though i have a love for the combat so i normaly do both together. Sorry if im not compeletly thrilled about standing around an open fire with a beer in hand going "Yup, uh huh, mmhmmm".
                          If im "LOVED" this much, i'll freaken come back... but first i need do something because i know someone going to be "Im the reason he came back"

                          *Lites Sean on fire, pushes him over and stomps repeatedly on his crotch*
                          "IS the fire out yet?!"
                          Nothing yet.

                          Forgottens, as time has slip, so have they.
                          Varnz Fury - Born again Druid
                          Luke Harper - Seadog of the Sea.


                          • #28
                            I love reading these forums...

                            *laughs out loud at desk causing co-workers to ask "what's so funny?"*
                            Ru'umel Amakiir - Ranger of the Corps de Grace
                            Will Smither - Imbuer of some, Master of None...
                            Zelom Silverstar - Evangelistic singing elf
                            Originally posted by Machiavelli
                            "What in hells are you doin' with my chicken?"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DeathRose52 View Post
                              Geex, cant a guy take a slushy break or something from sundren? Yes i RP quite abit in the game as is, though i have a love for the combat so i normaly do both together. Sorry if im not compeletly thrilled about standing around an open fire with a beer in hand going "Yup, uh huh, mmhmmm".
                              If im "LOVED" this much, i'll freaken come back... but first i need do something because i know someone going to be "Im the reason he came back"

                              *Lites Sean on fire, pushes him over and stomps repeatedly on his crotch*
                              "IS the fire out yet?!"
                              Oh was this thread about you?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by sharringtonm View Post
                                Oh was this thread about you?

                                Hrm...can it be about me now?
                                Larando de'Kaun: Larando's history.
                                Originally posted by Gabryal
                                is it just me or is Larando kind of the Monty Python of villains? It seems that everything he tries doesn't just go wrong, but horribly so
                                Cazador: The marauding beast's heart.
                                "The Hunt must be clean. If disease or affliction is visited on hunters by a beast, clergy of Malar must do all they can to root out and exterminate the taint, that bloodlines and beasts in the wild remain always strong." -The gospel of Saernclaws

